Be a Part of the OrgConnects! Conversation on 30 January 2025
Dear NGS Organization Members, Administrators, and Delegates, Start 2025 by joining the National Genealogical Society (NGS) for our next OrgConnects! event to participate in a town hall conversation about your membership and building our organization community on Thursday, 30 January 2025, at 8:00 p.m. (ET). Register for OrgConnects! via Zoom* and share the event information with people in your organization.Every NGS member society, library, archive, museum, and institution is welcome to have leaders, members, staff, and volunteers sign up for this one-hour Zoom* event. This session will be most beneficial for officers, board members, decision-makers, and others in leadership roles within your organization and offers time to: Get the latest updates on benefits and resources Learn about the administrator and delegate roles and their importance Meet NGS leaders and staff involved in supporting organizations Ask questions related to organization membership Connect with fellow organization leaders Discuss how we can all work together to strengthen our community We look forward to seeing you and your organization at this event!Register for OrgConnects! on 30 January*PLEASE NOTE: NGS Zoom events require attendees to have an authenticated Zoom account. Each attendee must sign up for this session using their existing Zoom account (and the email address used with Zoom) or create a free Basic Zoom account at
Registration is Now Open for the NGS 2025 Family History Conference
Discount Information for Organization Members
Dear NGS Organization Members, Administrators, and Delegates,
Registration is open for the National Genealogical Society (NGS) 2025 Family History Conference, Tales & Trails, in Louisville, Kentucky, 23-26 May, at the Galt House Hotel. More than one thousand genealogists and related organizations are expected to attend to connect with family history researchers while enhancing knowledge and skills.
Check out the conference website to learn more about our in-depth program covering a wide range of interests, exceptional speakers, fascinating events and tours, and more. Start preparing your entry for the 2025 SLAM! Idea Showcase and encourage people from your organization to participate in FOCUS on 23 May 2025.
Register for the conference by 31 January to get the early bird $50 discount!
Conference Registration Discount Offer for Organization Members NGS member organizations can register up to three leaders, volunteers, or employees to attend the NGS 2025 Family History Conference at the individual membership rate if those people are not members of NGS. To use this offer, organizations must submit the 2025 Family History Conference Organization Request Form by Friday, 25 April 2025.
Once the form is received, NGS will create the registration in our system for each individual (up to three people) listed on the submitted form. Each person will be emailed an invoice and can pay their registration with the discounted rate by phone or online by logging in to their account.
The discount offer is only valid at the time of the initial registration, and refunds will not be authorized for existing paid registrations. Please make sure your organization submits the necessary form to receive the discounted rate per person and communicates the process to your leaders, volunteers, or staff to avoid potential confusion.
2024 Virtual FOCUS Event will Help Your Organization with Outreach and Engagement
Dear NGS Organization Members, Administrators, and Delegates,
The National Genealogical Society (NGS) is hosting our FOCUS pre-conference event for genealogy organizations virtually in 2024, and we welcome your organization’s leaders, volunteers, staff, and members to attend on 16 May.
FOCUS offers learning opportunities that foster collaboration and share successes among societies, libraries, archives, museums, and other institutions. Its goal is to strengthen our genealogy and family history community as we work to support everyone in search of their ancestors’ stories.
This year’s theme is outreach and engagement. FOCUS sessions will offer practical tips and ideas to help your organization reach new people, activate volunteers, and highlight family history as a part of the America250 celebration in 2026. Watch presentations and participate in live Q&A on 16 May, then see sessions you missed at your convenience over a few months. Registrants will have access to FOCUS recordings until 15 August.
