You’re Invited to WSGS’s Annual Meeting

You’re invited to the WSGS’s annual meeting! Friday, August 30, 2024, 6:30 p.m. via Zoom.

In compliance with Washington’s Nonprofit Corporation Act (24.03A), we’re holding our annual meeting.

Here’s the Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 893 7500 6911
Passcode: 547652
Via phone: (253) 205-0468,,89375006911#,,,,*547652# US

The agenda will include the announcement of the 2024 Outstanding Volunteer and Team recipients, President’s Award for Outstanding Achievement and the Supportive Grant awards. We’ll also talk about Pioneer Pursuit, featuring Ralph Brown (who submitted 1,285 pioneers) and Le Anne Koliha (who specialized in Native American research). You’ll also learn more about our Pioneer Pursuit Push to 5,000!

We hope you join us! If you want more information, email