Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society Becoming Washington Who Came to the Northwest and Why

On July 21, 2023 BIGS Presents

At 10AM, Friday, July 21, 2023,

A Zoom Virtual Event,

Janice Lovelace will present:

Becoming Washington:

Who Came to the Northwest and Why.

What conditions existed for your ancestors to leave their home and make a journey to
a new place? What conditions existed to encourage settlement in the Americas,
especially the Pacific Northwest? This presentation focuses primarily on the push and
pull factors for voluntary immigration in the mid-19th to mid-20th centuries. What
laws applied to immigration and what documents can genealogists find?

Janice Lovelace is a genealogical researcher, educator, author, and lecturer, with over
thirty years of experience. She completed the Genealogy and Family History
certificate at the University of Washington in 2012, the certificate program in
genealogy at Boston University in 2013, and ProGen in 2014. A frequent speaker, Dr.
Lovelace also an instructor at the Midwest African American Genealogical Institute
(MAAGI). A retired college faculty member, Dr. Lovelace authored the National
Genealogical Society’s online continuing education course African American Roots: A
Historical Perspective.
So, please go to our website, bigenealogy.orgto pick up your Zoom link beginning on July 20th, the day before the presentation.

Everyone Welcome! No membership necessary.

Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society US Church Records

On May 19, 2023 BIGS Presents

At 10AM, Friday, May 19, 2023,

A Zoom Virtual Event,

Sunny Morton will present:

Intro to U.S. Church Records: Why We Care Where Grandma Went to Church.

U.S. church records of many denominations can reveal ancestors’ vital events, family relationships, overseas birthplaces and other residences and religious lives. From the co-author of the acclaimed book How to Find Your Family History in U.S. Church Records, learn what these records may look like, how to identify an ancestral church, locate extant records and access them.

Sunny Jane Morton is an internationally known genealogy speaker and award-
winning writer and editor. She is a longtime Contributing Editor at Family Tree
Magazine; Contributing Editor and Content Manager for; frequent contributor to FamilySearch’s blog; and past Editor of Ohio Genealogy News. She has twice received prestigious awards from the National Genealogical Society, most recently for her book How to Find Your Family History in U.S. Church Records, co-authored with Harold Henderson, CG. Her book, Story of My Life: A Workbook for Preserving Your Legacy, is now in its 2nd edition.

So, please join us on May 19th at 10AM on Zoom for this informative presentation. A Zoom link will be posted on our website the day before the event.

Everyone Welcome! No membership necessary.

Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society A New Strategy for Brick Walls

On April 21, 2023 BIGS Presents

At 10AM, Friday, April 21, 2023,

A Zoom Virtual Event,

Kim Richardson will present:

A New Strategy for Brick Walls”

A genealogical brick wall is a question that remains unanswered after exhaustive research. Would you like to see the brick wall as a yellow brick road? Kim says she’s going to show us how at her upcoming presentation.

Professional genealogist Kim Richardson founded a research and consulting firm to assist clients in their pursuit of their ancestors. She also enjoys spending time researching her own family, but Kim’s favorite genealogy activity is serving the family history community by coaching and empowering others to break through barriers to achieve their goals. To that end, Kim created and developed the “Brick Wall Buster Cards” to show others her secret to solving tough genealogy problems and family mysteries.

She regularly teaches and presents to groups across the country. She also writes for local and state genealogy publications and wrote the “Mississippi Research Guide” for Family Tree Magazine. She has researched for TV shows Finding Your Roots and Who Do You Think You Are? Kim earned a B.A. in Communication with a concentration in Public Relations from Mississippi State University. She retired from service to the State of Mississippi after 25 years as an advocate for victims of violent crime and working in highway traffic safety programs.

So, please join us on April 21st at 10AM for this informative presentation. A Zoom link will be posted on the BIGS website the day before the event.

Everyone Welcome! No membership necessary!

Larry Noedel Named One of 2022’s Outstanding Volunteers

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized over 600 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2022 award recipients and learn why they received the 2022 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Larry Noedel

Today we’re introducing Larry Noedel of Bainbridge Island, Washington, who was nominated by the Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society (BIGS).

Larry brings enthusiasm and creativity, offering ideas about new ways of doing things, helping clarify goals and ways to achieve them. Larry offers a skill set to the board to gather and analyze information to deliver better services.

Larry has been instrumental in helping BIGS deal with the switch to virtual meetings. He initiated the effort to determine how to provide hybrid meetings once in-person meetings become possible again.

As director of society outreach, Larry made a major contribution to BIGS by growing their relationship with Kitsap Regional Library.  As a result of this collaboration, BIGS offers an opportunity for members of the public to consult with experienced BIGS members, which has led to new memberships. Larry led the board in a more proactive approach to the 2021 renewal process to understand and address pandemic impacts on members.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Please type “Volunteer Award” in the subject line.

Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society Planning a Genealogy Research Trip

On March 17, 2023 BIGS Presents

At 10AM, Friday, March 17, 2023,

At the Bainbridge Public Library and on Zoom,

Evelyn Roehl will present:

Planning a Genealogy Research Trip”

Evelyn will discuss the many aspects of planning for a genealogy research trip. Armed with her many tips, you’ll be fully prepared to have a successful trip.

Evelyn Roehl [Pronounced RAIL] was born in Minnesota and raised on a family farm, the youngest of ten children. She moved to Seattle in 1985 and in 1992 began digging into the roots of her family tree.

In 1994, she took a sabbatical to travel across the United States and then over to Germany and France to trace her ancestors and relatives.

In 1995, she started Kin Hunters to offer her genealogical research and publishing skills to others. She has made numerous research trips to the Family History Library (FamilySearch) in Salt Lake City, Utah, as well as to other research facilities around United States and Canada.

She loves finding when and from where people came to North America, including her 17 immigrant ancestors from central Europe.

She is also the author of Whole Food Facts, has typeset numerous small-press books, edited various newsletters for nonprofit organizations, as well as compiled materials for and designed family history booklets for clients.

So, please join us on March 17th at 10AM at the Bainbridge Library or on Zoom for this informative presentation. A Zoom link will be posted on our website the day before the event.

Everyone Welcome! No membership necessary.

Andrea Hoskins Named One of 2022’s Outstanding Volunteers

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized over 600 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2022 award recipients and learn why they received the 2022 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Today we’re introducing Andrea Hoskins of Bainbridge Island, Washington, who was nominated by the Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society (BIGS).

Within a short time of joining BIGS in 2018, Andy Hoskins volunteered to serve as newsletter editor, where she helped redesign its content and appearance. She also volunteered to lead the Writers Workshop SIG.

Andrea Hoskins

Andy’s true gifts became obvious when she agreed to serve as president (beginning her term in April 2020) just as the COVID pandemic arrived. Andy has demonstrated effective leadership, adaptability, creativity, and quiet problem-solving, all while effectively conducting the day-to-day business of the organization in extraordinary times. She led the board to clarify major areas of focus and to revise the society bylaws to better define board position responsibilities with an eye toward increasing participation of current and future members.

Andy brings a quiet leadership – leading by example and vision – offering ideas and possibilities for the future of the organization. BIGS looks forward to Andy’s excellent leadership as BIGS continues to evolve post- pandemic.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Please type “Volunteer Award.”

Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society Documents DNA Methods Luck

On February 17, 2023 BIGS Presents

At 10AM, Friday, Feb 17, 2023, on Zoom,

Elizabeth Williams Gomoll will present:

Documents + DNA + Methods + Luck,”

Combining Tools to Find Biological Family

Finding an adopted child’s biological family is especially challenging for genealogists. This presentation uses a success story to show how good methodology combined with document research and DNA matches (plus a dose of good luck) finally put to rest a decades-old question.

Elizabeth Williams Gomell, A recipient of many awards, Liz is co-editor of Minnesota Genealogist, the quarterly journal of the Minnesota Genealogical Society and immediate past-president of the Association for Professional Genealogists Northland Chapter and has served on numerous boards and committees.

Liz is based in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area.

So, please join us on February 17th at 10AM for this informative presentation. The Zoom link will be available on our website on February 16th, the day before the meeting.

Everyone Welcome! No membership necessary.

Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society What the Future Holds

On January 20, 2023 BIGS Presents

At 10AM, Friday, Jan 20, 2023, on Zoom,

D. Joshua Taylor will present:

Family History: What the Future Holds”

Curious about how family history might change in the coming years? This session examines the impact of new technologies, digital preservation, record access, and other factors that will impact the future of family history. Together we will explore the opportunities and challenges ahead for genealogists.

D. Joshua Taylor, MA, MLS, FUGA is a nationally known and recognized speaker and author on genealogy and family history. Joshua is the President of the New York Genealogical & Biographical Society (NYG&B). He is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including RootsTech’s Distinguished Presenter Award, the Federation of Genealogical Societies Award of Merit, and the Rubincam Youth Award from the National Genealogical Society.

He holds an MLS (Archival Management) and an MA (History) from Simmons College and has been a featured genealogist on Who Do You Think You Are? with Sarah Jessica Parker, Kelly Clarkson, Ashley Judd, Reba McEntire, and Rob Lowe. Joshua can also be seen taking America through their past as a host on the popular PBS series Genealogy Roadshow.

So, please join us on January 20th at 10AM for this informative presentation. The Zoom link will be available on our website on January 19th, the day before the meeting.

Everyone Welcome! No membership necessary.

Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society Holiday Party

BIGS Holiday Party
You are cordially invited to join the
BIGS Holiday Party
10AM, Friday, December 16, 2022
at the
Bainbridge Public Library
Food, door prizes, genealogy sharing and fellowship.
If you are in or around Bainbridge Island on December 16, please stop
by and say hello. It will be a very informal gathering. We love to meet
fellow genealogists and will put out our red carpet for you. Stop by for a
chat, a few refreshments, and make some new genealogy buddies.
Questions/comments? Contact us at
As usual, everyone is welcome. No membership or signup needed.