Old newspaper stories sometimes make us laugh and sometimes cry. But they are always so interesting! Bet you have a collection of family newspaper stories……. here’s one for you:

On Friday, the 15th of July, 1921, this little bit was published in The Spokane Daily Chronicle:
“If Thelma May Spry, aged 17, can be found here, she will have the opportunity of going to the home of her aunt, Mrs. A.C. Seybert, 420 East South Street, Warren, Ohio, to live. A letter asking that the girl be found was received by the police today. According to the information sent by her aunt, the girl was placed in an orphan home here at the age of 12. At one time she stayed with a family named Craig on Fourth Avenue. A good home awaits the girl if she can be found, the letter says.”
Well! My interest being piqued, I did some quick looking in our Washington Digital Archives website.
On the 1910 census, taken 13 May 1910, in Minot, North Dakota, I found Ora Spry, widow, age 26, servant in the household, with children Thelma, age 6, and Sylvester, age 3, both children born in North Dakota.
On the 1920 census, taken 8 Jan 1920, for Crab Creek, Lincoln County, Washington, Thelma was born in North Dakota (parents in Virginia/New York) and was the “ward” of the Smith family.
I learned that Thelma Spry, of Multnomah County, Oregon, married Alfred B. Scott, also of Multnomah County, on December 20, 1922, in Clark County, Washington.
Poor dear Alfred died on 30 Jun 1930 in Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington. Cause of death? “Accidently burnt…clothing catching fire, while asleep, from cigar.”
Certainly looks like Aunt Mrs. Seybert, of Warren, Ohio, never found her niece. Sad. Never did learn what eventually became of Thelma Spry Scott.
Any descendants out there?