Sadly, over the last few months, several longtime members of the Seattle Genealogical Society have been lost. They served as volunteers, on committees, and on the board. Each was a special friend to the Society and they will be missed. Join us in extending condolences to their families.
1934 – 2021
Christine Pulliam passed away January 20, 2021. In life, she was a teacher, a successful business owner, a mother, a grandmother, and a world traveler on all seven continents!
Her family recalls that next to her love of family, her greatest passion in life was genealogy research. Her genealogy library contained numerous files, thousands of records, and she had countless genealogy conferences under her belt.
Christine was a Life Member of SGS from 1984-2021. She served as SGS Vice President 1988-89. In 1991, she published in the SGS Bulletin a Directory of local Family History Centers and Libraries available for genealogical research. In 2015, she donated an extensive collection of local newspaper obituaries. They are being scanned and indexed to become part of our digital database resources. Christine remembered SGS with a bequest from her estate which will be put to good use in our new location.
For more on Christine’s life, click here:
1938 – 2021
Dan Harmon passed away July 25, 2021. He was a Life Member of SGS, joining in 1996. He was on the Board serving as Director of the Library 2013-2015 and Director of Publications 2015-2017.
Dan received both his MA and PhD in Classical Languages, Literature and Linguistics from Northwestern University. Dr Daniel P Harmon’s entire career, 1967-2004, was spent in the Department of Classics at the University of Washington. Numerous students left memories of how fortunate they felt to have been taught by Professor Harmon.
You can read Dan’s full obituary, as well as a link to the Seattle Times obituary, at:
1929 – 2021
Mary Stoebuck passed away August 25, 2021. She was an active member of SGS for thirty-three years, 1983-2016. In 1988-89, she was on the three-member “space committee” that arranged the big SGS move from the Jones Building to 5th & Union. She was a speaker for the SGS 65th Anniversary and “Celebration of a Century” (the Washington State Centennial), presenting a talk on “Basic Genealogical Research-Part II: Census, Research Libraries, Immigration & Naturalization”. Mary was a founder and the first VP for the Fiske Genealogical Library.
Her family recalls that Mary not only researched their own families, the Fields and Stoebucks, she aided countless others she met through the Seattle Public Library, the National Archives, the LDS libraries, SGS, DAR, and the Fiske with their research.
Like others mentioned here today, there was teaching in Mary’s background. She graduated from Wichita State in 1951 with a BA in Home Economics, a minor in Mathematics, and a Kansas Teacher’s Certificate for Secondary Education.
Here is the link to Mary’s full obituary:
1932 – 2021
Pat Younie passed away September 10, 2021. Right up until that time, she stayed involved with her homeowners association and with the Archives Committee at SGS. Her fellow committee members, and others, remember her for her knowledge, wit, and work ethic. Under her guidance as chair, the Archives Committee successfully processed a decades-long backlog of donated materials. And they laughed a lot and had fun doing it.
Pat was SGS Director of Library 2001-2002 and Desk Volunteer Coordinator 2009-2010. She joined SGS in 1994. She was in the Irish SIG and often volunteered for Irish Week, the Highland Games, and SGS Seminars. These are just a few of her contributions.
Take some time to play the wonderful Tribute Video her family compiled. It is on her memorial web page:
1936 – 2021
Dick died September 20, 2021, at home, surrounded by his family.
Dick graduated from the University of Washington, Medical School, in 1961, and joined the Navy. He spent ten years in the Navy, including a stint in Viet Nam. After leaving the military, with an honorable discharge and the rank of Commander, Dr Richard F Ambur established his private medical practice in Bremerton, WA.
Dick joined SGS in 1990 and was a Life Member. He was a volunteer and donor who helped with the “heavy lifting”, literally. He served on the Seminar committee, set-up, take-down, trucking, and sound systems. He even donated a sound system. He also served at community outreach events like the Scottish Highland Games, and as a Desk Volunteer. Over and over, Dick is described by fellow SGS members as the nicest guy.
You can read Dick’s full obituary here:

SGS is delighted to announce a new program, “Virtual Sundays: Something Old, Something New.” With the move to our new home in the Good Shepherd Center, we will be unable to offer Sunday hours, but we can still connect virtually. Jill Morelli, CG will host a lecture and discussion on the third Sunday of every month via Zoom.
Come join us for the inaugural offering on Sunday, October 17, at 1:00 PM. A small donation will be requested. For the monthly lecture topic and the Zoom link, see the SGS website Calendar of Events:
Our new home at Good Shepherd has very limited storage space. We have 4 bins of materials we use for in-person seminars–signage, tablecloths, name tags, etc. If you could store some or all of these materials for SGS, please notify Ceil Rogers, Director of Education, at education@seattlegenealogicalsociety.org
We would like to get these moved out of the Sand Point location as soon as possible, or by October 25th at the latest.
