Please join us for Tri-City Genealogical Society’s January General meeting at 7 p.m. on Wednesday January 10. The presentation will be on Zoom so you can join in from the comfort of your own home or join us at the Richland FamilySearch Center located at 1314A Goethals Dr. Entrance is down the ramp from the parking lot that is to the north of Dairy Queen. See below for the Zoom link.
The presentation will be by Kim Richardson https://www.apgen.org/profiles/kim-richardson who is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists among other affiliations. Kim will be speaking on A New Strategy for Brick Walls.
Ever feel like you are engulfed by a pile of research? Do you ever think to yourself, “If I could just get organized, I could solve this mystery?” If so, this presentation is for you!
This session explains why complex genealogy problems feel overwhelming and how to overcome it through a new way of organizing. (Don’t worry, it’s not you, and you’re not alone!) You CAN master the “thought chaos” caused by all that data swirling around in your mind. All you have to do is interact with the research in a new way and engage in activities that transform you into a problem-solving dynamo. The presentation shows you how and demonstrates a technique that:
· teaches you to handle information in a new way to see more links and relationships
· allows you to see all your research at one glance
· organizes your research for you (yes, really!)
· simplifies all the data
· shows you any gaps, errors, and conflicts
· automatically creates a narrative outline (and eliminates writers’ block!)
· helps you plan and brainstorm your way to success
Biography as provided by the speaker:
Kim Richardson accidentally became a genealogist when her grandmother and grandaunt asked for help researching a few ancestors. She loved learning about those ancestors and has been researching nearly daily since that time, including professionally. Kim’s favorite genealogy activity is empowering others to break through barriers to achieve their genealogy goals. She discovered why complex genealogy problems feel overwhelming and created a tool called Brick Wall Buster Cards to conquer confusion and solve tough problems.
Kim graduated from Mississippi State University. She retired from service to the State of Mississippi after 25 years as an advocate for victims of violent crime and working in highway traffic safety programs. She continues to work in a professional capacity conducting genealogy research and teaching others that they can solve genealogical brick wall problems. She has researched for Who Do You Think You Are? and Finding Your Roots. She also wrote the “Mississippi Research Guide” for Family Tree Magazine.
Topic: TCGS General Meeting Wednesday January 10 at 7 p.m.
Time: Jan 10, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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