photos credit Dan Dennis and waldemar / Unsplash
Get ready to learn about some lesser-known record sources. SGS’s Fall Seminar will provide you with the information you need to make some exciting discoveries in your family tree. Our 3-Day conference kicks off Friday evening, Nov. 10, with sessions continuing the next day and the following Saturday, Nov. 18.
Register on the SGS website
“Polls, Personalty and Property – Making Sense of Tax Lists”

Somebody had to pay government’s bills, and they did it through the law by imposing taxes on polls, personal property and real property. The records of those taxes offer some of the best clues available to our ancestors, their families and their neighborhoods.

“Obituaries and Other Death Information in Online Newspapers”
Obituaries can be a bonanza for genealogical information and family stories, but other death information can also be found in newspapers. Learn how to find your ancestor’s death information in online newspaper archives, both U. S. and international.

“Probate Records: More Than Just Wills”
Will records are a great genealogical source but not all estates involve wills and estates without a will often have more genealogical information than those with wills. This session will discuss both testate (has a will) and intestate (without a will) estates and how you can use them to further your genealogical research.

Nicole Dyer
“Tax Records Tell the Story: Cluster and Neighborhood Research”
Learn how tax records can help locate individuals, identify neighborhood groupings, and separate individuals from others of the same name. (A case study)

“Digging into Death Certification Data to Uncover Family History and Family Health Information Treasures: A Physician’s Perspective”
We will discuss the fascinating history of recording death and then explore those death records in the US that contain a cause of death such as mortality schedules, mortality registries, and death certification all from a physician’s perspective. We will discuss some pearls and pitfalls along the way and how to access these useful records. Finally we will discuss diseases to be on the watch for during your family history journey and how to use family health information to develop a family history portrait and actually calculate your risk of certain illnesses.
Don’t miss out. Register today.
Lisa White, out-going Publication Chair has been selected SGS Volunteer of the Quarter.
SGS president Jim Secan was pleased to share this news. “Lisa White was appointed Director of Publications by the SGS Board of Directors in May 2021 after she volunteered to take this open position. Lisa was a new SGS member, and had sent an email to then-Director-of-Volunteers Ceil Rogers asking if there was anything she could do to help her new organization. She decided on the Publications job, and has been the SGS Director of Publications ever since.” Unfortunately for SGS, Lisa has stepped down from her director position, but is not done volunteering.

Lisa White
“It was fun working with the board making decisions for the benefit of our organization and membership,” Lisa said upon learning of the award.
Lisa has accepted the position as SGS Journal Editor. She is working now on the layout for the new edition coming out soon. “My career before becoming self-employed was graphic arts and printing so this is right up my alley.”
Over the years she attended many virtual seminars and other events, and explained, “I always learn so much from them.” Along with many other members of SGS, Lisa attended the 100th Anniversary celebration at Dunn Gardens where local celebrity, Knute Berger faced a full house of SGS Members and other guests. “It was fantastic and so nice to see so many members in person!”
Lisa has personal goals for next year, including concentrating on her Certification portfolio. “I attended CDG in 2022 and gained insight into the process as well as the confidence to proceed. I highly recommend attending and I am thinking I may go through it again. I also have some transcription projects in the works.
“My favorite question for the volunteer is: What are your genealogical interests and research areas? Do you have a fascinating discovery to share? Or a brick wall story?
“My ancestry is from Colonial America, England, Ireland, Wales, France, Germany. I was working on Mayflower lineage with another family member and to his consternation I proved we were not Mayflower descendants on that line! Although through that research I found we have Quaker ancestors which was exciting”
When Lisa is not helping SGS or deep diving into her ancestral roots, she is thinking about her retirement. She and her husband will end their business in less than two years, and begin traveling to National Parks and Civil War locations where her husband has Union ancestors. After that, they will visit Europe and travel to ancestral places in Ireland and Germany.
Lisa also enjoys reading and is working on reading all of the books on the BBC’s Top 100 Books You Need to Read. “I am embarrassed to say I forgot I had already read War and Peace and was almost finished with reading it again when I realized. My “rule” is I must finish every book I start whether I like it or not!”
As a volunteer, Lisa has approached her volunteer positions similarly, with good intentions and longevity in service.
CONGRATULATIONS and Thank you Lisa for all you have contributed to SGS.
The 100th celebratory year is coming to an end. There are so many people to thank for making it a success. We will miss some, so please just let one of us know your name and we will include you in the master list. Those to thank include:
- January, Second Saturday: Ceil Rogers
- February, SGS Journal, our history: Lisa White, Kathy Weber, Crhistine Schomaker, Cary Bright, Laura Sandridge, Carol Mercer, Karen Portzer, Lisa Oberg, alaine Keisling
- April, Writer’s C(r)amp: Melanie Moser, Siri Nelson, Caitlyn Oiye-Coon, Kathy Ciskowski, Heather Certmenia, Christine Schomaker, Kathy Weber and Ceil Rogers
- July, Preservation Seminar: Ceil Rogers
- August, Ice cream Social: Melanie Moser, Cary Bright
- September, Family History Writing Contest: *Caitlyn Oiye-Coon, *Debra Lambo, *Lisa White, *Ron Chan, *Gary Robbins; Bonnie LaDoe, Pam Anderson, Chery Kinnick, Janet Colberg, Francis Russell, Ron Hill, Jenny Irwin, Paula Merrick, Emily Moore, Roberta Nesseth, Karen Portzer, Sheyna Watkins (* marks winners); reviewers: Janice Lovelace, Woods Fairbanks, Anne Marie Maquire, Allison Bourne
- October, SGS birthday cake for building; everyone who came
- October, SGS Dunn Garden Event: Kathy Weber, Jim Secan,
- November, SGS Journal, FHWC winners: Lisa White and all the winners of the SGS100 FHWC.
- on-going, 100 years ago, newspaper clipping in eNews!: Siri Nelson; publicity: Alanna Stanton; logo art: Carole Jones; SGS100 Store: Julia Marconi
As you can see, we had a special event almost every month of our celebratory year. while we had our hand in almost all activities, without all of you helping it would not have happened.
And, an additional shout out to the Board members who gave us great latitude and to all who kept the doors open while we overlaid the activities on top of those that we normally conduct.
Your co-chairs,
Lisa Oberg and Jill Morelli
SGS member Maggi Murphy stopped in to use the patron scanning station for an old family album. She had no idea this album existed until a connection was made to a step-cousin. She is trying to identify some of the family members in the photos. Are you in possession of an album that deserves scanning? Stop in and do it at the SGS Library.

