Clallam County Genealogical Society
Spring Seminar
Saturday, April 9, 2022
Featuring Lisa Alzo
Lisa Alzo, M.F.A. is an author of several genealogy Books and hundreds of Magazine articles. She is a contributing editor of Family Tree Magazine and a noted Webinar speaker. She has spoken at international conferences, webinars, historical and genealogical societies. An avid genealogist for more than 30 years, she specializes in Eastern European genealogical research, writing your family and using history to trace female and immigrant ancestors. This is a wonderful opportunity to listen to one of Americas leading genealogists.
Schedule and Topics:
9:15 am Registration
9:30 am Introductions, Announcements
9:45am Session I Crossing the Pond: Successful Strategies for Researching Eastern European Ancestors
11:00 am Session II Immigrant Cluster Communities: Past, Present and Future
12:45pm Session III Murder, Mayhem, and Town Tragedy
$40 for CCGS members. $50 for non-members and at the door.
Registration closes Tuesday, April 5th.
Checks should be made out to CCGS and sent to the Research Center at 403 E. 8th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362. One can use a credit card with the “Paypal” app available on our website, www.clallamcogs.org
The seminar will be a Zoom presentation. All are welcome to watch at the CCGS Research Center: 403 8th Street, Port Angeles, WA, or Zoom it at home. To Zoom it at home participants will need the meeting number and Zoom passcode.
The Passcode and Meeting Nos. will be sent out via Email upon receipt of funds.
For more information, call CCGS Tues-Fri:10am to 4pm or Saturday; noon to 4pm: 360-417-5000
or visit our website: www.clallamcogs.org