THE GENEALOGICAL FORUM’s Thursday Evening E-News Edition December 12, 2019
Curious about the status of your GFO Membership? We’d love to have you as a GFO Member! | 503-963-1932 | Be sure to check the complete GFO CALENDAR.
Also, don’t miss the current issue of The Forum Insider
Thank you for Supporting the GFO and the Oregon Cultural Trust
We are so grateful for everyone who’s been donating during our annual appeal, our only fundraising drive of the year. Thank you! We’re not quite half way to our goal, but we’re confident we can raise what is needed to keep providing you the services and access to historical records you’ve come to rely on.
Your support can go even farther too. The GFO is a member of the Oregon Cultural Trust. You can match the amounts you’ve given to Cultural Trust nonprofits like the GFO and you’ll get 100% of that match back on your Oregon state tax form. (Up to $500 for individuals, $1,000 for couples filing jointly.) Be sure to click over to the Cultural Trust website to get the information you need.
Give Now to Our Annual Appeal
Genealogy Boot Camp for Beginners
Join Laurel Smith on Thursday, January 9 from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm at the GFO for a day of beginning genealogy. There will be sessions about the census, vital records, discussions about genealogy software and database use, organizing your research, using, and more — all geared toward beginners — but basic computer skills are a prerequisite.
All communications are done via email, and you must be able to download and print the class notes. Bring a sack lunch, snacks, and a beverage so you can keep going as the class does. GFO members may attend for free, non-members $20.
Register for Boot Camp
Have you Moved? Please Tell Us
Please tell us if you’ve moved in the last year. Recently, we had a large number of letters returned to us that could not be delivered. The post office charges more for each returned letter than it costs to mail them out the first time. As a small non-profit we’d rather spend our limited budget on keeping the library open and bolstering resources for you. Please notify of any changes to your mailing address.
GFO Files Objection to USCIS Genealogy Fee Hike
We’ve told you in previous weeks that the U.S. Customs and Immigration Service wants to increase fees by nearly 500% for copies of genealogy records. The GFO Board has now filed formal objections to these outrageous fee hikes for access to records like naturalization certificates, alien registration forms, Visa files, registry files, and A-Files. Fees could total $240 to $385 per record! We believe the exorbitant fee increase appears to be an attempt to deny Americans access to the records at all. It will slam the door and close off public records because such fees are simply beyond the means of most of us.
USCIS Genealogy Fee Hikes as charted by Records, Not Revenue.
In addition to filing our objection during the comment period, we have also contacted all federal elected officials from Oregon to urge them to use their influence to stop this as well. We urge all of you who care about keeping public records public to file your own comment. USCIS has reportedly extended the deadline for comments to December 30. Be sure to specifically note both the Genealogy Program and DHS Docket No. USCIS-2019-0010 in your comments.
Comment on Fee Hike
Renovation to Close OHS Research Library
As many of you may know, the Oregon Historical Society is counting down to an exciting new chapter for their Research Library. To allow for extensive renovations of their downtown Portland library starting in March 2020, library staff and collections are moving offsite. The downtown library will remain open through December 28, 2019. They will reopen to researchers by appointment at a temporary offsite location in early spring, and continue to answer reference questions by email and phone during the construction phase. The OHS museum will remain open; no interruption to other OHS activities is anticipated during this time. Details and updates can be found on the OHS website. Questions may be directed to We at the GFO are looking forward to OHS’s new, enhanced library. We offer our resources for anyone eager to keep researching in the interim.
Friday is Deadline for Comments on Division Transit Project
TriMet has big changes planned for Division Street, starting in front of GFO’s building and extending far to the east. The agency has an “online open house” where you can learn more about the design. Public comments can be submitted through Friday, Dec. 13.
Submit Your Comments Here
If It Snows, We May Close
Here’s a reminder before any winter weather really hits Portland: if it snows, we may reduce hours or close altogether. The best place to find out is online. You can check three places: ▪ Local media website winter closure lists. If we close, we notify Flash Alert Newswire, which instantly adds us to the lists displayed by local media. ▪ The GFO Webpage. We’ll post closures on our homepage. ▪ The GFO Facebook page. Or, you can call us. If no one answers, please don’t come in.
Surplus Book: Amish and Amish Mennonite Genealogies
No pretty pictures or detailed maps in our book of the week—but what a treasure trove of genealogical information! Amish and Amish Mennonite Genealogies by Hugh F. Gingerich and Rachel W. Kreider, 1986, is chock full of names, dates, and locations gleaned from over 125 different sources. The foreword by Joseph F. Beiler states, “This volume offers actual accounts of all known Amish or Amish related immigrants, who came to America
as European peasants who were, in one way or another, denied religious freedom and civil rights—to the promised land.” It provides a preface, introduction, history of the first Amish communities in America, instructions on how to use the book, a code list for sources, and a code list for location—and then, all those names and family
groups in this 848-page tome. There are even two indexes of individuals—one for coded and one for uncoded.
Thumbing through the book, one pencil notation was found. The pages are clean and tight, and the binding is secure. But there is damage to the cover which can be seen in the photo—and the pages closest to that end board have been wrinkled, but not torn. Don’t let this one get away! If interested, please contact Price if picked up at the GFO is $48. Shipped is $55 (it’s heavy!)
Survey Results: Sweet Traditions
We were a little surprised that more people didn’t have holiday cookie or treat recipes handed down, but we did get a few interesting replies. (However, the survey editor is sad that the prior weeks’ respondents didn’t reach out to share their Thanksgiving cranberry sorbet or decadent spinach recipes.)
Here are a few of the responses we received: My grandmother, and then my mother, used to make cookies at Christmastime called Lard Nuts. They contained (you guessed it) lard, and ammonia. I’m sure you can understand why we don’t make them any longer. As a child, I thought they were pretty nasty. Lebkuchen. I’ve often wondered about how this recipe was passed down. My grandmother made it. She was Scotch. Her husband was German–so perhaps from my paternal great-grandmother? I hear this can be a perfectly lovely treat. But not the way grandma made it–in a jelly roll pan and frosted (the only good part). But it was like the hardest, chewiest, dry fruitcake I’ve ever had. When she died, thankfully the lebkuchen recipe disappeared.
My mother always made “Mary’s Cookies” at Christmas. They are cut outs and my siblings and I decorated them. I did the same with my kids. No one seems to remember who Mary was! Actually there is no recipe…it was all in my grandmother’s head and I observed many times the making of paklava with phyllo made from scratch. I got to sprinkle the nut, sugar & clove filling, roll and cut up the pieces. It’s the dough that is in question because my grandmother made it without measuring…she just knew by the feel when the ratio of milk and butter to flour was right. It was beautiful to watch a small round of dough become a huge paper thin circle. A large table is required for this which is one of the reasons I haven’t tried to recreate the movements I watched so many times …
New Survey: Holiday Genealogy Gifts
This week we’re asking if you have any genealogical gifts on your wish list. Take the survey now.
Take the Survey Now
This week at GFO …
Saturday, December 14th
Writer’s Forum 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Join our peer group of genealogists, who meet to learn about writing and to share our writing with each other. Peggy Baldwin facilitates this group and can be reached at
Sunday, December 15th
Library Work Party 9:00 a.m. – Noon
There’s lots to do and we’d love to have your help. Doors open at 9 and work usually wraps up around noon. Some people come for just an hour or so; others work the full time. You are welcome to do either. Any time you can share is valuable. Hope to see you there.
French Canada Group 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Share stories of our history. Come and join this group to learn more about French Canadian ancestry and Acadia. The group leader is Bob LaMarche.
Wednesday, December 18th
Learn & Chat 10:00 a.m. – Noon
Co-facilitator Sandy Alto aptly named Learn and Chat as a “genealogy self-help” group. Come attend the Learn and Chat group if you want to learn about anything genealogical. Contact facilitator Sandy Alto with your questions at
DNA Q&A: The Basics 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
This meeting is for those who are just beginning to use DNA testing for genealogy. Each class begins with a presentation of general information about DNA testing. General questions regarding DNA testing are welcome at the end of each planned discussion. Lisa McCullough leads this group.. Questions?
GFO Library Open Late Until 8:00 p.m.


THE GENEALOGICAL FORUM’s Thursday Evening E-News Edition December 5, 2019
Curious about the status of your GFO Membership? We’d love to have you as a GFO Member! | 503-963-1932 | Be sure to check the complete GFO CALENDAR.
Also, don’t miss the current issue of The Forum Insider
Support the GFO: Preserve Heritage for the Future
Your support is essential to providing all the resources, records, and education that the Genealogical Forum of Oregon offers. We are striving to remain relevant in a climate where some believe “it is all online.” (In fact, we have a big announcement coming soon about more digitally searchable GFO resources.)
