Skagit Valley Genealogical Society Program Change: Cousin Baiting & Cousin Stalking

We apologize for the unexpected change and disappointment. But Christine Cohen’s presentation promises to be very informative and helpful for our

family research.

ITEM 2:  SVGS’ Weekly Digest Communications Chair, Barbara Johnson, is experiencing some unexpected health issues. We most importantly want Barb to get her helpful rest and recover ASAP so she can return to sharing her wit and wisdom with us on Mondays each week. So, two things please note:

1. There may not be an SVGS Weekly Digest this Monday, Sept 9th. That will be up to how Barb is feeling. We all understand and wish her Get Well Soon.

2. RE: Monthly Meeting Zoom Link: Either Barb or I have typically been the ones to email you as an SVGS member the ZOOM Link for the 2nd Saturday Monthly Meetings. Well, this month (September only) I am out-of town and out of reach of cell tower range in the wilderness on vacation and Barb is working on her health recovery. So, please make a note in your EMAIL INBOX and SPAM folder for the Saturday, Sept. 14 Monthly Meeting ZOOM LInk to be sent from SVGS Board MemberGeorge Ridgeway. His email address is:

Please keep a lookout for that email with the Zoom link so you don’t miss the meeting. 

Sorry for the program change at this late date. “Life is what happens while you are making other plans” as John Lennon once said. How true!

I hope you enjoyed a lovely summer break, got lots of genealogy research in during the hiatus and that you will come join us on Saturday, Sept 14 for an interesting and educational program. AND….don’t forget to come join the fun and research help offered on the Genealogy Interest Group on 2nd Tuesdays of the Month from 11am-1pm at the Burlington Public Library (we will either be in the conference room or Gentry Room. So come look for us)

See you in October!

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