Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe Seminar

Subject: 2015 Convention, Society for German genealogy in Eastern Europe
From:    “Joyce Guasch” <>

Dear fellow researchers,

The Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe (SGGEE) will hold their
2015 Convention in Gatineau, Quebec from August 7-9. Our theme this year is
Researching Our German Roots in Poland and the Russian Empire.
SGGEE members will be available for research consultations and registration
packets will be distributed the evening of August 6. Sessions will include
presentations on the genealogy, culture and history of Germans who migrated
through Poland, Volhynia, and surrounding areas. Information about SGGEE as
an organization and a pdf publicity poster are now available on the website:
The Convention registration form and a detailed list of speakers and topics
will be posted on the Convention link at
<>  as plans are finalized.  Links to registration with
the hotel which has provided a convention rate from August 5-10 and a list
of additional accommodations will also be made available.

We appreciate your interest in our organization. We look forward to
providing you with more information about this year’s Convention soon and
hope some of your members will be able to attend.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I attaching a pdf
of our brochure if you would like to make some available to your members.
Joyce Welke Guasch
Publicity Committee