We’re 100% volunteer. No paid staff. No paid fundraisers. So every penny goes to support the GFO’s mission. A month ago, our website service unexpectedly jumped 22% to $1968 per year.
Database subscriptions rose 10% to $5370 per year.
Rent increases $1200 each year. Member dues cover only 24% of our budget. Will you please help us fill the gap? We ask this only once a year. We seek to raise $28,500 during this annual appeal. ➢ Your $75 donation could pay for two months of our website cost increase.
➢ Your $100 donation would offset one month’s rent increase.
➢ Your $448 donation would cover one month of database subscriptions. Please make your tax deductible gift now:
Give Now to Our Annual Appeal
Genealogy Boot Camp for Beginners
Will one of your 2020 New Year’s Resolutions be to start working in earnest on your family history? If so, join Laurel Smith on Saturday, January 9 from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm at the GFO for a day of beginning genealogy. There will be sessions about the census, vital records, discussions about genealogy software and database use, organizing your research, using, and more — all geared toward beginners — but basic computer skills are a prerequisite.
All communications are done via email, and you must be able to download and print the class notes. Bring a sack lunch, snacks, and a beverage so you can keep going as the class does. GFO members may attend for free, non-members $20.
Register for Boot Camp
Give a GFO Gift Membership and Get Two Extra Months Yourself
Need a gift for that hard-to-buy-for person? We have a special offer! If you give a GFO membership as a gift, we’ll give you two extra months on your current membership! If you give two gifts, you’ll get four extra months. Give the meaningful gift of family history this holiday season with a membership to the GFO. It’s so easy. Just click below for more details.
Give a Gift Membership Today
All memberships will begin January 1, 2020. Orders must be received by the GFO by December 10 to be fulfilled by Christmas.
Spring Seminar 2020 “Solve Puzzles with DNA”
We are pleased to announce our Spring Seminar, “Solve Puzzles with DNA,” on April 4 & 5, to be presented by national genetic genealogy author and educator Karen Stanbary, CG®, MA, LCSW.
Karen is best known as a course coordinator at three national week-long genealogy institutes: GRIP (Chromosome Mapping), IGHR (Intermediate DNA), and SLIG (Meeting Standards Using DNA Evidence). She received the National Genealogical Society Quarterly Award for Excellence for her complex evidence case study incorporating traditional research and DNA analysis (June 2016 issue), and was a contributor to Advanced Genetic Genealogy: Techniques and Case Studies by Debbie Parker Wayne, ed. (2019). Karen holds the credential Certified Genealogist from the Board for Certification of Genealogists, where she serves as a Trustee and is chair of the standing DNA Committee. Additionally, Karen was a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in her first career, and she will share her insight and expertise with us on managing conversations about unexpected DNA results during the Saturday program. Registration for the Spring Seminar will begin Dec. 21. More information can be found here.
GivingTuesday a Great Success!
Jane McGarvin greeted new arrivals and handed out visitor passes. 48 energetic volunteers + 4 dozen donuts and a dozen bagels + 40 cups of coffee + 9 large pizzas + some miscellaneous goodies = 218.5 hours of laughter, discovery, and library organization! That’s what GivingTuesday was all about. The books in the library are now better organized and should be easier for everyone to find.
Some participants stated that they didn’t realize the depth of the collection—and that they wanted to come back to research in the books they saw.
Lots of folks tackled inventory. Cathy Lauer worked diligently to fix mistakes in our catalog.
Thank you to those who came to help. But the work’s not done!
Many missing books were located. More missing items were identified.
Now, the library team will use the markers placed to get things in even better shape. And we’d love to have your help if you have time to give. There are lots of different jobs. Just send us a message if you’d like to help.
Pizza was enjoyed by many.
Immigration Record Fees Could Increase 400%
A couple of weeks ago on our Facebook page we told you about plans by U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) to increase fees for genealogy records by over 400%.
A group of genealogists, historians and records access advocates created a website, “Records, Not Revenue,” to help people protest these hikes. “Records, Not Revenue” writes, “Many of these records should already be publicly accessible under the law. USCIS is essentially holding them hostage, demanding individuals pay exorbitant fees to access documents of our immigrant ancestors.” Comments on the fee hikes are due by December 16, 2019. Learn more about this issue and how you can make your voice heard by clicking on the button below.
Learn More Here
Ford Building Pop-Up Market
Come shop for the holidays in the shops above our heads at the GFO Library. The Ford Building is hosting a holiday pop-up market on Dec. 7. Businesses participating include: ▪ Tendue – Suite 255 ▪ Whimsy Wondering ▪ Levity CBD – Suite 113 ▪ Hannah Naomi Jewelry Design – Suite 250 ▪ Airtype – Suite 313 ▪ Artist Aretha Ryan – Suite B-05
News from the Library: Something new
You’ll soon be seeing more of these at the GFO–shelf markers to insert between books when a book is removed from the shelf. President Vince Patton saw something similar at a library in California, and Mac McGarvin has taken on the job of creating shelf markers for us. (Thanks to Vince and Mac.) They will be hanging on hooks in the aisles. Take a book off the shelf … insert a shelf marker … reshelf a book … pull the marker and return it to the hook. Hopefully, this will help with getting books back to the right spot after our inventory. They are already getting rave reviews!
Survey Results: Family Traditions
As expected, many of us honor family traditions, either in what we do or what we eat.
Here are some of the comments that were shared: Great-great-grandmother’s phenomenal cranberry sorbet! [survey editor wants the recipe!] A spinach casserole that is too decadent to qualify as a vegetable–cream cheese, sour cream, and bacon are featured! [survey editor wants this recipe too!] We always have what I have started calling “Sacred Rolls”. If you mess up when it’s your turn to make them, or, God forbid, you change the recipe, you might be excommunicated from the family! The recipe has been in the family for 4-5 generations now. My mother’s family has had a tradition that lasted over 50 years: Football! My grandfather, born and raised in Nebraska, was a great Nebraska football supporter. His brother, also born in Nebraska, moved to Oklahoma and became a great Sooner supporter. Every year the two families would get together on Thanksgiving, one year in Norman Oklahoma, the next year in Lincoln, Nebraska. When the rivalry became hottest, Thanksgiving dinner was moved from Thursday to Wednesday, because it was not clear if everyone would be talking to the other side after the game. This year we are skipping the turkey and making dishes from the countries our ancestors came from including Italy, Germany, France and England. We are thankful for our ancestors, wouldn’t be here without them.
New Survey: Sweet Traditions
Your survey editor is still thinking about the sorbet and spinach dish mentioned in last week’s replies. I want those recipes! And so, continuing with a food theme this week, we’re asking about cookie, candy, or treat recipes that you may have that have been handed down from you ancestors.
Take the Survey Now
This week at GFO …
Saturday, December 7th
Virginia Interest Group 10:00 a.m – Noon
Join us as we have a short discussion about West Virginia history and research followed by a time to get together and discuss genealogy. Share your research, ask questions, and let us know what the group can do to help you. Talk about your brick walls or your successes.
Generally, for our December meeting, some of us elect to bring snacks/finger food to get the holiday season going. Please do not feel obligated to do so. We want this to be a fun time of sharing with no one rolling their eyes as we talk genealogy! For more information see our blog: “Virginia Roots and Vines.” If you would like more information about this group or have questions, please contact Judi Scott or Carol Surrency
German Interest Group 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
The German Interest Group is intended to be a source of information and inspiration for anyone with German speaking ancestors. One goal is to provide information on a variety of topics related to Germanic history and migration. We also will provide time for members to share their research journeys and connect with others who may be researching the same region or time period. If you have any questions, email group facilitators Mike Fernandez and Tia Cobb at:
Sunday, December 8th
Library Work Party 9:00 a.m. – Noon
There’s lots to do and we’d love to have your help. Doors open at 9 and work usually wraps up around noon. Some people come for just an hour or so; others work the full time. You are welcome to do either. Any time you can share is valuable. Hope to see you there.
Tuesday, December 10th
GFO Board Meeting 6:10 – 8:10 p.m.
Wednesday, December 11th
PMUG Free Class: Photos on Apple iOS Devices 6:00-8:00 p.m.
The Portland Macintosh Users Group will meet at the GFO for a class focused on tips for creating photos using an iPhone, iPad, or iTouch. Registration is required for this class.
• Terms: iOS devices are the iPhone, iPad, and iTouch
• Explore how to edit Photos on iOS devices
• Explore optional photo editors on iOS devices
• Watch demos of alternative photo programs
• See ways of organizing and storing photos on iOS.
For additional information or to register: Call 503-228-1779 or email:
Bring your iPhone, iPad, or iTouch to participate with instruction.
GFO Library Closes at 8:00 p.m.


