Seattle Genealogical Society Tip of the Week


Tip of the Week – DNA LECTURES

Each spring one of the world’s largest family history events “Who Do You Think You Are? Live” is held in Birmingham, England.  Also known as “WDYTYAL” the principal sponsor is

One of the major exhibitors at “WDYTYAL” is FamilyTree DNA who presents their ever popular DNA lecture series.   They have recorded some of these presentations and made them available on YouTube.  There are over 30 lectures in all; not only from this year, but also some from 2014 and 2015.

A few of the titles available to you from this year’s show are :

DNA demystified – A Beginner’s Guide to genetic genealogy, with Debbie Kennett, 55 mins
Finding Family with DNA testing: a genetic detective story, with Richard Hill, 37 mins
Genetic genealogy in the 21st century, with Katherine Borges. 27 mins
Autosomal DNA – how to use it in practice, with Maurice Gleeson, 55 mins

To see all the titles,  go to  and search for “DNA Lectures – Who Do You Think You Are?”  or use this link :