“History of Photography” coming to the TriCity Genealogical Society

The TriCity Genealogical Society will meet at 7 pm at Charbonneau located at 8264 W Grandridge Boulevard in Kennewick on March 9, 2016. We will enjoy a presentation on the history of photography by Rick Reil.

RickReilRick Reil, owner of Realife Photography, is known as one of the nation’s top portrait photographers. Along with a distinguished lineup of educational accomplishments, Rick adds his certification by the Professional Photographers of America. His work has been enjoyed in major U.S. publications as both a contributing photographer and also as coauthor.

Rick’s depth of understanding photography doesn’t apply to only understanding how to obtain dynamic photographs. He has a rich appreciation of the history of photography. During his presentation on the history of photography he will also have a display of various types of historical photographs and antique cameras. Bring your undated photographs for a session immediately following the presentation to have Rick help you obtain an estimated time frame of your photograph.

To get to our new meeting location enter the main door at Charbonneau. Continue through the foyer and past the dining room. Our meeting room is the first room on the left.

For more information contact Susan Davis Faulkner at 509-554-1050 or denmother4@hotmail.com