Volunteers are needed to help operate tech equipment during meetings, seminars and other events. Setting up the SGS laptop, projector and Zoom for hybrid meetings are among the requests. Additional help troubleshooting with in-person or online participants and speakers may be needed.
Volunteers should have some working knowledge of connecting devises or computers to a projector and using Zoom interface.

100 YEARS AGO: 12 OCT 1923
On 12 October 1923, the front page news, in all caps, was “AIR PASSENGER SERVICE TO BE STARTED HERE”. The article went on to say that Seattle was selected as the junction for Alaska Airways Company and that the company had “let contracts for the erection of hangars, machine shops and an air depot on Lake Union at Westlake Avenue, near Highland Drive.” “Service will be between Seattle and Tacoma, Seattle and Everett, and Seattle and Victoria, B.C.”
— “AIR PASSENGER SERVICE TO BE STARTED HERE”, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 12 Oct 1923, p1, col 2.
* Watch each eNews! issue for “100 years ago”, our new anecdotal series. We will be running it for the duration of 2023, our centennial year.
Fiske Genealogical Library Classes (Free!),
Wednesdays in November
10:00 pm – 11:59 am Pacific Time
Join the Fiske Genealogical Library as they continue their Fall virtual classes. All classes are Wednesdays, 10 am to noon, unless otherwise noted on their schedule.
November 8: What’s New in Genetic Genealogy — Karin Borgerson
November 15: Using Tables and Timelines to Break Through ‘Brick Walls’ — Janet Camarata
“What’s Online at the National Archives”
Eastside Genealogical Society
November 9, 2023, 6:30 pm
The presenter, Marisa Louie Lee, is a freelance researcher and workshop speaker who specializes in federal government records and Asian American. Learn more about the event at the website: Eastside Genealogical Society.
Family Tree Maker SIG
Eastside Genealogical Society
November 17, 2023, 10:30 pm
Join Eastside Genealogical Society and SGS to learn and share tips and tricks for using Family Tree Maker by Software MacKiev. The meetings open about 15 minutes in advance. You can join and/or leave whenever you have to, and you may email your question(s) in advance or bring them up during the meeting.
Jewish Genealogical Society of Washington State,
usually 2nd Monday meetings
usually 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm Pacific Time
JGSWS meets on the second Monday of each month, from Sept-June. Doors open at 6:30 pm unless noted otherwise. The next meeting is Nov. 13, 2023, “Using Social Media for Genealogic Research: The Good, the Bad, and the Exceedingly Strange” presented by Robin Meltzer. For more information see
“Every Family has a Story … What’s Yours”?
November 4, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm Pacific Time
The Lindsborg Old Mill & Swedish Heritage Museum will be hosting this virtual event to learn the basic research progress. Limited to 100 attendees. The event is free for museum members and $10 for non-members. Register in advance.
“Julefest: A Nordic Christmas Celebration”,
National Nordic Heritage Museum,
2655 NW Market St,
Seattle, WA 98107
Sat-Sun, November 18-29
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Modeled after a traditional outdoor Christmas market, expect all the traditional Nordic holiday goodies. Ticket price for non-members includes entry to the museum. Julefest is no charge for museum members.
Good Shepherd Center, Suite 302
4649 Sunnyside Ave N
Seattle, WA 98103
206 522-8658
Please call ahead to make sure our library will be open. We are short on front desk volunteers.
Hours : Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
** 10:00 am – 3:00 pm **
Masks are recommended inside the Good Shepherd Center. Due to COVID the events listed below continue to be virtual, online via Zoom. Always check the SGS Website Calendar of Events for the meeting links, registration, or for last minute updates or changes to the schedule. Be advised you may need to register in advance to join a meeting.
NOTICE: SGS has imposed more security on our Zoom meetings. Some meetings will begin with a waiting room. The host must take action to let people into each meeting. The host will try to open the waiting room about 10 minutes ahead of time. Please be patient.
