Eastside Genealogy Society News Flash


The Eastside Genealogical Society will meet on Thursday, October 8, 2015 in the LDS Bellevue South Stake Center, 15205 SE 28th St, Bellevue 98007 at 7pm, with doors opening at 6:30 pm for networking.

Topic:  Cyndi Howells, owner & developer of Cyndi’s List, (a comprehensive list of genealogical sites on the Internet), will address the topic of “Searching in the Deep Web”.  She will explore resources that are invisible to Google and hidden deep within websites and proprietary databases.


Anticipating a huge interest in this topic and our presenter, the location of this meeting will be changed to accommodate more attendees.  The location will be at the LDS Bellevue South Stake Center, which is located across 148th Ave from Bellevue College, behind the LDS Temple.  Parking is around the building and in the open lot between the temple and the fire station.


The new Seattle Family Discovery Center, a multimedia approach to sharing genealogy with all ages, is located in the same building & will be open at 6pm for a short walk-thru. Reservations for a full hour tour can be made online atfamilysearch.org/discoverycenter/seattle  .


Also see our website for FREE genealogical help and other Special Interest Group meetings —  www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~wakcegs/  .  Visitors are always welcome at all meetings.


Dorothy Pretare

EGS Publicity Chairperson



2 comments on “Eastside Genealogy Society News Flash

  1. Pat Hert says:

    Please post the address of the LDS Bellevue South Stake Center.

  2. Donna Potter Phillips says:

    “Pat” posted a comment: please post the address of the Bellevue Stake Center……… good idea and we thank you, Pat. However, your query might should have been directed to the Eastside Gen Soc publicity person Dorothy Pretare……. her email was given. I live in Spokane; I just know it’s just north off I-90 at the exit where the shopping center and LDS temple (visible on the hill) is….. the Stake Center is just beyond the temple.

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