TIP OF THE WEEK – SEEK SCHOOL RECORDS Records kept by schools often list all the students attending the school and ages over time, as well as the parents names of each child. If you have a child in your tree whose death you can’t confirm — maybe they show up in one census and disappear in the next. You may be able to narrow down a likely year of death in school records. When did they disappear from the school attendance sheet? That may be the answer. These records can also paint a colorful picture of what the conditions in the school were like. If the teacher answered an annual survey question, ”What means of ventilation — good or bad?” by triple underlining her answer of “bad” year after year, that tells you a lot about your ancestor’s learning environment. | |
September 1, 2023 SGS eNews! comes out the first of every month. contact eNews! forward this email to a friend |