FamilyTree University is sponsoring a free interactive webinar called “Don’t Be Square — Discover Your Family in the 1950 Census.” Thursday, April 7 at 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time. The instructor will be Jim Ericson who manages the marketing efforts of FamilySearch in Europe and North America. Click here to sign up!
We live in a remarkable time! New technologies and process innovations will unlock billions of records for more people than ever. These records can help us to learn and discover information about our ancestors.
The innovations that Ancestry and FamilySearch are applying create a searchable index of the 1950 US Census. They also provide us a glimpse into the future of records publication and accessibility.
The creation of automated indexes using artificial intelligence and handwriting recognition technology—combined with volunteer crowdsourcing to review and improve the results—will usher in a new age of genealogical discovery.
What you’ll learn:
- What has happened since the 1950 census was released by NARA on April 1st?
- Why are Ancestry and FamilySearch working together to create a separate index?
- How will the index created by Ancestry and FamilySearch be made available?
- How can you participate in allowing everyone to experience this unique piece of history?