SGS 2021 Fall Seminar – Online via Zoom with Ari Wilkins
Saturday, October 16, 2021, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Register today for our all-day seminar!
Ari Wilkins is a genealogist and library associate at Dallas Public Library, where she provides genealogy-programming education. She specializes in African American genealogy and research, with a focus on North Carolina and Louisiana, and has been researching her family history since 1998.
Register online at https://sgsfallseminar2021.eventbrite.com.
Sacramento German Genealogy Society,
“Your Ancestors & the World of Cartography: Pinpointing Time & Location”,
Saturday, October 23, 2021
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM PDT
Fee $20
Register here:
Join SGGS for their fall online webinar with three presentations focusing on the use of maps and how to find the ones you need.
Melinda Kashuba: Using Maps to Trace and Depict German Migration and Settlement in the United States
Előd Biszak: Arcanum Maps: Historical Maps
Heiko Mühr: The Long Shadow of the Habsburg Empire: A Hidden Collection of Austrian Maps Emerges
Lewis County Genealogical Society,
“The Witches of Salem” with Jerri McCoy via Zoom
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
7:00 PM
Jerri McCoy’s 8th great grandmother was tried for witchcraft. Come learn her fate. Everyone is invited.
Jerri’s presentation will begin about 7 PM. It will be preceded by the LCGS business meeting at 6:30 PM and some social time starting at 6:00 PM. This is a virtual presentation and meeting. Send your request to info@walcgs.org by Monday, October 18. You will be emailed a Zoom link.
The SGS Library normally is open Tuesdays and Saturdays, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm, for computer-based research only. We are in the process of moving to a new location. Please visit the SGS Website for details.
We recommend you plan your visit and call ahead – 206 522-8658.
** Always check the SGS Website Calendar of Events for the meeting links and for any last minute updates or changes to the schedule.
Saturday, Oct 16, 2021, 9:00 am-3:00 pm, SGS Fall Seminar – Virtual – with Ari Wilkins, Join us for an full day of learning. Register today: https://sgsfallseminar2021.eventbrite.com/
Sunday, Oct 17, 2021, 1:00 pm-2:30 pm, Virtual Sundays: Something Old, Something New, Jill Morelli will host this first session of our new monthly 3rd Sunday program. Visit the SGS website Calendar for all the particulars.
Wednesday, Oct 20, 2021, 10:00 am-11:30 am, Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists.
Tuesday, Oct 26, 2021, 10:00 am-11:00 am, Tech Tuesday (Virtual), back by popular demand, the informal consultation time on DNA, genealogy software, or genealogy-related technical issues. All are welcome. No appointment necessary.
Wednesday, Oct 27, 2021, 10:00 am-11:30 am, Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists. Wednesday, Nov 3, 2021, 10:00 am-11:30 am, Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists.
Saturday, Nov 6, 2021, 10:15 am-12:15 pm, FamilySearch Interest Group with Lou Daly, Discover the many ways to use FamilySearch. At each meeting a different aspect of the website will be featured. There will be time for Q & A. Want to join the mailing list? Email Lou: loudaly@nwlink.com
Sunday, Nov 7 , 2021, 1:00 pm-3:00pm, DNA Workshop, To be included you need to be on the SGS DNA Interest Group email list. Contact Cary Bright at SGSDNASIG@gmail.com to join.
Tuesday, Nov 9 , 2021, 10:00 am-11:00 am, Tech Tuesday (Virtual), back by popular demand, the informal consultation time on DNA, genealogy software, or genealogy-related technical issues. All are welcome. No appointment necessary.
Wednesday, Nov 10, 2021, 10:00 am-11:30 am, Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists.
Wednesday, Nov 10, 2021, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, MAC Computer SIG , Jointly sponsored by the Fiske Library and SGS this group meets every other month on the second Wednesday of the month. Meetings address topics and resources helpful for those using MacIntosh (Apple) computers and the Reunion program in their genealogy research. Visit the SGS website Calendar of Events for instructions on joining the MAC email list.
Saturday, Nov 13, 2021, 1:00 pm-2:30 pm, Second Saturday Speaker Series: Indirectly Evident: Finding William’s Parents, with Debbie Wilson Smyth
Wednesday, Nov 17, 2021, 10:00 am-11:30 am, Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists.
Sunday, Nov 21, 2021, 1:00 pm-2:30 pm, Virtual Sundays: Something Old, Something New, Jill Morelli will host our new monthly 3rd Sunday program. Visit the SGS website Calendar for all the particulars.
Tuesday, Nov 23, 2021, 10:00 am-11:00 am, Tech Tuesday (Virtual), back by popular demand, the informal consultation time on DNA, genealogy software, or genealogy-related technical issues. All are welcome. No appointment necessary.
Wednesday, Nov 24, 2021, 10:00 am-11:30 am, Brags & Bricks Social Interest Group (Virtual), Join us for an informal social gathering. Share your recent genealogical successes and challenges, or just come to hang out with other genealogists.