THE GENEALOGICAL FORUM’s Thursday Evening E-News Special Edition November 28, 2019
We Give Thanks…
I hope you enjoy this Thanksgiving holiday. Please know how grateful all of us at the GFO are for all of you who support the Genealogical Forum of Oregon. Tracing family history has become one of the most popular hobbies in the country. We’re making very personal connections, not only to history, but to distant living relatives we never knew before. (Thank you, internet connections and the explosion of DNA testing.) My deepest thanks go to the more than 100 volunteers who keep the GFO alive. This is not a mere platitude. The GFO literally would not exist, nor keep the doors open daily, without volunteers. They greet you, help with research, handle membership, index records to make them searchable, number and catalog more than 50,000 holdings and provide countless classes all year long so we can share what we’re learning with each other. I’d also like to offer my gratitude to the volunteers who serve on our Board of Directors. They give even more time, monitor our modest finances, guide the organization and strive to keep us relevant in this increasingly digital (and often impersonal) world.
Finding family is personal.
Thank you for helping the GFO to preserve and share heritage since 1946.
Vince Patton


THE GENEALOGICAL FORUM’s Thursday Evening E-News Edition November 21, 2019
Curious about the status of your GFO Membership? We’d love to have you as a GFO Member! | 503-963-1932 | Be sure to check the complete GFO CALENDAR.
Also, don’t miss the current issue of The Forum Insider
Remember: December 3rd is Giving Tuesday
Not many readers responded to our Survey last week asking about participation in our upcoming Giving Tuesday – which has us a little concerned. Of those that did, there was good mix of all day, morning, and afternoon participants. We need your help! Remember, volunteering for Giving Tuesday will entitle you to a free GFO pass which you can use later or pass on to someone else. And there will be food! For GFO, GivingTuesday isn’t about fundraising. It’s about banding together for a volunteer blitz to accomplish one large task. What if all GFO’s members came together on just one day to give back by lending their time and talent?
Please save the date: December 3rd and come to the GFO all or part of the day to help. GFO will provide pastries, fruit, and coffee in the morning, pizza and pop in the afternoon. You provide the people power. Please give some time.
GFO Star: Kelly Thornburg
Our GFO Star for December is Kelly Thornburg. When the GFO needed volunteers for its for its annual financial review, Kelly offered to help. She has decades of accounting experience and happens to be the mother of our incoming treasurer Erin Randall. While not a GFO member, we welcomed a set of “outside expert” eyes. She lives in Pendleton, and drove over three hours – twice! – to help pore over long columns of numbers and match up receipts in working sessions of the Financial Review Committee. A million thanks, Kelly!
Give a GFO Gift Membership and Get Two Extra Months Yourself
If you give a GFO membership as a gift, we’ll give you two extra months on your current membership! If you give two gifts, you’ll get four extra months. Give the meaningful gift of family history this holiday season with a membership to the GFO. It’s so easy. Visit our gift page for information.
Give a Gift Membership Today
All memberships will begin January 1, 2020. Orders must be received by the GFO by December 10 to be fulfilled by Christmas.
Genealogy Boot Camp for Beginners is Back!
Join Laurel Smith on Saturday, January 9 from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm at the GFO for a day of beginning genealogy. There will be sessions about the census, vital records, discussions about genealogy software and database use, organizing your research, using, and more — all geared toward beginners — but basic computer skills are a prerequisite.
All communications are done via email, and you must be able to download and print the class notes. Bring a sack lunch, snacks, and a beverage so you can keep going as the class does. GFO members may attend for free, non-members $20.
Register for Boot Camp
You’re Invited to a Grand Opening!
The Clark County Genealogical Society has moved. Come celebrate their grand opening at their new research library on December 7, at 5 p.m. Address: 3205 NE 52nd St., Vancouver, WA 98663 Please RSVP to
Intel Workers/Retirees and Many Others Have A Great Way to Double Support to the GFO
If you work at Intel – or at any company that offers matching funds to charitable organizations – you have the chance to double your donations to the GFO!
If you’re unsure if your company provides matching funds to the GFO, inquire with your HR department.
What may qualify for matching: ▪ General monetary donations to the GFO ▪ Membership dues ▪ Volunteer hours (Intel matches hours at $10/hour) For Intel, the following people are eligible to request matching donations: ▪ Active U.S. blue badge employees ▪ Spouses of Active U.S. blue badge employees ▪ U.S. Intel Retirees *Tip: For Intel Donors who want to reduce the amount of fees taken out of your matching donation, you can make a payment directly to the GFO and then submit a match request through Intel’s Benevity Portal. If you make a payment to GFO via PayPal or credit card directly through Benevity, they will take out management fees of up to 3%. Your company may offer a similar payment alternative.
Surplus Book: Forecast Atlas of the World from 1964
This week we have a surplus book that’s just plain fun. The Forecast Atlas of the World prepared by the Kiplinger Washington Editors, who, in 1964, took a stab at forecasting the future. This 300-page, hardcover book is chock full of full-color spreads on topics ranging from space technology to population growth to climate.
But it’s not just future casting. It also holds reams of factual statistics on all 50 United States. This snapshot in time can be yours. It’s in very good condition with no marks inside, but with some wear on the edges of the cover. Pick-it-up price: $10
Mail-it-to-you price: $15 Please email if you’re interested.
New Survey: Thanksgiving Traditions Thanksgiving is right around the corner. We’d like to know if you have family traditions or recipes you’ll be including this year.
Take the Survey Now
This week at GFO …
Saturday, November 23rd
DNA Beginners 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
will have two guest speakers, Phyllis Coyne and Sheryita Mason-Cruise. Besides their presentations, Emily Aulicino will speak on two short topics: Quick Tips for Finding Common Ancestors in AncestryDNA and atDNA Tools: CAUTION . Download handouts here.
Burgeoning Connections and Surprises through DNA Matches.
Speaker Phyllis Coyne will share her journey as a beginner using DNA match results to expand her family tree. She has experienced the exhilaration of finding previously unknown connections, long lost cousins, and family secrets with the supportive genealogical comradery of newly discovered relatives.
Finding Ancestors And Connecting Living Family With DNA Testing.
Our second speaker, Sherylita Mason-Cruise, will share some examples of how she located birth family for her family members as well as finding biological family for her friends. She has united testers with their siblings, and confirmed connections to prove their parents. Every path to breaking a brick walls is different, and the more ideas you get from those who are successful, the better chance you have in eliminating your dead-ends.

You are welcome to send your questions before the meeting. Email:
Sunday, November 24th
Library Work Party 9:00 a.m. – Noon
There’s another work party at the GFO library today!
We’re getting ready for GivingTuesday. There’s lots to do and we’d love to have your help. Doors open at 9 and work usually wraps up around noon. Some people come for just an hour or so; others work the full time. You are welcome to do either. Any time you can share is valuable. Hope to see you there.
Wednesday, November 27th
GFO Library Closes at 1:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 28th
GFO Library Closed for Thanksgiving.


THE GENEALOGICAL FORUM’s Thursday Evening E-News Edition November 14, 2019
Curious about the status of your GFO Membership? We’d love to have you as a GFO Member! | 503-963-1932 | Be sure to check the complete GFO CALENDAR.
Also, don’t miss the current issue of The Forum Insider
Free GenTalk: Scan & Archive Your Photos
Come hear our speaker, Lori Washburn, this Saturday, Nov. 16 from 2 – 3 p.m. as she presents GFO’s November GenTalk, Scanning and Archiving Your Family Photos and Documents. Whether you want to scan just a few photos, have inherited a box of photos, or plan on visiting a relative who might have photos, this class is for you. We will briefly discuss scanners and then learn how to scan and archive those precious photos and documents, as well as how to file the scans. We will also touch on the basics of touching up your scans. Join us at the GFO. GenTalks are free and open to the public.
African American Interest Group Special Webinar
Join the African American Interest Group as they host a special webinar on Saturday, November 16, from 12:00 to 2:00 at the GFO. Dr. Charles Foy, Associate Professor of Early American and Atlantic History, Emeritus, at Eastern Illinois University and a scholar of 18th-century Black maritime culture will present “Black Hands, White Profits: The Critical Role Black Mariners Played in 18th-century America.”
During the 18th century, when North America lacked a network of highways, the country’s economy was maritime-centered. In his talk, Dr. Foy, will detail how Southern planters, Northern merchants, ship captains, and government officials relied upon Black maritime labor for profits and to develop the new American economy. He will also provide an overview of how this drive by whites for profits offered enslaved Blacks opportunities for freedom and economic independence. Dr. Foy is the creator of the Black Mariner Database, a data set of more than 30,000 18th-century Black Atlantic mariners and maritime fugitives. He is completing a book manuscript, Liberty’s Labyrinth: Freedom in the 18th-Century Black Atlantic, that details the nature of freedom in the 18th century through an analysis of the lives of black mariners. All GFO Interest Group meetings are free and open to the public.
