The Richland FamilySearch Center is located at 1314 Jadwin Ave. in Richland. Entrance is down the ramp from the parking lot that is to the north of Dairy Queen.
Planning continues for further speakers in 2023 with the intention to have the presentations continue to occur on the second Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. On May 10 Ryan Bennett will be presenting at the East Benton County Museum and Historical Society – 205 Keewaydin Dr, Kennewick, WA 99336 – on Using Facial Recognition on MyHeritage and Google. On June 14 Margie Belden will be presenting on Taking the Next Step in Your Genealogical Research – location to be announced. Please mark your calendar.
Everyone is encouraged to join and / or renew their membership in TCGS. The links for renewal are on the TCGS web site at http://tricitygenealogicalsociety.org/q/join/join_renew/ or http://tricitygenealogicalsociety.org/q/wp-content/uploads/TCGSBrochure.pdf