TCGS Members and Guests:
After being shut down for two years due to COVID, opened on a limited schedule for a few months, and then totally closed for renovations, the Richland Family History Center is now open!!!
Not only are we in a new location, but we also have a new phone number and a new schedule.
The entry to the new location is on the south side of the building, facing Dairy Queen, at the end of the delivery ramp.
The new phone number is 509-241-8310.
The news hours are:
Tuesday 10 am – 4 pm and 6 – 9 pm
Wednesday 6 – 9 pm
Thursday 10 am – 4 pm
Friday 10 am -1 pm
Additional hours may be added as becomes necessary.
The general meeting will be held on September 14th at 7 pm. The program will include a short overview of the Benton County Historical Society and Museum by Ryan Bennett and Southern Land Records by Veronica Anguiano.
Dan will be sending out the Zoom link next week.
We are excited to invite you to an open house for the newly renovated Richland Family History Center. The dates are tentatively set for October 12th and 13th. More information will be coming soon.
Based on the respondents to my last questionnaire, some people are excited to start meeting in person. The opportunity to meet in person or in a hybrid (a combination of both in-person and Zoom) meeting will be coming soon. We are trying to find a suitable, safe location.
It’s not too late to respond to my previous questionnaire.
The responses I have received show me you are still interested in genealogy and family research and even meeting in person but the TCGS Board can only do so much by itself. We need your input and your help!
Please let me know what kinds of programs you are interested in, who your favorite speakers are, or better yet if you would be willing to present a program.
As I was reminded the other night, everyone has something they can share ~ friendship.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
TCGS Librarian