Remember: December 3rd is Giving Tuesday
For GFO, GivingTuesday isn’t about fundraising. It’s about banding together for a volunteer blitz to accomplish one large task. What if all GFO’s members came together on just one day to give back by lending their time and talent?
Please save the date: December 3rd and come to the GFO all or part of the day to help. GFO will provide pastries, fruit, and coffee in the morning, pizza and pop in the afternoon. You provide the people power. Please help.
GFO Gift Memberships
Give the meaningful gift of family history this holiday season with a gift membership to the GFO. It’s so easy. Just download and complete the form and send it with a check to Membership at the GFO. You’ll receive a holiday card (in an envelope) you can use to announce the gift. All memberships will begin January 1, 2020. Orders received by December 10 will be mailed out on or before December 15. Orders received after December 10 may not be fulfilled in time for Christmas gift giving.
News from the Library: No new books?
Q: Why is the new book shelf empty? Isn’t the GFO getting any new books? A: Actually, we have a number of new books that have been donated, and some that we’ve purchased. But, for now, the library team is working to get ready for GivingTuesday–and that means getting the books that are already in the collection on the shelves where they can be inventoried on December 3. Watch for more new books the second week of December.
Last Chance – PCS Offers GFO Discount to New Play “Redwood”
This is the last weekend to take advantage of the Portland Center Stage offer to friends of GFO for a currently running play that happens to revolve around genealogy! Redwood is billed as “a beautiful, humor-filled excavation of our shared history. When Steve Durbin sets out to chart his Black family’s ancestry online, his revelations unwittingly throw his entire family into turmoil.” You can read Amy Wang’s review of the play in The Oregonian, here.
Redwood runs from now through November 17 at Portland Center Stage at the Armory. PCS has a deal for Friends of the GFO:
Now through November 17: Use promo code “COMMUNITY*” for $10 off tickets. Get tickets here.
Surplus Books: Lincoln High Yearbooks – 1917, 1918
This week’s surplus books take us on a little local time travel. We have two spare copies of Portland’s Lincoln High School yearbook, The Cardinal, from 1917 and 1918. You’ll love the photos of the students, the advertisements for local businesses, and the articles from a bygone era.
These small paperbound volumes have seen better days, but they still hold together. Pick up at GFO Price: $15 for the set of two. Ship to You Price: $20 for the set of two. If you’re interested in buying these please contact
Survey Results: Personal Family Tree Software Usage
We received 68 responses to last week’s query about what software E-News readers use for their own family tree. We’re curious what you like best and what could be better about the software you use. One person has used (COSMI) Perfect Family Tree for over 10 years and described it as cheap, functional, but can’t print in color. Two over-10-year users of Ancestral Quest report it is easy to use but could be better handling photos in the notes.
One person reports using Brother’s Keeper for between 5 and 10 years—but doesn’t have time to use it much and finds it confusing. Family Tree Maker has the most reported users (32). Two people using it for less than a year, 5 people for 1-5 years, 8 people for 5-10 years, and 17 over 10-year users. The most repeated feature they liked was the ability to sync with Ancestry. Also mentioned were ease of use and the report functions. We heard from 7 Legacy Family Tree users—two users for 1-5 years, 4 for 5-10 years, and 1 for more than 10 years. Users like the reports and the citation template, and while there were some ideas, there was no consensus on things that could be improved. One user of MacFamily Tree (10+ years) who likes the ease of use and support. Three Master Genealogist users (10+ years) who wish the program was still supported.
PAF (Personal Ancestral File) – 3 users for 10+ years who like the ease of use but wish the program was still updated and supported. Six Reunion users (1 less than a year; 2 for 5-10 years, 3 for 10+ years) the comments in favor were varied, and the only request for improvement was the ability to sync with Ancestry. RootsMagic had twelve users respond. Seven have used it for 1-5 years, two 5-10, and one didn’t say. Users like the ability to sync with Ancestry is just one of many favored features. Several noted that source citation templates could be improved. To see all the responses click here.
New Survey: Are you attending GivingTuesday?
We hope you are planning to join us on December 3 for our GivingTuesday volunteer blitz. We need you! A large turnout will make this event a success. Please take our survey to let us know if you’re coming.
Take the Survey
This week at GFO …
Saturday, November 16th
Genealogy Problem Solvers 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
If you are part of a big family tree, there is a good chance that you have some famous relatives. When doing family history research, we all get excited when we discover that a relative or ancestor is someone famous. This month’s challenge is to determine how our GFO member is related to Claire Lee Chennault, the U.S. major general who commanded the U.S. Army Air Forces in China during WWII. For more information contact Katie Daly at
African American Group 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Our speaker will be Dr. Charles Foy joining us remotely from the UK via Webinar. His talk will be Black Hands, White Profits: The Critical Role Black Mariners Played in 18th-century America and will detail how Southern planters, Northern merchants, ship captains, and government officials relied upon black maritime labor for profits and to develop the new American economy. He will also provide an overview of how this drive by whites for profits offered enslaved blacks opportunities for freedom and economic independence. For more information, see the feature article above or contact Janice Sellers
GenTalk: Scanning and Archiving Your Family Photos and Documents
2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Presented by Lori Washburn
Whether you want to scan just a few photos, have inherited a box of photos, or plan on visiting a relative who might have photos, this class is for you. We will briefly discuss scanners and then learn how to scan and archive those precious photos and documents, as well as how to file the scans. We will also touch on the basics of touching up your scans. GenTalks are free and open to the public.
Sunday, November 17th
Library Work Party 9:00 a.m. – Noon
There’s another work party at the GFO library today for those of you who can come. There’s lots to do and we’d love to have your help. Doors open at 9 and work usually wraps up around noon. Some people come for just an hour or so; others work the full time. You are welcome to do either. Any time you can share is valuable. Hope to see you there.
Family Tree Maker User’s Group 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Join other users who want to work through the 2017 Companion Guide to Family TreeMaker. Bring your laptop with 2017 version of FTM installed – build 1-480 of FTM installed. Come 30 minutes earlier if you’ve never been or have skipped sessions. You might need an update of the “fake” practice tree we are using. For questions or info, contact Joyce Grant-Worley at
French Canada Group 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Share stories of our history. Come and join this group to learn more about French Canadian ancestry and Acadia. The group leader is Bob LaMarche.
Wednesday, November 20th
Learn & Chat 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
In the next several sessions, we will be looking at the three aspects of the Genealogy Proof Standard as set forth by the Board for Certification of Genealogists in the BCG Genealogical Standards Manual. The goal is to learn together to integrate these standards and methods into our daily routines, to become better genealogists, maximize our efficiency, reach more accurate solutions, and breakdown more brick walls. Join us to talk about your genealogy, support others, and hopefully learn something new. Facilitated by Sandy Alto and Jeanne Quan. Questions?
DNA Q&A: The Basics 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
This meeting is for those who are just beginning to use DNA testing for genealogy. Each class begins with a presentation of general information about DNA testing. General questions regarding DNA testing are welcome at the end of each planned discussion. Lisa McCullough leads this group. Questions?
GFO Library Open Late to 8:00 p.m.


THE GENEALOGICAL FORUM’s Thursday Evening E-News Edition November 6, 2019
Curious about the status of your GFO Membership? We’d love to have you as a GFO Member! | 503-963-1932 | Be sure to check the complete GFO CALENDAR.
Also, don’t miss the current issue of The Forum Insider
Ring Lost for 27 Years Returned
GFO volunteer Nanci Remington played a key role in helping Samantha Swindler and Tom Hallman Jr. of The Oregonian/OregonLive find the owners of a wedding ring lost almost three decades ago.
Watch the video and read the full, heart-warming story here.
Share Your Knowledge at the GFO 2020 Open House
Have you learned some nifty genealogy research tricks? Discovered some records that often go overlooked? Become a mini-expert in a particular location? We’d love to have you participate. The GFO Open House will run March 13-22 next spring, and we’re looking for speakers! If you’ve given a presentation elsewhere or have given it at the GFO before, we’d be happy to feature it again. Or, bring in something new. Our Open House aims for beginners. It’s our annual drive to bring in new members. What better way to begin than to show them what a friendly community we are? Sharing is part of our key mission. Can you help us? Please contact Vice President Marti Dell at
News from the Library: GFO has 5,000 Family Histories!
Did you know the GFO has 5,000 family histories from around the U.S? And more than 1,000 surname vertical files? Most of them are not listed in the Library of Congress. Our collection is unique, and likely not available in any other library in the Pacific Northwest.
Family histories at the GFO are shelved alphabetically by the surname of the main family in each volume.
The surname of the family usually appears in the title, but many more collateral names may hide inside those books waiting to be discovered. When these books are recataloged, the new records will reveal many of these surnames as well. So, for now, don’t just search our library catalog for your ancestors’ names. Also look for the names of their friends and neighbors.
Free GenTalk: Scan & Archive Your Photos
Saturday, Nov. 16 from 2 – 3 p.m.
