Our Cyber Monday sale is on, and your audience won’t want to miss it! This is our best deal of the year — and our lowest price ever. Plus, we’re offering free shipping on 2 kits or more! But this offer will be over soon, so please spread the word and help more genealogists enjoy all the benefits of DNA testing.

Whether you’ve been waiting for a great deal to purchase one for yourself, or are looking for a meaningful, affordable holiday gift, now is the perfect time to order MyHeritage DNA! Our simple cheek swab test reveals your origins across 2,114 geographic regions and connects you with new relatives. As the #1 DNA test in Europe, it’s the best option for exploring origins and finding family members overseas.
Please spread the word so your friends and followers can enjoy this special price and make sure the kits arrive in time for the holidays! Feel free to use the graphic above.
Daniel Horowitz
Genealogy Expert
MyHeritage Ltd., P.O.Box 50, 3 Ariel Sharon Blvd., Or Yehuda, Israel 6037606, Israel, +972-3-6280000 |