October is Now that we have your attention, did you know that October is Family History Month? Heritage Quest Research Library is here to assist you in the search for your own personal family history. Do you have a “Brick Wall”? Are you frustrated that you can’t access the records you need from home? We can help! HQRL is Family Search affiliate library. While many of the Family History Centers for the LDS church are closed, we can access most of the records when you are in our facility. Our library collection includes many of the books you previously could find only in a FHL location. If you are a member of HQRL you can access the Library edition of Ancestry and My Heritage from the security of your own home. Go to www.hqrl.com, click on the members page and log in to your account. You will find the link to both there. We hope you will take this opportunity to spend some time with your ancestors. Learning from the past can help us as we head into the future. Please do not respond to this blog. If you have questions or comments you may reach us at; research@hqrl.com or by calling us at 253-863-1806 |