Learn More and Register for FOCUS
Learn from Fellow Organizations in Keynote and Breakout Sessions
FOCUS begins with a keynote presentation at 2:00 p.m. (ET) by International African American Museum (IAAM) President and CEO Tonya M. Matthews, PhD. She will share lessons from the launch of IAAM, one of the country’s newest and most compelling museums. Join us to find inspiration, a renewed sense of mission and purpose, and motivation to expand public outreach, engage volunteers, and grow your community. Matthews is a nonprofit executive leadership veteran with insights that will benefit you and your organization. FOCUS breakout sessions take place 3:15–6:45 p.m. (ET) on 16 May. The nine available breakout options by genealogy and family history organizations include:
"Fabric of the Past: Teaching Local and Family History Research to School Teachers"—Charity Rouse, Spartanburg County Public Libraries
"Street Genealogy: Family History in a Parking Space Pop-Up"—Shamele Jordon, Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania
"Using Multimedia Approaches for Public Family History Outreach to Include Diverse and Marginalized Populations"—Marcia Johnson, The National Grigsby Family Society
"Branch Out: How to Partner Societies with State or Local Libraries"—Korina Tueller and Linda Caldwell McCleary, Arizona State Library, Archives, and Public Records and Arizona Genealogical Advisory Board
"Cemetery Digitization Project: Engaging Volunteers and the Community to Save History"—Lynne Deese, Wake County Genealogy Society
"We Are Three Lakes: Genealogy + History = Community"—Marie Byatt, Three Lakes Genealogical Society
"Creating an Exhibit and Celebration that Captures Hearts and Gets Attention"—Marcia Fraser, Williamson County Public Library
"Growing Membership and Increasing Value with a PBS Affiliate Partnership"—Heather O’Hara, Maryland Genealogical Society
"Densho’s Story: Preserving and Sharing History by Leveraging Technology"—Caitlin Oiye Coon, Densho
Learn more about all the FOCUS sessions online and share the information with other people in your organization. Organization Member Discount Offer for 2024 FOCUS The FOCUS registration fee is $50, but NGS organization members with three or more FOCUS registrants can get a $40 registration for each person they sign up (a $10 discount per person). Visit the Organization Member Registration page for discount details and to access the required form.
Registration is Now Open for NGS’s 2024 Virtual Family History Conference and FOCUSNGS Organization Members Can Use Discount Offers
Dear NGS Organization Members, Administrators, and Delegates, Registration is open for the National Genealogical Society (NGS) 2024 Family History Conference, Expanding Possibilities, and the preconference FOCUS event for genealogy organizations. Both are virtual and discount offers are available for NGS member organizations. Make plans to sign up people from your organization and share the information outlined below and on the Organization Member Registration page with your leaders, volunteers, and members. Visit the Organization Member Registration PageFamily History Conference: Expanding PossibilitiesStarting on 16 May 2024, check out the Expo Hall and attend the SLAM! Idea Showcase. Join your fellow genealogists for two days of online education and live Q&A on 17-18 May. Choose from among fifty lectures, available to watch in the Whova app through 15 August 2024, with topics that include Records: Resources that Solve Problems and Help Determine Relationships Methodology: Planning Cluster Research, Proving Identity, Resolving Conflict, and more Artificial Intelligence: Newest Technology for Genealogy Writing and Analysis DNA: Beyond the Basics to Advanced Tools Ethnic and LGBTQIA+ Research: New Paths and Sources for Research Conference DiscountsNGS member organizations can register up to three leaders, volunteers, or employees to attend the 2024 Family History Conference at the individual membership per person rate ($225 through 31 January 2024) if those people are not individual members of NGS. Organization members must submit the 2024 Family History Conference form to use this offer. Once this form is received, NGS will invoice your organization for each name, up to three people, on the list.FOCUS on Genealogy OrganizationsThe 16 May 2024 FOCUS event features an inspiring keynote, to be announced soon, and nine breakout sessions highlighting examples of how organizations have incorporated public outreach and engagement into processes and programs or made outreach and engagement the purpose of an event. FOCUS sessions will be available in the Whova app through 15 August 2024 and will help you reach the public, motivate volunteers, and grow the genealogy and family history community.FOCUS DiscountsNGS member organizations with three or more people registering for the 2024 FOCUS event can do so at a discounted rate of $40 (a $10 savings) per person. The organization must submit the 2024 FOCUS form to use this offer. Once this form is received, NGS will invoice your organization for each name on the registration list.Expand the Possibilities for You and Your Organization. Register for the Virtual 2024 Family History Conference and FOCUS.Visit the Organization Member Registration Page
National Genealogical Society and ConferenceKeeper
Greetings, EWGS & WSGS, Karen Lehfeldt here to let you know about one of the announcements shared at the National Genealogical Society Conference and Delegate Council May 31st through June 3rd, 2023. What an exciting time I had in Richmond, Virginia as the Delegate from Eastern Washington Genealogical Society. The news: The National Genealogical Society (NGS) and Genealogy, Inc. (ConferenceKeeper), announced at the NGS 2023 Family History Conference an agreement to merge before the end of the year.
