I’m excited to share that in honor of Australia Day, MyHeritage is offering free access to all 95 million of our records from Australia!
Over the past few months, MyHeritage has added more than 25 new collections from Australia, bringing our total of Australian collections to 288. These collections come from all over the country and include birth, marriage, death, naturalization, military, passenger lists, and more types of records, and many include high-quality scans of the originals. One recently added collection, Australia, New South Wales, Gaol Inmates & Photos, includes stunning photographs of inmates who served in prison from 1870 to 1930. In some cases, they are the only photos of these individuals that exist.
Be sure to spread the word to your friends and followers with family connections Down Under so they get the chance to browse this unique collection at https://www.myheritage.com/research/category-Australia/ and find information about their families in records from Australia — totally free! Read more about this offer on our blog, and feel free to use the graphic below.
By the way, it’s not only Australians who can benefit from recent additions to MyHeritage. During the last two months of 2022, we added an astonishing 67 record collections containing a total of 65 million collections from all over the world! You can read more details on our blog.
