More than 1,500 Washington Pioneers have been documented in our Pioneer Pursuit Contest. Thank you to all who have submitted genealogies, but we’re looking for more! It is estimated there were nearly 350,000 people living here in 1889, and thousands more who came and went before 1889.
As an incentive for submitting (and having approved) a genealogy of a Pioneer and his/her descendants, you will earn a prize. Yes, everyone earns a prize:
- Top three local societies with the most submissions (based on the number of members in the society): $300, $200 and $100.
- Each society that participates will receive $20.
- Top three individuals submitting the most submissions: $150, $100 and $50.
- Each individual who participates will receive a year’s membership in WSGS.
Remember, you don’t have to be related to a Pioneer — just pick someone. Here is a list of places to start.
We want to document every man, woman and child living in Washington Territory on or before Nov. 11, 1889. YOU can help us do that! For more information, visit the Pioneer Pursuit web page or email us at Info@wasgs.org.