Heritage Quest Research Library Needs Your Help!

Heritage Quest Research Library is seeking your help to move forward.
As many of you know, on October 28, 2022, we experienced a devastating fire in the building next door to our library. Because of the smoke damage to our space, we had to remove the entire contents of our library. The books and shelving units have been through an ionization/cleaning process and are ready for us to reopen at any time.

Because of the fire, the building owner is required to do major restoration and seismic upgrades to the building that will take many months to complete. We are and have been looking for a space for many months now.

One of the major stumbling blocks to our search, is the cost per square foot, to lease a unit large enough to accommodate the library, bookstore, classroom and office space. We will be required to double the rate we were paying before the fire.

We hope that you will consider our plight and feel the need to HELP.
You can find the GoFundMe page for Heritage Quest Research Library by clicking on the link below. We sincerely Thank you for considering our request.

Click Here for the GoFundMe page

Heritage Quest Research Library Deacon John Doane Ancestry

Steven W. Morrison, MPA is the past-president of the Puget Sound Chapter of Association of Professional Genealogists and the Olympia Genealogical Society. You can find more about Steven at https://stevenwmorrison.com 
Likely English Ancestry of Deacon John Doane of Plymouth & Eastham, Massachusetts Follow the trials and tribulations of a small group of dedicated family researchers who set out to identify the ancestor of Deacon John Doane. While his activities in the Plymouth Colony are well documented, the Deacon’s life in his mother country was a complete mystery.  Over decades, plausible theories were researched and eventually discarded as dead ends. Then the release of online records resulted in a wave of new discoveries. Comparative analysis from both sides of the pond eventually proved that a candidate from London, England was likely the youthful Deacon. A case study for anyone with a lost New England ancestor.  When:  August 10, 2023

11:00 AM to 12:30 PM

Where:  ZOOM

Cost: $20 Members
          $25 Non-Members Sign up and payment:
Go to hqrl.com and the HQRL Store
Be sure to sign in as a member first to get the member discount. OR
Mail to: HQRL
1007 Main Street
Sumner, WA 98390
Copyright © 2023 Heritage Quest Research LIbrary, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research LIbrary1007 Main StSumner, WA98390-1412

Heritage Quest Research Library DNA Tools

DNA TOOLS (Emphasis on Ancestry’s Tools) Discussion and examples of several tools that are currently available to assist you in using your DNA results to advance your genealogy research. Tools that will be discussed will include DNA Painter, Ancestry’s matches, and groups, and ThruLines
Do you have matches on Ancestry that do not have a tree or the tree is private? We will walk you through how you can use the data with others to help identify the possible relationship/DNA connection.  JUDY LINE Judy has been doing genealogy for over 30 years.  She holds several certificates from the National Institute for Genealogical Studies, and Boston University. Judy has completed DNA courses presented by Blaine Bettinger and Diahan Southard. Although not an expert, she has a good grasp of the concepts.
Judy holds membership in: Ohio Genealogical Association, Lake County Genealogical Association, Tacoma-Pierce County Genealogical Society, Utah Genealogical Association, NEHGS, NGS and others. Currently, she is a Management Team member for Heritage Quest Research Library and a member of the TPCGS Board.  August 3, 2023


11:00 am to 12:00 pm Cost: $20.00 members
$25.00 non-members Go to hqrl.com 
HQRL Store and sign up online
Be sure to sign into your account to receive the member discount.

