Whatcom County Gen Society Newsflash

O Canada: Children of a Common Mother, Heritage Weekend — April 21-23, 2017in the Skagit Valley.

We hope you can attend (registration is on-line beginning January 2) and also help us spread the word by sharing the PDFs with others and/or printing them out to post in your community.
There are activities on Friday evening and Sunday morning to complement the full day seminar on Saturday — Plus, the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival has activities that weekend that the rest of your
family can enjoy while you attend the genealogy seminar and history tour of Burlington.  The O Canada theme is in honor of Canada’s 150th Anniversary of Confederation. The official holiday is July 1, but
we wanted to show our cousins coming from across the Pacific Northwest the Skagit Valley at its most brilliant — during tulip time. Look also for our announcement in the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival brochure.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you and your genealogy friends on the weekend of April 21-23, 2017.

Happy Holidays!

Margie Wilson, SVGS V-P
(360) 757-6224 / genealogy0715@gmail.com
SVGS website for registration on-line after Jan. 2, 2017: skagitvalleygenealogy.org