ConferenceKeeper is the most complete, entirely free, online calendar of genealogy conferences and events. With the merger, ConferenceKeeper will continue to support local genealogical societies, libraries, and genealogy-related businesses by providing a wider audience for their programs. The website will offer its calendar of thousands of genealogical education opportunities as a free resource for everyone interested in furthering their knowledge of family history research. ConferenceKeeper will also continue to accept genealogy-related advertising.
National Genealogical Society member organizations will benefit from increased visibility for their events and a special advertising rate on ConferenceKeeper. Check out the websites and for more information about upcoming events and genealogy information.
Save the Dates: 31 May – 3 June NGS 2023 Family History Conference Richmond, Virginia
Dear Charles, Mark your calendars for the National Genealogical Society (NGS) 2023 Family History Conference, 31 May – 3 June, in Richmond, Virginia. The theme is Virginia: Deep Roots of a Nation.
Thanks to the more than 885 NGS members who answered our conference survey, the NGS Family History Conference promises to deliver the programming you’re looking for in 2023.
Pre-Conference Events and Official Opening: Wednesday, 31 May
Local Tours
Delegate Council Meeting
New Focus Program for Societies, Libraries, and Archives, including a luncheon and “Shout Out”
SLAM! Idea Showcase Reception
Official Start of Conference with Expo Hall Opening
Conference Program: 1 June – 3 June (Thursday through Saturday) The program will include
BCG Skill Building
Virginia Track
Latest DNA Tools
African American Research
Native Peoples Research
Jewish records, and more.
Special Bonus The Library of Virginia has confirmed that it will extend its research hours from 9:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. on Thursday,1 June, and from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on Saturday for its Archives Research Room. You may also want to visit Richmond’s other outstanding genealogical research facilities. Take advantage of NGS’s discounted hotel rates three days before and three days after the conference to research your Virginia ancestors.
Program/Registration/Hotels The 2023 Family History Conference program will be available online approximately two weeks before we open conference registration. Check your email or the NGS Conference website for announcements about the program and registration. We will open hotel registrations at three downtown hotels—Richmond Marriott, Hilton, and Omni—after conference registration opens.
NGS Extends Deadline for Online Registration for the NGS 2022 Family History ConferenceRegister Now
Dear ,
This year is proving to be a year of transition and for some a time of lingering uncertainty. Therefore, in response to requests from our members, the National Genealogical Society has extended its deadline to register online for its NGS 2022 Family History Conference.
Online registration for both the In-Person conference in Sacramento, California, and Online at Home will now close at 7:59 p.m. (ET) on 13 May 2022. However, we are only able to offer you a complete refund—no questions asked, minus a $50 service fee—until 1 May 2022.
It is also possible to register in person, on site at the conference, in the SAFE Conference Center in Sacramento, starting Tuesday 24 May through Saturday, 28 May. You may purchase admittance to the conference on a daily basis, or for the full conference.