Presenter: Lori Washburn Whether you want to scan just a few photos, have inherited a box of photos, or plan on visiting a relative who might have photos, this class is for you. We will briefly discuss scanners and then learn how to scan and archive those precious photos and documents, as well as how to file the scans. We will also touch on the basics of touching up your scans. Free for everyone at the GFO library.
Save the date: December 3rd is Giving Tuesday
What if all GFO’s members came together on just one day to give? For GFO, GivingTuesday isn’t about fundraising. It’s about banding together for a volunteer blitz to accomplish one large task.
Please save the date: December 3rd and come to the GFO all or part of the day to help. GFO will provide pastries, fruit, and coffee in the morning, pizza and pop in the afternoon. You provide the people power. Please help.
PCS Offers GFO Discount to New Play “Redwood”
We are delighted that Portland Center Stage is offering friends of GFO a special offer for a currently running play that happens to revolve around genealogy!
Redwood is billed as “a beautiful, humor-filled excavation of our shared history. When Steve Durbin sets out to chart his Black family’s ancestry online, his revelations unwittingly throw his entire family into turmoil.”
Redwood runs from now through November 17 at Portland Center Stage at the Armory. PCS has a deal for Friends of the GFO:
Now through November 17: Use promo code “COMMUNITY*” for $10 off tickets. Get tickets here.
Ford in the Ford Building
Check out the new addition to our building, one floor above the GFO! It’s very fitting for the Ford Building since cars like these were assembled right here, early in the 20th century. Walk down the hall past the elevator to see for yourself. (That doesn’t look like an original paint job though!)
Surplus Book: Pioneers of the Bluestem Prairie
Do you have ancestors from the Flint Hills of Kansas? This book may be just what you’re looking for. Pioneers of the Bluestem Prairie includes histories and family biographies for Clay, Geary, Marshall, Pottawatomie, Riley, Waubaunsee, and Washington Counties, as well has history for Riley County Schools, and maps for Kansas Trails and the Manhattan area. This 608-page hardcover book is in excellent condition. The only marks are library stamps and labels.
Pick up at GFO Price: $40 Ship to You Price: $46 If you are interested in buying this book, contact Do not simply come to the library to get it.
Survey Results: Halloween Stories
About 83% of you report having spent Halloween with your parents and 38% with grandparents. Just over 50% report spending it with their children; however, 58% report spending it with grandchildren. No one reported spending the holiday with either great-grandchildren or great-grandparents—but we did get a few interesting stories.
▪ I was at home, sick with the chicken pox. This was back in the day when parents thought it advisable to expose their own kids to sick kids when measles, mumps, and chicken pox was in the neighborhood. Two of my friends came by to share their haul with me. I don’t recall whether either of them got the pox after visiting but getting some of those treats sure made me feel better. ▪ A couple of years ago, I took two of my grandsons trick or treating. They filled up their bags and we went back for more. They ended up with a huge pile of candy on the dining room table, from which their mother let them keep a few. They put most of the candy on the porch (for teenagers to take) and in the morning (better than the tooth fairy) they had new boxes of Legos! ▪ A friend’s family reunion is always a camping trip the weekend closest to Halloween. They set up a haunted forest for the kids and adults to enjoy as well as trick or treating at each RV. I want them to adopt me!
New Survey: Family Tree Software One of the special interest group leaders wants to know what software the E-News readers use for their own family tree. We’re curious what you like best and what could be better. Please tell us by taking the survey now.
Software Survey
This week at GFO …
Saturday, November 9th
Great Lakes Interest Group 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
We welcome guest speaker Kathryn Stock to discuss the Fenian Raids in the late 1860s in which the Fenian Brotherhood carried out a series of attacks on British army forts in the U.S. and Canada as a way to pressure the UK to withdraw from Ireland. This promises to be an especially interesting topic as it tends to be a lesser-known part of the region’s history.
As always, our group’s meetings are free and open to the public. For more information contact Lynn Rossing at
Writers’ Forum 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
This is a peer group of genealogists, who meet to learn about writing and to share our writing with each other. Everyone is welcome, whether you have participated before or not. We are currently working with Bruce Tarshis’s “How to Be Your Own Best Editor,” chapter 15. If you are new to the group, just show up and we’ll get you started! Peggy Baldwin facilitates this group and can be reached at
Sunday, November 10th
Library Work Party 9:00 a.m. – Noon
There’s another work party at the GFO library today for those of you who can come. There’s lots to do and we’d love to have your help. Doors open at 9 and work usually wraps up around noon. Some people come for just an hour or so; others work the full time. You are welcome to do either. Any time you can share is valuable. Hope to see you there.
Tuesday, November 12th
Board Meeting 6:10 – 8:10 p.m.
Everyone is welcome.
Wednesday, November 13th
PMUG College 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Description pending
GFO Library Open Late to 8:00 p.m.


THE GENEALOGICAL FORUM’s Thursday Evening E-News Edition October 31, 2019
Curious about the status of your GFO Membership? We’d love to have you as a GFO Member! | 503-963-1932 | Be sure to check the complete GFO CALENDAR.
Also, don’t miss the current issue of The Forum Insider
Preserve Your Family Photos – Free GenTalk
Whether you want to scan just a few photos, have inherited a box of photos, or plan on visiting a relative who might have photos, this class is for you. We will briefly discuss scanners and then learn how to scan and archive those precious photos and documents, as well as how to file the scans. We will also touch on the basics of touching up your scans. Join Lori Washburn for our next free GenTalk on Saturday, Nov. 16 from 2 – 3 p.m. at the GFO Library
Free Monday Reminder
Don’t forget, the GFO Library is free to everyone on the First Monday of each month. That’s next Monday, November 4th.
Save the date: December 3rd is Giving Tuesday
What if all GFO’s members came together on just one day to give?
For GFO, GivingTuesday isn’t about fundraising. It’s about banding together to accomplish one large task.
Please save the date: December 3rd and come to the GFO all or part of the day to help. GFO will provide pastries, fruit, and coffee in the morning, pizza and pop in the afternoon. You provide the people power. Please help.
Remember, the Portland Mac Users Group events are free for the GFO members and take place at 6 p.m. at the GFO library.
PCS Offers GFO Discount to New Play “Redwood”
We are delighted that Portland Center Stage is offering friends of GFO a special offer for a currently running play that happens to revolve around genealogy!
Redwood is billed as “a beautiful, humor-filled excavation of our shared history. When Steve Durbin sets out to chart his Black family’s ancestry online, his revelations unwittingly throw his entire family into turmoil.”
Redwood runs from now through November 17 at Portland Center Stage at the Armory. PCS has a deal for Friends of the GFO:
October 27-November 17: Use promo code “COMMUNITY” for $10 off tickets. Get tickets here.
Are you a member of the Ohio Genealogical Society?

If you are, please send a message to the library committee at
News from the Library: Ghosts to Ghost Towns and things in between
Since this edition of the eNews is delivered on Halloween, we thought it would be fun to see what a search for “ghost” turned up in the GFO online library catalog. Some of the results surprised us. While call numbers aren’t shown, the items are in call number order so those in the same geographic area are listed together.
Ghost of the past: the colorful Ames ▪ The old ghosts and family skeletons: family history from Byzantine Emperors to the Pilgrims and men and women named Fairchild, Halsted, Everett, Perkins, Delano and many others ▪ The ghost walks: a chronological history of Blacks in show business, 1865-1910 ▪ Dust in the wind: a guide to American ghost towns ▪ Ordinary heroes: the story of Shaftsbury : with a chapter on the Vermont ghost town of Glastenbury ▪ South Jersey towns, history and legend ▪ Woodside, the north end of Newark, N.J: its history, legends and ghost stories gathered from the records and the older inhabitants now living ▪ Ghost towns of Talbot County ▪ Virginia ghosts ▪ Wording your way through Texas ▪ Place names and ghost towns of Bay County [Michigan] ▪ Gray ghosts of the Confederacy: guerrilla warfare in the West, 1861-1865 ▪ Ghost town album ▪ Ghost town trails ▪ Ghost Towns of the West ▪ A guide to western ghost towns ▪ Western ghost towns ▪ Unique ghost towns and mountain spots ▪ Colorado ghost towns: past and present ▪ Ghost towns of the Colorado Rockies ▪ The lost cities of Colorado ▪ Colorado : a guide to the highest state ▪ Ghost towns and mining camps of New Mexico ▪ Ghosts of the pioneers: a family search for the Independent Oregon Colony of 1844 ▪ The Cochise County Historical Journal: ghost towns of Cochise County Arizona ▪ The historical guide to Utah ghost towns ▪ Virginia City: its history– its ghosts ▪ The story of early Mono County: its settlers, gold rushes, Indians, ghost towns ▪ Ghost towns of the Pacific frontier ▪ Oregon ghost towns ▪ Ghost towns of the Pacific Northwest : your guide to ghost towns, mining camps, and historic forts of Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia ▪ Ghost towns of the Northwest ▪ Willamette landings, ghost towns of the river ▪ Lumber ghosts: a travel guide to the historic lumber towns of the Pacific Northwest ▪ Lakeport, ghost town of the south Oregon coast ▪ Past and present towns of Linn County, Oregon
▪ This old rooming house: Maxwell Hall and the ghosts of our neighborhood ▪ Shaniko: from wool capital to ghost town ▪ Southern Idaho ghost ▪ The galloping ghosts of Galena ▪ Gold town to ghost town : the story of Silver City, Idaho ▪ Ghost towns : Washington ▪ Ghosts of the gold rush : a walking tour of Fairbanks
Surplus Book: Mayflower Marriages
George Ernest Bowman founded the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants in 1896 and he spent half a century attempting to trace the ancestry of each Mayflower family. Mayflower Marriages compiles marriages extracted from Bowman’s extensive files. It contains 10,000 entries and spans five centuries. This surplus copy is a library copy, with corresponding library marks and labels. Someone apparently took notes onto pages 210 and 211.
