You’ve seen it in the news…now learn how it’s done!
Saturday, October 7
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Southside Senior & Community Center –
3151 E 27th Ave., Spokane, WA 99223
For more information
and to Register go to our website:
Book Sale/Auction
Door Prizes Galore
Yummy Lunch
If you need a DNA refresher, these are a few suggested by our speakers.
FamilyHistory “DNA and Genealogy: The Basics”
Amy Johnson Crow “What you NEED to Know About DNA Testing for Genealogy“
CeCe Moore “CeCe Moore Explains How Genetic Genealogy Works”
FamilySearch (Diahan Southard) – Understanding Your DNA Ethnicity Results
Family History Fanatics – DNA Clustering vs Triangulation | What’s the Difference in Genetic Genealogy?

If you are in need of financial assistance to attend this seminar,
please see our website under the “Member’s Only” tab.