More than 80 genealogists will present lectures at this year’s in-person conference. Participants will have the chance to meet and attend lectures by fantastic speakers such as Jay Fonkert, LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson, Thomas W. Jones, Michael Lacopo, Janice Lovelace, Angela McGhie, Jill Morelli, Steve Morse, Nancy Peters, David Rencher, Judy Russell, Rick Sayre, Josh Taylor, Ari Wilkins, and others. We’re excited to have Stanford University professor Dr. Gordon H. Chang as our keynote speaker presenting his talk on The Chinese Who Built America’s Transcontinental Railroad. Dr. Gordon H. Chang Don’t miss this great opportunity to be back together again and network face-to-face with fellow family historians; share ideas and discuss your research; attend fascinating, educational lectures; and discover new products and services for genealogists in the Expo Hall. Check out the following links for up-to-date information about conference hotels, Visit Sacramento discounts, and COVID-19 policies and other rules. Also, be sure to sign up for the NGS conference blog to receive conference news and announcements. Online registration for the In-Person Conference as well as the Online at Home Conference ends at 7:59 p.m. (ET) on 13 May 2022. Register Now
The California Research Series: A golden genealogical opportunity at the NGS Conference in Sacramento If you are beginning to prepare for the NGS 2022 Family History Conference in Sacramento, 24-28 May, you will be happy to know that you can register now for two new additions to the California Research Series, presented by the California Genealogical Society (CGS): Untold Stories from the California Historical Society’s Collections (April 26, 4-5:30 p.m., PDT) Genealogical Resources at the National Archives at San Francisco (May 3, 3-4 p.m. PDT) The online series is free. It is designed to aid conference attendees in researching their California ancestors by introducing them to genealogical repositories in Sacramento and San Francisco. The following presentations of the California Research Series have been recorded and are now available online (free). Center for Sacramento History Government Publications at California State Library Historical Resources at California State Library Sutro Library – Genealogical Treasures The California Archives Special Collections at the Sacramento Public Library The series will be available for viewing until the end of May on the CGS YouTube Channel Note: The deadline to register for both the In-Person conference and Online at Home has been extended to 13 May. Hotel reservations are currently available but filling up fast. On-site registration in Sacramento begins Monday, 23 May, 3-8 p.m. Questions? Send an email to: Quick Links: NGS Conference BrochureNGS Conference RegistrationNGS Conference BlogNGS on CGS websiteHotel ReservationsNGS RegistrarVisit SacramentoSign up to Volunteer at the ConferenceCalifornia Genealogical Society2201 Broadway LL2Oakland, CA 94612510-663-1358californiaancestors.orgNational Genealogical Society6400 Arlington Blvd., Suite 810Falls Church, VA 22042-2318703-525-0050ngsgenealogy.orgPlease feel free to forward this email to members of your organization and your newsletter editor!
California Genealogical Society | 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland, CA 94612
NGS Extends Deadline for Online Registration for the NGS 2022 Family History ConferenceRegister Now
Dear ,
This year is proving to be a year of transition and for some a time of lingering uncertainty. Therefore, in response to requests from our members, the National Genealogical Society has extended its deadline to register online for its NGS 2022 Family History Conference.
Online registration for both the In-Person conference in Sacramento, California, and Online at Home will now close at 7:59 p.m. (ET) on 13 May 2022. However, we are only able to offer you a complete refund—no questions asked, minus a $50 service fee—until 1 May 2022.
It is also possible to register in person, on site at the conference, in the SAFE Conference Center in Sacramento, starting Tuesday 24 May through Saturday, 28 May. You may purchase admittance to the conference on a daily basis, or for the full conference.
More than 80 genealogists will present lectures at this year’s in-person conference. Participants will have the chance to meet and attend lectures by fantastic speakers such as Jay Fonkert, LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson, Thomas W. Jones, Michael Lacopo, Janice Lovelace, Angela McGhie, Jill Morelli, Steve Morse, Nancy Peters, David Rencher, Judy Russell, Rick Sayre, Josh Taylor, Ari Wilkins, and others. We’re excited to have Stanford University professor Dr. Gordon H. Chang as our keynote speaker presenting his talk on The Chinese Who Built America’s Transcontinental Railroad. Dr. Gordon H. Chang Don’t miss this great opportunity to be back together again and network face-to-face with fellow family historians; share ideas and discuss your research; attend fascinating, educational lectures; and discover new products and services for genealogists in the Expo Hall. Check out the following links for up-to-date information about conference hotels, Visit Sacramento discounts, and COVID-19 policies and other rules. Also, be sure to sign up for the NGS conference blog to receive conference news and announcements. Online registration for the In-Person Conference as well as the Online at Home Conference ends at 7:59 p.m. (ET) on 13 May 2022. Register Now
Founded in 1903, the National Genealogical Society inspires, connects, and leads the family history community by fostering collaboration and best practices in advocacy, education, preservation, and research. We enable people, cultures, and organizations to discover the past and create a lasting legacy. The Falls Church, Virginia, based nonprofit is the premier national society for everyone, from the beginner to the most advanced family historian.
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