Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society An Introduction to American Ancestors

Stillaquamish Valley Genealogical Society

Monthly Meeting & Presentation – An Introduction to American Ancestors

(This presentation and meeting will not be available via Zoom)

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

1:00 pm

SVGS Library

6111 188 PL NE, Arlington, WA

You are invited to this free presentation at the SVGS library.

Everyone is welcome! 

SVGS recently added the American Ancestors library addition to our resources, which can now be accessed by using one of the library computers or by connecting to the library’s WiFi on your personal device. (Laptop or Smartphone)

David Allen Lambert will give a live online presentation that can be watched at our library. Our business meeting will follow the presentation.

David’s topic: An Introduction to American Ancestors

David Allen Lambert from American Ancestors will introduce us to their website, so we can fully utilize the library edition. Following this PowerPoint presentation, there will be time for a Q & A with David.

Bio: David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogist, has been on staff with American Ancestors since 1993. He is an internationally recognized speaker on the topics of genealogy and history, as well as a published author. He is an elected Fellow of the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston MA.

There will be a short break with refreshments. The monthly meeting will follow.

DIG – DNA Special Interest Group

Also join us at the SVGS library from 1-3pm on Thursday, August 15th for our DNA Special Interest Group (DIG). This group works together to develop a better understanding of DNA techniques and strategies for finding relatives, discuss and review new DNA developments and tools and help members with their research problems. This group meets at the same time on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

All DNA skill levels are welcome to attend.

If you have a specific DNA topic you would like to discuss or have any other suggestions for this group, please send an email

Also, if you have not joined us yet and would like to receive emails in the future for the DIG group, please send an email to and request to be added to the DIG email list.

For more information visit