Where Did I Put Great-Grampa? Organizing for Genealogists Organizing your genealogy information so that you can find what you want, when you want it can be a daunting task. Get tips on how to keep notes, records, and photos in digital and print-based formats. WHEN: January 19, 2023 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM WHERE: ZOOM COST: $20 Members $25 Non-Members Deadline: January 17, 2023 Sign-up and payment: Go to hqrl.com then click on the HQRL STORE (You must sign in as a member to receive the discount) Caron Primas Brennan loves history, biography, puzzles and a good mystery, which makes her perfectly suited to genealogy research. A 6th grade school project got her interested in researching her own family tree. Her special areas of genealogical interest are Colonial America, Prussian and Norwegian research along her family lines as well as DNA projects. Caron belongs to several local and regional genealogy groups as well as being a member of the Genealogical Speakers Guild and a Professional Member of the Association of Professional Genealogists. She has been teaching at the Newberry Library in Chicago and speaking at local libraries and genealogical societies for over ten years with consistently excellent feedback. A LINK WILL BE SENT TO YOUR EMAIL 1-2 DAYS BEFORE THE CLASS ALONG WITH ANY HANDOUTS. |