Good question: When did your ancestor arrive in the colonies? Referring to pre-Revolutionary War arrivals. Here’s a guide with time period, geographic area and resource;
1620 Plymouth Colony Mayflower Families/Five Generations
1607-1657 13 Original Colonies Founders of Early Am. Families
1620-1635 Plymouth/MA Bay Colony Great Migration Begins
1620-1640 New England Great Migration
1620-1650 Massachusetts Pioneers of Massachusetts
1641-1700 New England Early New England Families
by 1699 Maine/New Hampshire Gen. Dictionary of ME/NH
to 1700 (marriage) New England Torrey’s New E. Marriages
These are all pretty much basic New England reference books; you’ll find them in most genealogical libraries and perhaps online.
This list of references/resources is thanks to American Ancestors.
And what about Virginia? Florida?