Since we are in the United States most of the people reading the blog are from the United States. Most of the hits from France was from them checking to see if we were following the new privacy rules the European Union put in this year.

Seattle has always had the top readers of the blog. New York, Ashburn and Boston seem to be locations of Bots since nearly all their sessions are 100% bounce rate (means they only look at one item then leave). The city that amazes me is Wenatchee, which has came close to the top of the list starting in the middle of the year. Notice Paris number five, they are checking on us for the European Union rules.

This is the list of most read blog posts for the year. Number 3 on the list is from 2015! Number 8 on the list is from 2016! I also notice several are found by using the categories to find blog posts. I was amazed that at least some people have found the tags we use for most posts even though we do not have them very easy to find. (They are at the bottom of each post).
It has been a good year and I want to thank all the local genealogical societies that have sent me their information for their seminars and monthly meetings, you can see that they are being read by a lot of people and so hopefully a few will come to your meetings or seminars.
Thanks, Charles, for compiling and posting this info for us. Most interesting!
Very interesting. Charles, I wonder how many people use a service like VPN that reroutes our internet work to look like it is from somewhere else. I live in NW WA but I look like Seattle or somewhere in Canada most of the time. Also I read the WGS blog from the digest in an email. That might make me look like a bot who reads one article and then goes back out.
My best wishes, Judith Culver