We’re thrilled to announce that Donna Potter Phillips, blogger extraordinaire, is returning to the WSGS Blog.

Donna is an enthusiastic lover of genealogy, history, humor and trivia and she wants to share it with you. In her upcoming column “Let’s Talk About…” (debuting on Monday), she’ll share what’s on her mind, lighten our days and educate us on a wide variety of topics. She previously authored weekly musings on the Blog from 2015 – 2019 — covering everything from upcoming genealogical events to the origins of the pretzel. And don’t forget her posts on the pedigree of Donald Duck and her suggestions to find when your ancestors arrived in the U.S. To read any of Donna’s previous postings, type “Monday,” “Tuesday,” “Wednesday,” or “Serendipity” into the Blog’s search bar. To read more about Donna, click here.
Welcome back, Donna! We’re looking forward to reading “Let’s Talk About…”
Yeah! Welcome back Donna! We’re looking forward to your words of wit and wisdom.