This paperback has a sound spine, and other than the marks inside, is in decent shape. Pick up at GFO Price: $20 Ship to You Price: $25 If you are interested in this book, please contact
Survey Results: Library Features
When we asked about the features you’ve used in our online library catalog, most of the respondents said they have used it to see what we have and to find the call numbers. Did you know that almost every item now has an image that can also help?
The title of this item is a book, but the image tells you right away that the information is on a microfilm.
The listing for this journal tells you we have 138 of them on our shelves; clicking on it will tell you which volumes.
And this listing, when clicked on, not only shows the image and lists both volumes, but gives dimensions and informs that there are illustrations. When asked what they like best about the catalog, here’s what a few people had to say:
* I love being able to check off the most promising books, and then use the instant list (bibliography) the site creates. It’s so handy to do this at home, print it, and know exactly what I want to get off the shelves when I walk in.
* Finding what’s on the shelf (or in the drawers) fast.
* It’s pretty easy to use.
New Survey: Halloweens with family …
Most of us have spent Halloweens with parents and children, but we’re curious if you’ve spent Halloweens with grandparents and/or grandchildren.
And we want to hear your stories. Please, take the survey now.
Take our Survey
Saturday, November 2nd
Virginia Interest Group 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Timelines and Spreadsheets for Genealogy
Of the many techniques we have for genealogy research, some of the simplest can be the most effective. From the straightforward chronological list of events to large, complex spreadsheets of data, we use these tools to organize and analyze our research. In doing so, we may see areas to expand the research or find answers to questions we have about our families. This month we’ll discuss a variety of timelines and spreadsheets, how to use them, and share a variety of examples and templates. For more information, see our blog. You can reach this group’s leaders, Judi Scott and Carol Currency, at
German Interest Group 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
This group is intended to be a source of information and inspiration for anyone with German speaking ancestors. One goal is to provide information on a variety of topics related to Germanic history and migration. We also will provide time for members to share their research journeys and connect with others who may be researching the same region or time period. This group is facilitated by Mike Fernandez and Tia Cobb. Questions may be sent to
Sunday, November 3rd
Library Work Party 9:00 a.m. – Noon
There’s another work party at the GFO library today for those of you who can come. There’s lots to do and we’d love to have your help. Doors open at 9 and work usually wraps up around noon. Some people come for just an hour or so; others work the full time. You are welcome to do either. Any time you can share is valuable. Hope to see you there.
Monday, November 4th
Free First Monday 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
GFO Library open to non-members for free.
Tuesday, November 5th
Italian Interest Group 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Your Italian ancestor’s Roman Catholic church records offer the second largest group of records from which to uncover your ancestral past. The church parish was the epicenter of your ancestor’s life from cradle to grave. From the church sacraments of baptism, confirmation and marriage to the last rites, your ancestor’s religious past is recorded in the church parishes of Italy awaiting your discovery!
We’ll review types of church archives, how to find your ancestor’s parish, types of ecclesiastical records, and where and how to find Italian church records. If you have questions or want more information, email
Wednesday, November 6th
Bulletin Meeting 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Learn and Chat 10:00 am – 12:00 p.m.
Learn and Chat is a “genealogy self-help” group.
Please bring tales of your latest genealogy related adventures and a wish list of subjects to build our calendar. Contact facilitators Jeanne Quan and Sandy Alto with questions:
DNA Q&A: Beyond the Basics 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Greg Wick will be joining us and presenting his talk “Learn How To Analyze Your Big Y Test Results”.
Have you taken a Big Y test at FamilytreeDNA, or are thinking about taking one (or testing a male relative) and would like to learn how to better utilize your results? This presentation will cover the basics of Big Y testing, including do-it-yourself dating techniques and analysis, and will examine a case study between two closely matching Big Y testers with no previously known genealogical connection.
This meeting is for those who have already taken a Y-DNA test, or have a general understanding of Y-DNA testing and are interested in learning how to interpret Big Y test results. General questions are welcome at the end of each planned discussion. Lisa McCullough leads this group.. Questions?
GFO Library Open Late to 8:00 p.m.
This week at GFO …


THE GENEALOGICAL FORUM’s Thursday Evening E-News Edition October 24, 2019
Curious about the status of your GFO Membership? We’d love to have you as a GFO Member! | 503-963-1932 | Be sure to check the complete GFO CALENDAR.
Also, don’t miss the current issue of The Forum Insider
Grab the Last Seats at Genealogy Boot Camp for Beginners
Ever been squeezed out of Boot Camp because the class was full? Hate being in large classes? Worried about finding parking? Then this may be your best opportunity to attend.
There are a few seats left. But act now, because registration closes tonight, Oct. 24, at 11:30 p.m.
Laurel Smith will cover how to get started, organization, online trees and database programs, the census, and vital records — all geared toward beginners — but basic computer skills are a prerequisite. All communications are done via email, and you must be able to download and print the class notes. Bring a sack lunch, snacks, and a beverage so you can keep going as the class does. Free for GFO members!
Just $20 for non-members. Genealogy Boot Camp for Beginners on October 27th has lots of seats still available. Please register today!
Register Now
Save the date: December 3rd is Giving Tuesday
What if all GFO’s members came together on just one day to give?
For GFO, GivingTuesday isn’t about fundraising. It’s about banding together for a volunteer blitz to accomplish one large task.
Please save the date: December 3rd Come to the GFO for all or part of the day to help. GFO will provide pastries, fruit, and coffee in the morning, pizza and pop in the afternoon. You provide the people power. All participants are eligible to receive a pass for free admission to the GFO library–for themsleves or others that can be used later. Please help.
Halloween = Shorter Hours
Just a reminder! The GFO Library will close early at 1 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 31.
The Missing Link…
Oops! We left a link out of the handout from last Saturday’s GenTalk on death records by Pam Vestal. Click this button:
Death Records Link
This is the International Classification of Diseases decoder key for the code entered in the cause of death section on death certificates, which is useful because the handwriting often is unreadable.
Seminar Tables For Sale
As we mentioned last week, the GFO recently replaced its classroom tables with ones that weigh less and will be easier to move when reconfiguring the room. Our old tables are still in great shape.
They’re great for crafts too. They’re 6 feet long but only 18 inches deep, making them great for more compact spaces.
Do you know anyone who could use them? Their strong legs are metal and the table tops are laminated wood with rubber edges. All fold-flat when not in use. We have 7 of these tables left for sale and are offering a discount on the set:
$20 a piece, or
$130 for the set of 7. Please contact if you are interested. Pickup is required at the GFO library.
PCS Offers GFO Discount to New Play “Redwood”
We are delighted that Portland Center Stage is offering friends of GFO two special offers for an upcoming play that happens to revolve around genealogy!
Redwood is billed as “a beautiful, humor-filled excavation of our shared history. When Steve Durbin sets out to chart his Black family’s ancestry online, his revelations unwittingly throw his entire family into turmoil.”
On October 26, GFO President Vince Patton and Director at Large Julie Ramos, will speak before the performance, at about 6:45 p.m., about all the GFO offers and why we find building personal links to history so valuable. Redwood runs from October 26 through November 17 at Portland Center Stage at the Armory. PCS has two offers for friends of the GFO:
October 26: Use promo code “GFO” for $25 tickets.
October 27-November 17: Use promo code “COMMUNITY” for $10 off tickets. Get tickets here.
Surplus Book: Larson/Johnson Family History
Maggie Kitts poured her heart and soul into A Larson/Johnson Family of East Union, Minnesota, published in 1994. This family history runs an impressive 562 pages, tracing families of this region back to the early 1800s. Added bonus: the book begins with Grandma Nilla’s Filled Oatmeal Cookies recipe!
