Skagit Valley Genealogical Society presents:
An Introduction to Jewish Genealogy
by professional genealogist Lily Bogash
BURLINGTON – Join the Skagit Valley Genealogical Society in exploring how to research your Jewish ancestors on Sat., October 12 from 1-3 pm at the Burlington Public Library, 820 E. Washington Ave. The featured guest speaker is professional genealogist Lily Bogash Kohn who will present, “An Introduction to Jewish Genealogy.” Ms Kohn will discuss how to get started in researching your Jewish ancestry, explore helpful US and international research resources and websites, consider historical context in your research, and offer other helpful resources specific to Jewish genealogy. Ms. Kohn’s presentation will also include her own personal journey of discovering her Jewish ancestors in Europe through visiting cemeteries and ancestral sites. These educational programs are presented in partnership with the Burlington Public Library. The public is welcome and admission is free. For further details call (360) 757-6224 or (360) 755-0760 or visit or