German Interest Group of The Eastside Genealogical Society Finding 19th Century Immigrants

The German Interest Group of The Eastside Genealogical Society (EGS)meeting

When: Friday, June 4, 2021 from 12:30 to 2:30 pm PDT – Virtually

Topic: “Finding my 19th Century Immigrants from Germanic Europe”   

Shares the successful conclusion to a 20-year search for the town of origin of a 19th century immigrant ancestor from Germanic Europe. The presenter also reviews the successful conclusions for three additional 19th century immigrants from Germanic Europe, how those successes were achieved, and the research tools & methods used. Researchers are encouraged to modify and adapt these tools and methods to best suit their own endeavors.   

Presenter: David S. Raese  

Growing up, my grandmother often recalled stories told to her by her grandparents, all four of whom were immigrants from Germanic Europe. However, many decades later when I began asking about them and traveling to Germany myself as an exchange student, she did not know the names of the towns where her grandparents were from, and did not know any names of her great-grandparents. Not a single one. Shortly before 2000, I began researching their origins in the records. Researching actual records is entirely different than solely relying upon family stories. It was an eye-opening experience. I quickly learned, and managed to locate the towns of origin for three out of four of her grandparents. The fourth grandparent was successfully found this year, just a few weeks ago. This is my story. 

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