Don’t forget our other upcoming classes: 
August 10, 2023 with Steven Morrison
Case Study: Finding English Ancestor
Copyright © 2023 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
1007 Main St
Sumner, WA 98390-1412

Heritage Quest Research Library Picnic

We’re having a Picnic and You’re invited!   Heritage Quest Research Library
is having a summer gathering and picnic.  We miss all of you and this is a great opportunity to gather together, talk genealogy, play games, share stories and just have fun. 
It’s also a great opportunity to find out what’s happening with the library and share your thoughts and ideas for the future.
Come play some games; Croquet, Corn Hole, Bowling, Horseshoes, Lawn Darts. We’ll even have a balloon race and a photo booth.  You might win a prize!
Bring your favorite side dish or salad to share, something to drink and a comfortable lawn chair.  
We will provide the hotdogs, buns and condiments along with plates and utensils. Friday
July 21, 2023
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Loyalty Park 
1400 Park Street
Sumner, WA 98390 RSVP to research@hqrl.com
Copyright © 2023 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
1007 Main St
Sumner, WA 98390-1412

Heritage Quest Research Library Beginning DNA

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Beginning DNA for Genealogists
Getting back to the basics. In this presentation, we will look at all types of DNA that are currently being used for genealogical purposes. The inheritance pattern of each will be reviewed.  Identify basic information that should be provided by all testing companies.  The purpose of the “admixture” will be explained.  Also explained will be why your admixture percentages change from time to time. 
Any time remaining will be open for questions.    Judy Line has been doing genealogy off and on for thirty years. She has completed several formal education programs.  She holds certificates from the National Institute for Genealogical Studies, Boston University and holds a business degree from Washington State University.  Thursday: July 6, 2023
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Sign up by going to the HQRL Store at https://www.hqrl.com
  Thursday, July 20, 2023

Beginning Your Family History
Part A: Getting Started
What is it?
Why do it?
Where to begin?
How to get organized?

So you want to start a little project?
How can Heritage Quest Research Library Help YOU?
Start with a free beginning class taught by our very own research librarians.  Thursday, July 20, 2023
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Sign up by going to the HQRL Store at https://www.hqrl.com.
  A link will be sent to your email 2 days before the class.
Copyright © 2023 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research LIbrary
1007 Main St
Sumner, WA98390-1412

Heritage Quest Research Library Courthouse Records in Colonial Virginia

Steven W. Morrison is the past president of the Puget Sound Chapter of APG. Steven is a long-time member, speaker and collaborator at HQRL.
Steven received The American Society of Genealogists Scholar Award in 2016. Virginia, Quaker and Ireland are just a few of the many topics Steven has presented in his speaking career. Please help us welcome Steven back to HQRL for another interesting class.
Courthouse Records in Colonial Virginia – Order, Deed & Wills Book

Records from Virginia courthouses are some of the nation’s oldest written treasures. The Order, Deed & Will books are microfilmed for most Virginia counties but are not widely accessible. Today these have been digitized and are now online. These records create an amazing tapestry for those researching in the colonial era.
June 15, 2023
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
$20 Members
$25 Non-members
Sign-up and Payment:

Go to hqrl.com and click on the HQRL Store
(Be sure to sign in as a member to recieve the discount)

A link will be sent to your email 1 – 2 days before the class.
Copyright © 2023 Heritage Quest Research LIbrary, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
1007 Main St
Sumner, WA 98390-1412

Heritage Quest Research Library Archiving Photos & Documents

Chrystine Westphal is a custom design and frame specialist at Robi’s Print Design, Custom Framing & Camera Center in Lakewood Washington.
Come see what she can show us to protect those treasures that we have found intentionally and unintentionally.
Archiving Photos and Documents

You found a box in the garage…You don’t remember it…You open it up…No spiders but what you did discover was a box full of your grandmother’s photo albums, newspaper clippings, and your dad’s baby book. And what about that set of tintype photos of your great grandparents!!!!!

Has this happened to you? Now what do you do with it?
Chrystine will show us what to do with it all.
Thursday, May 18, 2023
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Family History Center
LDS Church
512 Valley Ave
Sumner, WA 98390
$20 members
$25 non-members
Sign-up and Payment:
Go to hqrl.com and proceed to HQRL Store
(sign in as a member to receive the discount)
The Family History Center in Sumner, WA has graciously allowed us to present this class at their facility while we are looking for a permanent home. We would like to take this opportunity to THANK them for their hospitality and invite you to join us in our first in-person class in almost 2 years.

