JCGS 40th Anniversary Celebration Saturday, May 11, 2024 @ 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Hybrid Meeting: Attend online via Zoom or in-person at the Tri-Area Community Center, 10 West Valley Road, Chimacum, WA Join us in marking our 40th Anniversary with a full-day event that includes live vendors, awards for long-term contributors, and – of course – cake! Guest speaker and internationally known genealogist Michelle Leonard will also be joining us live from Scotland for two presentations. Registration is required. Please CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. Registration deadline: May 5, 2024. $25 for Non-Members (includes an individual one-year membership) Free for Members but you must register To register and you are not a member, complete the registration form and submit payment via the following options: PayPal via JCGS website (https://wajcgs.org/jcgs-40th-anniversary/) Mail a check to: JCGS Class, PO Box 627, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (please allow five business days for mail delivery) If you are a JCGS member, attendance is free, but you MUST register by completing the registration form. A Zoom link will be sent to registrants on May 8, 2024. For those planning to attend in person, the doors to the Tri-Area will open at 9:30 a.m. to allow you to sign in, get a name tag, grab some coffee or tea, and find a seat. You will have an opportunity to meet and mingle with old friends (and perhaps make some new ones!) and fellow genealogists in the large meeting room until the first presentation begins at 10 a.m. We will have a short break between the two presentations. First Presentation: Begins at 10 a.m. Tools for Researching Your English and Scottish Ancestors Second Presentation: Begins at 11:30 a.m. Case Studies: Solving Ancestor Mysteries with Help from DNA Michelle Leonard is a Scottish professional genealogist and expert DNA detective. She runs her own genealogy and DNA consultancy business, Genes & Genealogy, and specializes in DNA Detective work, particularly the solving of adoption, unknown parentage, and all manner of ancestor mysteries. She is a regular speaker at major genealogy events such as RootsTech, The Genealogy Show, Family Tree Live, Back to Our Past, and Who Do You Think You Are? She co-authored Tracing Your Ancestors Using DNA: A Guide for Family Historians, published in 2019. |