Supportive Grants Are Waiting For You

If your local genealogy society needs financial assistance for a special project or purchase, consider applying for a WSGS Supportive Grant. Applications are being accepted through July 31, 2024.

The grants, up to $250 each, are designed to fill a need or support a special project of WSGS-member societies and organizations. Ideas are limited only by societies’ creativity. Some ideas include:

  • Equipment, such as video camera, microphone, tripod, mixing board, or screen, as your society moves to hybrid meetings.
  • Purchase of furniture, equipment, books, magazines or other publications/ subscriptions for an existing or new society library.
  • Locating, inventorying, restoring and/or preserving a local cemetery.
  • Hosting a special event, presentation, or workshop.
  • Purchasing genealogical-related software, scanner, projector, peripherals or other equipment or technology.
  • Developing a project serving special populations, e.g. senior citizens, children/teens, tribal members, ethnic organizations, etc..
  • Restoring and/or preservation of photos or original documents.
  • Identifying and unifying old photos, Bibles, quilts, letters or other significant memorabilia with family members, museums, or other good homes.
  • Creation of a website, blog or other communication tool.
  • Publication of local history or narratives.

The awards do not have to be repaid — they’re yours to support worthy projects. Two grants will be awarded in 2024.

The simple application is only ONE page and is available here. There is also additional guidance on the program. For more information, visit our website at

Questions should be directed to Please note “Supportive Grants” in the Subject Line.