Do you realize you can zoom in and zoom out on any web page using just your keyboard? No need to have a touch screen or a touchpad.
This works on virtually any operating system – Windows, Mac OS, or Chrome OS. On a Mac, the Command key takes the place of the CTRL key; otherwise, it is the same.
You’ll be using the control key (marked CTRL) , the plus key (marked +), and the zero key (numeric 0).
To zoom in, just hold down the CTRL key and tap the + key at the same time. Each tap will increase the size of the font/images on the web page in front of you.
To zoom out, just hold down the CTRL key and tap the – key at the same. Each tap will decrease the size of the font/images on the web page in front of you.
To reset everything on the web page to its original default size, hold down the CTRL key and tap the 0 once.
Easy to remember, too. Use plus to zoom in, minus to zoom out, and zero to reset to the original default. Try it now.
Thanks for this tip! I didn’t know this. Now if I will only remember the next time I want to zoom…