Here’s hoping that you all had a wonderful summer!
It’s almost September and soon we will be meeting friends to enjoy our passion together: Genealogy!

(please read through this whole message…there may be some info that you need to know.)
Saturday, September 9
Tracing Italian Ancestors: Uncovering Origins and Understanding the Records
12:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Shadle Library in person and on Zoom
Our speaker, Michele Jeglum invites you on a journey to uncover your Italian roots and learn essential strategies for tracing the lives of your Italian ancestors. We will examine ways to find your immigrants hometown in Italy and delve into the various types of records held in these towns. Learn how to interpret these documents, extract valuable information, and navigate potential challenges.
Please print your sylabus before you arrive; it will be posted on the EWGSi website the day prior to the presentation.

Free Table: From Jeanne Coe:
“I will be putting out a variety of publications. People may take what they want and return them at another meeting for others to use or keep them if they wish. They may also bring their “old” or unwanted publications for others to take. There really is no “old” genealogy materials as the information is still useful. Each meeting will have different free materials.”
(Please note: there will NOT be a free table at the October Seminar)

October Seminar Book Auction:
This will be a silent auction of genealogy-related books.
(October 7th…see website for futher info on the seminar)
Please bring your book donations to the September meeting so that we have time to process them prior to October.
(Book donations may include genealogy, history, cultures, maps, or other resouces that might be useful in researching genealogy.)
How does one register for Zoom access to the 9Sep23 “Tracing Italian Ancestors:” seminar?
Go to https://www.ewgsi.org/
I have become a member and registered for Italian Ancestor Zoom. Where is the Zoom Link? What is the EST?
Go to https://www.ewgsi.org/ and the Zoom link was posted Friday. Business meeting starts at 1 program probably around 1:30.
Is 1pm Pacific time or Eastern Standard Time?
Pacific Time