Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society (BIGS)
February 7, 2022
On February 18,2022, at 10AM on Zoom, Thomas MacEntee will present:
“Are You Ready for the 1950 Census?”
If you are new to genealogy in the past 9 years you’ve never lived through the release of a new U.S. Census. If you’ve been at it longer than that you know it hasn’t always been a smooth process at the outset. Either way, you are probably anxious to learn what has happened to some of those folks you traced to the 1940 Census.
The release is scheduled to happen in less than 2 months, on April 1, 2022. It will likely be some months after that before the major online genealogy services have indexed the data so that you can find 1950 census information as easily as you can now search other online data. So, join us and get up to speed on how and why the 1950 US Census form is radically different than pervious forms, and how you can go about accessing the data immediately on and after the release date.
Thomas will cover how you can prepare now to hit the ground running on April 1.
It’s free, and the public is most welcome! Pick up your Zoom link at our website, the day before the meeting, April 17, at http://www.bigenealogy.org under “Events.”
Thank you!
Larry Noedel
Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society
This was a great program! Thank you, BIGS, for making this available to everyone, including non-members!