Please remember, no food or drink other than water.
Copyright © 2023 Heritage Quest Research LIbrary, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research LIbrary
1007 Main St
Sumner, WA 98390-1412

Heritage Quest Research Library Between a Rock & a Hard Place

Tina Beaird is the owner of Tamarack Genealogy and is a Genealogy & Local History librarian at the Plainfield Public Library in Plainfield, IL. She holds a Masters of Library and Information Science degree with a specialization in Archives/Preservation from Dominican University. Tina has won multiple research and digitization grants to preserve and digitize historic documents and photographs.
Between a Rock & a Hard Place:
Overturning Every Stone to Break Through Your Brick Wall.

Whether due to a courthouse fire, natural disaster or late records collection date; each of us has that one ancestor, place or era where the records remain steadfastly elusive. Tina will share success stories and offer tips and strategies to break through that brick wall and find that elusive ancestor.

Thursday, May 4, 2023
via ZOOM
$20 Members
$25 Non-members
Sign-up & Payment:
Go to hqrl.com
then proceed to
HQRL Store
(sign in as a member to get the discount)
A link will be sent to your email the Tuesday before the class.
Please check your spam and promotions files for emails.
Copyright © 2023 Heritage Quest Research LIbrary, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research LIbrary
1007 Main St
Sumner, WA 98390-1412

Heritage Quest Research Library Using Historical Maps

Janet O’Conor Camarata is a genealogist with over 30 years of experience. She is an experienced presenter, educator and trainer for genealogical societies, libraries, community colleges and senior centers across Washington. Janet is a graduate of the UW Genealogy and Family History program and has a B.A. in education from Central Washington University and a Master’s from Antioch University.
Using Historical Maps for Genealogical Research

Historical maps are crucial to genealogical research! These maps allow genealogy researchers to place our ancestors in a specific location and time. By doing so, we can begin to understand people and the land, migration patterns, and the community where an ancestor lived. By using these maps, we can reduce research time. Fortunately, many maps can be found online for FREE.
APRIL 20, 2023
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM


Go to the HQRL Store and sign up online. You must sign in as a member to get the discount.
Copyright © 2023 Heritage Quest Research LIbrary, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research LIbrary
1007 Main St
Sumner, WA 98390-1412

Add us to your address book

Heritage Quest Research Library Fire Update

What a winter this has been!
As many of you know on October 28th, 2022, we experienced an arson fire just behind our building.  Thank goodness the fire department responded quickly and were able to get the fire knocked down. The building next door was not so lucky.  If you happen to drive down Main Street in Sumner, you will see a big hole where the Stuck Junction Restaurant and Lounge used to be.  We made it through with only smoke damage and have had the books cleaned and stored. The information we are receiving from the building owner indicates that it will be some time before we can get back into the building.  They are working with the city of Sumner to make progress to re-open but are realistically looking to the end of the year.  What does all this mean for Heritage Quest Research Library?  
We are working hard to move forward. The Management Team (daily processes) and the Board of Trustees have met and discussed several scenarios and options for that forward motion.  We have viewed several different sites from Auburn to Orting to Puyallup and are finding available locations to be very few. However, the library crew and the teams are still engaged in the service we provide. Our classes are still being scheduled and attended by many of you. Our members have access to My Heritage and Ancestry from home. But we still need you.  
Your continued support of HQRL by logging into your account and accessing Ancestry and My Heritage helps us tremendously. Signing up for a class or two and taking the opportunity to give us feedback will help us in our quest to continue to be a premier genealogy resource. If you are not a member, now would be a great time to do so. 
If you are aware of a space that might fit our needs, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are constantly on the lookout, but we can’t be everywhere. You can reach us at research@hqrl.com
Sincerest regards,
Heritage Quest Research Library