Heritage Quest Research Library Cindi’s List in Practice

Cyndi’s List in Practice Sometimes overwhelming to beginners and sometimes underused by veterans, Cyndi’s List is a research tool that is robust with resources helpful in everyone’s research.  Using specific examples for beginners, as well as more advanced researchers, we will explore the site and point out how to make the most of the categories and the links found within. Cyndi Ingle, a genealogist for more than 43 years, is a creator and innovator behind the award-winning and globally recognized CyndisList.com. Cyndi is an expert in using technology for genealogy, research in the US and bringing together traditional methodology with organization, computers, software and the Internet.  March 7, 2024

11:00 AM to NOON

ZOOM $20 Members

$25 Non-members

Go to hqrl.com 
and click on the HQRL Store.
Be sure to sign in as a member to receive the discount. Finding Your Female Ancestors with M. Diane Rogers is scheduled for March 27, 2024.  More information coming soon!
Along with information regarding the re-opening of the library!
Copyright © 2024 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
2102 East Main Suite 105
Puyallup, WA98372-3205

Heritage Quest Research Library Comparing RootsMagic and Family Tree Maker

Comparing Family Tree Maker
RootsMagic Learn strategies to build a robust, portable, sourced, cloud-synchronized digital tree.  Learn about privacy options and how to backup your tree to prevent losing everything.  Learn strategies to maximize your DNA information–messaging matches, sharing trees, and how to use surname message boards.  Several popular family tree software options will be discussed including Family Tree Maker and RootsMagic.  Kelli Bergheimer is a writer, teacher, editor, and international genealogical speaker. She works as the Director of Education for Your DNA Guide. Kelli runs a small business – Mess the Desk, a genealogical organization company with a YouTube channel. She is a facilitator for Genetics, Genealogy, and You, an online DNA interest group.  She is a member of APG and the Genealogical Speakers Guild.   When: Thursday, February 1, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Where: ZOOM
Cost: $20 members / $25 non-members Go to hqrl.com and click on the HQRL Store 
Be sure to sign-in as a member to receive the discount.
Copyright © 2024 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
2102 East MainSuite 105
Puyallup, WA 98372-3205

Heritage Quest Research Library January & February Classes

January 18, 2024

Danni Altman-Newell began her family history research at an early age, courtesy of spending summers watching her maternal-grandparents indexing at the local FHC.  She is a graduate of Pro-Gen and is a proud member of OES, DAR, APG & NGS.  She lectures on a variety of topics, but specializes in technology, the Great War, Fraternal Orgainzations, the Midwest and railroad research. Read more about Danni at https://talkingboxgenealogy.com
Organizing Your Genealogy: It’s Not as Difficult as You Think Have you tried different genealogy organization systems just to find yourself throwing your hands in the air in frustration because the systems just don’t seem to “click” with you?  The pressure of organizing the amount of “stuff” we acquire during our genealogy research can be completely overwhelming to all levels of genealogists.  Taking the time to get organized will save you time, reduce your frustration, and increase your efficiency when researching.  But how in the world can you organize all the information you have (or will have)?  In this presentation, we’ll talk about how to organize your “stuff” and how being organized can increase your efficiency and free up time for research.  When: Thursday, January 18, 2024
11:00 AM to 12 PM (Pacific Time)
Where: ZOOM
Cost: $20 members / $25 non-members
  Sign up and Payment:
Go to hqrl.com and click on the HQRL Store
(sign-in as a member to receive the discount)

February 1, 2024
Comparing Family Tree Maker & Roots Magic
Now that you’ve begun your research on Ancestry or Family Search, what do you do with it and where do you keep it?  
We will compare these two software programs made for genealogical research and compilation. 
Join us February 1, 2024 
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
$ 20 members / $25 non-members
Sign-up at hqrl.com
Be sure to sign-in as a member to receive the discount. 
Copyright © 2024 Heritage Quest Research LIbrary, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research LIbrary2102 East MainSuite 105Puyallup, WA98372-3205Add us to your address book

Heritage Quest Research Library Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays from
Heritage Quest Research Library   As most of you know, this has been a very difficult year for us here at Heritage Quest Research Library.  We appreciate your continued support of our mission to preserve the records of our ancestors and promote an interest in family history.  
We cannot do what we do without you and a physical presence.  I am happy to announce that we have found a space. When we re-open, we will be located in Puyallup, about 2 miles from our former space. We do not have a re-open date as yet, but we are working hard to make it happen soon.   
As you know we are a 100% volunteer staff.  We are looking for additional volunteers to help us make re-opening a reality.  
Are you knowledgeable about computers? Is your background in marketing or promotions?  Do you have the technical knowledge that will keep our new computers up to date and running smoothly?  Do you have a specific area of expertise in your research?  Do you like meeting other people? Are you willing to commit to a few hours each week as a volunteer?  We have many opportunities to meet your talents. 
Please let us know if you would like to join us as we continue our vision to be a premier genealogy resource.  Class is in session!
January 4, 2024
January brings us full circle and our “Beginning Genealogy” class.  Taught by our own local educator Heidi Geise.  We encourage everyone to take this class if you are just beginning your journey or even if you are moderately proficient at doing genealogical research.  There is always something new to learn or be discovered.  When: Thursday, January 4,2024
11:00 AM to NOON PST
Where: ZOOM
 Cost: Free 

