I have been a blogger for years before the WSGS Blog started and have always been amazed that blogs are so interesting, yet so few people read many blogs. They do get read, and so here are some interesting items from the WSGS Blog.
While most of our readers are from the United States, we also have readers from several other countries.
We also have readers from many states, but this list is the top cities, thanks Seattle for always being number one. The last few weeks number two on the list has been Philadelphia? Anyone know why Philadelphia is interested in our Blog?
This is the top 15 hits this year. Most everyone gets the blog as a digest weekly, so that is why number one is on this list. I see some people have found the categories and tags we attach to most every blog article. While the articles Donna Phillips does on trivia, serendipity and mystery are popular, they did not start till later in the year so they do not show up on this annual list.
I know I welcome the few comments we get, would be nice to get more, but is there anything else you would like to see in the blog that we have not thought of?
In 2017 there were several major seminars held on the same days, and that it is hard to schedule speakers, but maybe a save the date post early in the year could alert everyone of upcoming seminars early enough to avoid conflicts in 2018 or 2019.
I want to thank all the people that send their information on upcoming meetings, seminars and items of interest, you make my job very easy to do. I also want to thank my fellow bloggers Donna Potter-Phillips and Roxanne Lowe.