This comprehensive tome is in excellent shape. In fact, the GFO has five copies of this family history in mint condition. Pick up at GFO Price: $10 Ship to You Price: $16 If you’d like to buy one, help yourself to one copy on our $10 shelves up front, or contact for the other copies in storage.
This week at GFO …
Saturday, October 26th
Advanced DNA 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Tim Janzen will give a presentation about using autosomal DNA to help trace unknown ancestors who were born in the 1700s or in the early 1800s. He will illustrate the various approaches that one can take to solving these types of genealogical challenges. Multiple case studies will be presented.
Please check the GFO Online Calendar for a link to the handout.
Sunday, October 27th
Beginner’s Boot Camp 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 pm
Join Laurel Smith for her popular full-day class aimed at helping the beginner with getting started, organization, online trees and database programs, the census, and vital records. Basic computer skills are a prerequisite. Registration is required by 11:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24.
Wednesday, October 30th
GFO Library Open Late to 8:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 31st
Happy Halloween!
GFO Library Closes at 1:00 p.m.


THE GENEALOGICAL FORUM’s Thursday Evening E-News Edition October 17, 2019
Curious about the status of your GFO Membership? We’d love to have you as a GFO Member! | 503-963-1932 | Be sure to check the complete GFO CALENDAR.
Also, don’t miss the current issue of The Forum Insider
Genealogy Boot Camp for Beginners
Ever been squeezed out of Boot Camp because the class was full? Hate being in large classes? Worried about finding parking? Then this may be your best opportunity to attend.
Laurel Smith will cover how to get started, organization, online trees and database programs, the census, and vital records — all geared toward beginners — but basic computer skills are a prerequisite. All communications are done via email, and you must be able to download and print the class notes. Bring a sack lunch, snacks, and a beverage so you can keep going as the class does. GFO members may attend for free, non-members $20. Genealogy Boot Camp for Beginners on October 27th has lots of seats still available. Please register today!
Register Now
Free GenTalk: Life in the Records of Death
Mark your calendars. Professional genealogist Pam Vestal returns on Saturday, October 19 with a free GenTalk from 2 – 3 p.m. called Discovering Your Ancestor’s Life in Records of Death. Sometimes the best way to learn about an ancestor’s life is to dig into the mountain of paperwork created by his death. We’ll explore the surprisingly abundant information that is collected when a death occurs and glimpse just how much these records can reveal, not only about our ancestors’ deaths, but also about their lives. Pam Vestal entered the field of genealogy after a 21-year career as a professional writer. She does genealogical research for clients, has articles published in the Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly, and lectures up and down the West Coast. All GenTalks are free and open to the public at the GFO Library.
Immediate Opening: Editor Needed for The Forum Insider
Would you be willing to help share vital information about the GFO and genealogy with our subscribers? This key position will be vacant soon. We need someone (or a team) who can compile, layout, and distribute eight Insiders per year. Helpful skills: Intermediate-level computer software skills; writing and editing skills a plus; clear communication skills, both written and verbal; ability to interact with GFO’s Board Members, patrons, committee members, and affiliate organization representatives. The editor edits and lays out articles using Microsoft Word, and ultimately, Adobe Acrobat. We will provide the software, training, and a team of editors and proofreaders to help. Work follows a strict schedule so that distribution deadlines are met. Please contact our president, Vince Patton, at if you can help!
Save the date: December 3rd is Giving Tuesday
What if all GFO’s members came together on just one day to give?
For GFO, GivingTuesday isn’t about fundraising. It’s about banding together to accomplish one large task.
Please save the date: December 3rd and come to the GFO all or part of the day to help. GFO will provide pastries, fruit, and coffee in the morning, pizza and pop in the afternoon. You provide the people power. Please help.
Seminar Tables For Sale
The GFO recently replaced its classroom tables with ones that weigh less and will be easier to move when reconfiguring the room. Our old tables are still in great shape.
Do you know anyone who could use them?These “Seminar Tables” are 72 “ (6-feet) long and 18” deep. They stand 29 inches high.
Their strong legs are metal and the table tops are laminated wood with rubber edges. All fold-flat when not in use. We have 10 of these tables for sale:
$20 a piece, or
$175 for the set of 10. Please contact if you are interested. Pickup is required at the GFO library.
PCS Offers GFO Discount to New Play “Redwood”
We are delighted that Portland Center Stage is offering friends of GFO two special offers for an upcoming play that happens to revolve around genealogy! Redwood is billed as “a beautiful, humor-filled excavation of our shared history. When Steve Durbin sets out to chart his Black family’s ancestry online, his revelations unwittingly throw his entire family into turmoil.” On October 26, GFO President Vince Patton and Director at Large Julie Ramos, will speak before the performance, at about 6:45 p.m., about all the GFO offers and why we find building personal links to history so valuable. Redwood runs from October 26 through November 17 at Portland Center Stage at the Armory. PCS has two offers for friends of the GFO:
October 26: Use promo code “GFO” for $25 tickets.
October 27-November 17: Use promo code “COMMUNITY” for $10 off tickets. Get tickets here.
Surplus Book: Kegley’s Virginia 1840-1785
Do you remember when Virginia was the southwest edge of the American frontier? No, we don’t either. But your ancestors might well have been part of the early colonial settlements. This 786-page book could be a treasure trove for those with Virginia roots. Kegley’s Virginia Frontier, The Beginning of the Southwest, The Roanoke of Colonial Days, 1740-1783, with Maps and Illustrations by F. B. Kegley was published in 1938 by The Southwest Virginia Historical Society.
“The arrival of each newcomer with his place of settlement is chronicled and his experiences and subsequent movements appropriately recounted,” wrote F. B. Kegley in the preface. This book is full of wonderful fold-out maps, and the pages are are as crisp and readable as the day they were printed. The binding is starting to come loose at the rear cover. Otherwise, it’s in very good shape. Pickup at GFO Price – $45
Ship to You Price – $52 If you’re interested in buying it, contact
Survey Results: Using the GFO Online Catalog
There were 37 responses to last week’s survey which asked about using GFO’s online library catalog. We hope those of you who haven’t checked out the catalog will do so soon.
Most of the comments indicated that respondents have used the online catalog BOTH at home and at the library. One person said, “It’s really handy to look up books at home then go to the library prepared with a list,“ and we couldn’t agree more. It’s a fabulous tool.
And for the person who said, “Have not yet used the library – live too far – so I do not use the catalog,” we’d like to encourage you to check out the catalog no matter how far away you are. We may have a resource that would help your research. Our research team (for a small fee) can copy a small portion of a book or check our resources for you. Also … some content in the catalog is available wherever you are. And that content is growing all the time. Look up Bliss or Idaho Newspaper Clippings to see a sample of what’s available from your home.
New Survey:
For those who’ve used GFO’s online library catalog, we’d like to know what features you’ve used and what you like best or find most helpful.
Take the Survey
This week at GFO …
Saturday, October 19th
Genealogy Problem Solvers 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
Martha Ellen Adams was born in 1839 in Mississippi and had FOURTEEN brothers and sisters. But the ancestral trail back into history stops there. Who were her parents, especially the rugged woman who was mother of these fifteen children? Please join us as we plunge headlong into 1800 Tennessee, the brick wall state, to determine a GFO member’s 3rd great grandparents. Beginners and intermediate researchers are encouraged to submit problems to work on at future meetings. For questions or more information contact Katie Daly at
African American Ancestry Group 12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
“Bring Your Own Brick Wall.”
Bring your problems, questions, and documents (copies, please, no originals), and we will brainstorm to come up with information and suggestions that can direct your next steps and may help you solve some of your family mysteries. For more information, contact us at
GenTalk: Records of Death 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Join Pam Vestal as she presents Discovering Your Ancestor’s Life in Records of Death. We’ll explore the surprisingly abundant information that is collected when a death occurs and glimpse just how much these records can reveal, not only about our ancestors’ deaths, but also about their lives. GenTalks are free to the public.
Sunday, October 20th
Library Work Party 9:00 a.m. Noon
There’s another work party at the GFO library today for those of you who can come. There’s lots to do and we’d love to have your help. Doors open at 9 and work usually wraps up around noon. Some people come for just an hour or so; others work the full time. You are welcome to do either. Any time you can share is valuable. Hope to see you there.
Family Tree Maker for Beginners 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
This is a beginning class for Family Tree Maker users and for those considering a purchase of the software. This class is offered quarterly. Questions? Or if you have Family Tree Maker topics you’d like covered, email Joyce and Laurel at
French Canada Group 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Share stories of our history. Come and join this group to learn more about French Canadian ancestry and Acadia. The group leader is Bob LaMarche and you can email him at
Wednesday, October 23rd
PMUG College (Mac Users) 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Portland Mac Users Group College features:
Getting Creative with Apple’s Free Apps
• See how Pages Templates assist your creativity
• Amaze your friends with Keynote Slideshows
• …. and much more!