  Sign-up: Go to hqrl.com and click on HQRL Store
Sign in as a member to receive the discount. 
Copyright © 2023 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
2102 East Main Suite 105
Puyallup, WA

Heritage Quest Research Library Fund Raiser

https://www.yumraising.com/secure/heritageqrl_heritage_quest_research_library6/GloGbr3577/candy Help Heritage Quest Research Library turn Candy into Cash See’s Candy – Yum Raising

You are invited to help Heritage Quest Research Library with their fund raising store-front.
This is an online store that is open for the month of November.  Shipping is free if over $70.  Shipping will start as early as November 10th. 
Proceeds to HQRL average 25% of the purchase price.
Copyright © 2023 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
1007 Main St
Sumner, WA 98390-1412

Heritage Quest Research Library Civil War Research

Jean Wilcox Hibben, PhD, MA, is a national speaker and author.  She is a member of DAR and is the current family history consultant for the Corona, CA Family History Center. Jean has over 45 years of research experience and has participated in a number of other society boards.  She writes the “Aunty Jeff” column for the Informer, the newsletter for the Jefferson County NY Genealogical Society. Her website: circlemending.org
Civil War Research:
Learning About Your Union Veteran Ancestor It is easier than ever to get the records of a Civil War ancestor. Basic steps on how to recognize that a person fought in the War Between the States as well as the processes that can be used to determine his regiment and company will be explored.  Also provided: how to access the sources that have the records in the collections or databases.  What researchers can expect to find on the records will be discussed, along with tips on less obvious things to search for in the documents received. These are illustrated by actual copies of Civil War military and pension records. 
Please note that this lecture focuses on Union records.  It will not cover Confederate research.  When:
November 9, 2023
11:00 AM to Noon
Members $20
Non-members $ 25
Sign-up & Pay:
Go to hqrl.com
Go to the HQRL Store 
Be sure to sign in to your account if you are a current member in order to receive the discount. 
A link will be sent to your email 2 days before the class. 
Copyright © 2023 Heritage Quest Research LIbrary, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
1007 Main St
Sumner, WA 98390-1412

Heritage Quest Research Library Internet Archive for the Family Historian


Wow! Just when you thought you had linked all the genealogical research you could find…Internet Archive came along. Maybe not a new site, but have you used it?  
Here is a free site to make books available for free.  This site includes “government documents, church records, county and state histories, atlases and gazetteers, newspapers, school yearbooks and more.” 
Don’t miss this class! Tina Beaird is the owner of Tamarack Genealogy and is a Genealogy & Local History Librarian at the Plainfield Public Library in Plainfield, Illinois.  Tina holds a Masters of Library and Information Science degree with specialization in Archives/Preservation from Dominican University. She has won multiple research and digitization grants to preserve and digitize historic documents and photographs. Thursday, October 5, 2023
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
$20 Members
$25 Non-members  Go to hqrl.com and click on the HQRL Store
(Sign in as a member to receive the discount.)
Copyright © 2023 Heritage Quest Research LIbrary, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research LIbrary
1007 Main St
Sumner, WA98390-1412

Heritage Quest Research Library The Quest for your English Ancestors

Claire V. Brisson-Banks, BS, MLIS, AG®. CEO of Timeless Genealogies, an ancestral research company.  Ancestral and forensics genealogist, family historian, educator, librarian, international and US lecturer.  She specializes in England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, U.S., and Canada. 
The Quest for Your English Ancestors
English civil and church records as well as census records make doing research back to 1837 feasible. Pre-1837 requires more skill and a greater knowledge of the large variety of little-known resources to conduct this research, which can bring you back to the 1600’s and beyond.  Adding new internet resources makes this a great experience. 
September 21, 2023
11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Members $20
Non-Members $25
Deadline to Sign-up
September 19, 2013 Sign-up and Payment

Call (253) 863-1806

Go to our website at hqrl.com and click on the HQRL Store.
Be sure to sign in as a member to receive the discount. 
Copyright © 2023 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
1007 Main St
Sumner, WA 98390-1412

Heritage Quest Research Library Needs Your Help!

Heritage Quest Research Library is seeking your help to move forward.
As many of you know, on October 28, 2022, we experienced a devastating fire in the building next door to our library. Because of the smoke damage to our space, we had to remove the entire contents of our library. The books and shelving units have been through an ionization/cleaning process and are ready for us to reopen at any time.

Because of the fire, the building owner is required to do major restoration and seismic upgrades to the building that will take many months to complete. We are and have been looking for a space for many months now.

One of the major stumbling blocks to our search, is the cost per square foot, to lease a unit large enough to accommodate the library, bookstore, classroom and office space. We will be required to double the rate we were paying before the fire.

We hope that you will consider our plight and feel the need to HELP.
You can find the GoFundMe page for Heritage Quest Research Library by clicking on the link below. We sincerely Thank you for considering our request.

Click Here for the GoFundMe page