Eastern Washington Genealogical Society Trip to the Oregon Trail!

Please join us on this trip to the Oregon Trail!

(Be sure to read to the end of this message to discover what other treats will be offered at this event.) 

Saturday, May 4

Genealogy of the Oregon Trail  

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Hybrid Meeting at The Hive – 2904 E Sprague Ave, Spokane, WA 99202

Oregon Trail by Travis Boley, Manager of the Oregon and California Trails Association

“Join Travis Boley from the Oregon-California Trails Association (OCTA) as he presents on Paper Trail, OCTA’s online index to thousands of emigrant diaries from the 19th century. The diaries are indexed in a fashion to make it simple for researchers to find people, places, tribal interactions, and even numbers of wagons and animals in a train. Mr. Boley will walk us through Paper Trail and show us how to most efficiently use this valuable genealogy tool.”

  • 1:00-3pm, doors open at 12:30 Greeters will be there to open the door
  • If you will be “zooming in” the Zoom link will be available on the website EWGSi.org the day prior to the event. 
  • Please print your handouts prior to attending; handouts will be available on the website the day prior. 
  • If you are able, please arrive early to help set up/ or stay late to help clean up.

Free Table:

Bring research items that you no longer use;

take something home that may help you break down your brick wall. 


Eat cookies and drink coffee with friends. 

(If you haven’t brought cookies in a while, be sure to sign up.)


I got a sneak peek at this month’s raffles…

you will want to bring some cash to win something! 

Hint: It’s Spring, Birds Singing, Gardens Growing, Mother’s Day,

Oregon Trail…Wow!


Be sure to bring a couple bucks for the 50/50 jar!

Last month’s winner went home quite a bit richer! 


The yearly EWGS auction will take place in October. 

You can bring your donation to any meeting

or contact Brusan Wells.

Here’s an item recently donated:

See you soon on the Oregon Trail!

One comment on “Eastern Washington Genealogical Society Trip to the Oregon Trail!

  1. Hi, I am a member of Jefferson County Genealogy Society and would love to log in on your zoom presentation on May 4 th for the Oregon Trail. Is that a possibility and if so how can I do that?
    Ada Kornmeyer

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