Bring your Mac/iPad to participate with instruction. To register: Call 503-228-1779; Email: If you would like additional info for attending this class, please email us. This is free for GFO members.
GFO Library Open Late to 8:00 p.m.


THE GENEALOGICAL FORUM’s Thursday Evening E-News Edition October 10, 2019
Curious about the status of your GFO Membership? We’d love to have you as a GFO Member! | 503-963-1932 | Be sure to check the complete GFO CALENDAR.
Also, don’t miss the current issue of The Forum Insider
Genealogy Boot Camp for Beginners
Ever been squeezed out of Boot Camp because the class was full?
Hate being in large classes? Then this may be your best opportunity to attend.
Laurel Smith will cover how to get started, organization, online trees and database programs, the census, and vital records — all geared toward beginners — but basic computer skills are a prerequisite. All communications are done via email, and you must be able to download and print the class notes. Bring a sack lunch, snacks, and a beverage so you can keep going as the class does. GFO members may attend for free, non-members $20. Genealogy Boot Camp for Beginners on October 27th has only a few folks registered. Register today!
Register Now
Free GenTalk: Death Records
Join us for our next free GenTalk on Saturday, Oct. 19 from 2 – 3 p.m.
Presenter: Pam Vestal Sometimes the best way to learn about an ancestor’s life is to dig into the mountain of paperwork created by his death. We’ll explore the surprisingly abundant information that is collected when a death occurs and glimpse just how much these records can reveal, not only about our ancestors’ deaths, but also about their lives. Pam Vestal entered the field of genealogy after a 21-year career as a professional writer. She does genealogical research for clients, has articles published in the Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly, and lectures up and down the West Coast. All GenTalks are free and open to the public at the GFO Library.
GFO October Star: Cathy Lauer
Anyone who visits the GFO library is likely to see Cathy Lauer’s friendly face and welcoming smile, as Cathy works our front desk more than anyone else. Cathy managed the schedule of Research Assistants for a decade! That’s longer than most of us have been volunteering. She works on vital library projects when things are slow, and she rarely misses a Sunday Work Party. We can’t think of anyone more deserving of Star status! Thank you, Cathy!
Immediate Opening: Editor Needed for The Forum Insider
We are so grateful to LauraDenise White for her superb service for the last two years as the editor of The Forum Insider. Unfortunately, she must step away and we need someone to edit our almost-monthly newsletter.
Would you like to be the one who shares key information about genealogy and the GFO with members and non-members alike? It’s critical we get information out and need someone who can compile and distribute it eight times per year. The editor collects articles and lays them out using Adobe Acrobat. We’ll provide the software and the training. Editing of submissions is often required, following the GFO style guide. Work follows a strict schedule so that we can meet our distribution deadlines. If you have interest or experience, please contact our president, Vince Patton, at
News from the GFO Library
The GFO Library recently received, Index to Virginia Estates 1800-1865 by Wesley E. Pippenger. With help from two generous donors, GFO now has the complete series of these books (volumes 1 – 10) the contents of which are arranged by geographic region and provide an index of all items recorded in will books created by a Virginia county or city from 1800 to 1865. The newest arrivals are on the New Book shelves, but will soon find their way to the Virginia section in the library, call number 975.40 .Court Est 1800-1865.
PCS Offers GFO Discount to New Play “Redwood”
We are delighted that Portland Center Stage is offering friends of GFO two special offers for an upcoming play that happens to revolve around genealogy! Redwood is billed as “a beautiful, humor-filled excavation of our shared history. When Steve Durbin sets out to chart his Black family’s ancestry online, his revelations unwittingly throw his entire family into turmoil.” On October 26, GFO President Vince Patton and Director at Large Julie Ramos, will talk before the performance at about 6:45 p.m. about all the GFO offers and why we find building personal links to history so valuable. Redwood runs from October 26 through November 17 at Portland Center Stage at the Armory. PCS has two offers for friends of the GFO:
October 26: Use promo code “GFO” for $25 tickets.
October 27-November 17: Use promo code “COMMUNITY” for $10 off tickets. Get tickets here.
Surplus Book: 122 Year Old Wisconsin Blue Book
Many states publish Blue Books. They encapsulate that year with information about the state’s politics, election results, census, economy and more. They’re a great snapshot in time. The GFO has a spare copy to sell of the Wisconsin Blue Book of 1897. It was compiled under the direction of Secretary of State Henry Casson. Ours is a retired library copy, with library marks on page edges.
The book is in good shape with a sound spine, but visible wear around the edges of the cover. Our price:
$28 if you pick up at the GFO
$33 if we mail it to you. Please contact if you are interested.
Survey Results: Education of your Ancestors
We had 54 responses to our queries about ancestral education.
The majority of respondents’ parents and grandparents graduated high school or received a GED.
And the majority had one or more parents who received schooling after high school.
Here are a few of the comments we received: ▪ I have a great picture of my grandfather graduating from Night High School in New York City in @ 1904.I have a 2 great grand uncle who graduated from medical school in 1890’s as well as a uncle who did it in 1930’s.
My paternal grandfather, his siblings, and parents immigrated from Germany in the 1880s. He died when my father, the oldest of five, was 11 years old. Dad had to work on the farm they rented. My generation had more opportunities: four of my father’s five children graduated from college—one with a PhD; the fifth has an Associate Degree. The generation after us? The cost of higher education has been challenging. Many who have graduated from college are saddled with student loans.
New Survey: Using the GFO Online Catalog
We’d like to know how many of our readers have used GFO’s online library catalog. Please take this week’s survey to let us know.
Take the Survey
This week at GFO …
Friday, October 11th
Mexican Ancestry Group 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
This Special Interest Group (SIG) pertains specifically to Mexican ancestors from Mexico and the American Southwest (New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and California). Beginning and intermediate researchers are welcome. Some subjects will include online parish records, Hispanic genealogy societies, Family History Library/, solving genealogical problems, methodology of organizing your research, etc.
For questions or comments, please email group leader Vince Ramirez at
Saturday, October 12th
Great Lakes Region Interest Group 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
This month we will talk about what interests you! Were there any loyalists, criminals, preachers, or soldiers in your family? Any new research surprises? What parts of the region’s history capture your attention lately? What brick walls can we help you with? Bring your ideas for a smörgåsbord of topics about the Great Lakes Region. If your ancestors were in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, or Ontario CANADA, or if you simply want to come to listen, you are most welcome to attend.
For more information contact Lynn Rossing at
Writers Forum 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
This is a peer group of genealogists, who meet to learn about writing and to share our writing with each other. Peggy Baldwin facilitates this group and can be reached at
Sunday, October 13th
Library Work Party 9:00 a.m. Noon
There’s another work party at the GFO library today for those of you who can come. There’s lots to do and we’d love to have your help. Doors open at 9 and work usually wraps up around noon. Some people come for just an hour or so; others work the full time. You are welcome to do either. Any time you can share is valuable. Hope to see you there.
Wednesday, October 16th
Learn and Chat 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
In this group, some of the learning comes from speakers with particular expertise but most of it comes from the sharing of experiences and knowledge of attendees who have developed methods that work for them. And if you have been doing genealogy for any length time you have likely experienced the wonderful moments of exhilaration, the successes that you then share with others and that drive you to continue researching. Unfortunately those times can be few and far between. Join us to talk about your genealogy questions and help provide support to others. Facilitated by Jeanne Quan and Sandy Alto. Questions?
DNA Q&A: The Basics 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Today’s presentation will be “Jumpstart You DNA Discoveries”, which covers the steps to set up your autosomal DNA testing account to make it more inviting to your matches so that they want to connect with you. It also covers some biogeographical estimation (ethnicity) comparisons and basic navigations of and My Heritage companies’ websites. It is ideal for those new to DNA testing for genealogy and may also be helpful to those who are having difficulty navigating the websites. If you want to follow along, bring your laptops or other mobile devices. The handout can be downloaded here.

This meeting is for those who are just beginning to use DNA testing for genealogy. Each class begins with a presentation of general information about DNA testing. General questions regarding DNA testing are welcome at the end of each planned discussion. Lisa McCullough leads this group.. Questions?
Irish Interest Group 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Lisa McCullough, Leader of the GFO DNA Q&A, will be the guest speaker at our October meeting.
We are so fortunate to have Lisa McCullough who hosts the GFO’s DNA beyond the basics (1st Wednesday of the month) and DNA basics (3rd Wednesday of the month) to present her analysis of a Y-DNA challenge from our own Irish SIG and her strategy for working through DNA Irish results, too! While Irish research can be challenging there are next steps that only DNA can answer! Second hour we will tackle brick walls starting with one submitted by Patricia Delich. Contact for more information.
GFO Library Open Late to 8:00 p.m.