All times listed are Pacific Time unless otherwise noted Saturday, Nov 4, 2022, 10:15 am-12:15 pm, FamilySearch SIG (Virtual), with Lou Daly. Discover many ways to use the FamilySearch website in your research. Meeting includes instruction and time for Q&A. Email Lou to get on the email list: loudaly@nwlink.com
Sunday, Nov 5, 2023, 1:00 pm-3:00 pm, DNA Workshop, with Cary Bright and Craig Gowens. To participate you need to be on the SGS DNA Interest Group email list. Contact Cary Bright at SGSDNASIG@gmail.com to join.
Monday, Nov 6, 2023, 10:00 am-11:30 am, Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists.
Wednesday, Nov 8, 2023, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm, MAC Computer SIG, Co-chaired by Lisa Marker and Diane Hettrick. Jointly sponsored by SGS and Fiske. Meetings address topics and resources for Macintosh (Apple) computers and the Reunion genealogy software program. Meetings are on the second Wednesday of alternating months. A link to login will be sent to the MAC SIG email list. If you would like to join, send an email to macusersig@seagensoc.org to be added to the email list.
Friday, Nov 10, 2023, 5:00 pm-6:30 pm, and Saturday, Nov 11, 2023, 9:00 am-12:00 pm, Death and Taxes (Fall Seminar), see additional details about the event in our feature story above.
Monday, Nov 13, 2023, 10:00 am-11:30 am, Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists.
Monday, Nov 13, 2023, 1:00 pm-3:00 pm, SGS Board of Directors Meeting (Virtual), All SGS members are welcome to attend. SGS is an all volunteer organization. Please be involved. Members must sign in to website to see Zoom link.
Monday, Nov 13, 2023, 7:00 pm-8:30 pm, Write It Up! SIG (Virtual), Join this group to share and discuss writing projects, resources, and ideas. To join or learn more, contact Alaine Keisling at keisling@gmail.com
Tuesday, Nov 14, 2023, 10:00 am-11:00 am, Tech Tuesday (Virtual), informal consultation time on DNA, genealogy software, or genealogy-related technical issues. All are welcome. No appointment necessary. Bring us your problem; we’ll try to help.
Saturday, Nov 18, 2023, 10:00 am-12:00 pm, Irish SIG (Virtual), with Susan McKee. See the SGS website Calendar of Events for further information. New Zoom link started in July.
Saturday, Nov 18, 2023, 1:00 pm-4:00 pm, Death and Taxes (Fall Seminar), see additional details about the event in our feature story above.
Saturday, Nov 19, 2023, 10:00 am-12:00 pm, German SIG (Virtual), Focus will be on Pussian research.
If you’ve done research in Prussia, please come with your knowledge and experiences for our group discussion!. Carolyn Schott is the facilitator. Get the new Zoom link. Register on the SGS website. RESCHEDULED: Day and time for November ONLY.Sunday, Nov 19, 2023, 1:00 pm-2:30 pm, Virtual Sundays: Something Old, Something New, Topic to be announced. Please visit the SGS website to register in advance for this event.
Monday, Nov 20, 2023, 10:00 am-11:30 am, Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists.
Tuesday, Nov 21, 2023, 10:00 am-12:00 pm, Family History Writers’ Group (Social Interest Group), Create your family history and share with others in an effort to improve your writing. Please note: The Writers’ Group is at the maximum number of participants and is not currently accepting any new members.
Monday, Nov 27, 2023, 10:00 am-11:30 am, Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists.
Tuesday, Nov 28, 2023, 10:00 am-11:00 am, Tech Tuesday (Virtual), informal consultation time on DNA, genealogy software, or genealogy-related technical issues. All are welcome. No appointment necessary. Bring us your problem; we’ll try to help. Saturday, Dec 2, 2022, 10:15 am-12:15 pm, FamilySearch SIG (Virtual), with Lou Daly. Discover many ways to use the FamilySearch website in your research. Meeting includes instruction and time for Q&A. Email Lou to get on the email list: loudaly@nwlink.com
Monday, Dec 4, 2023, 10:00 am-11:30 am, Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists.
November 1, 2023 SGS eNews! comes out the first of every month. contact eNews! forward this email to a friend |
Copyright © 2023 Seattle Genealogical Society, All rights reserved. All SGS members have been automatically signed up for this e-letter. Our mailing address is: Seattle Genealogical Society 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Suite 302 Seattle, WA 98103-6955 |