Yakima Valley Genealogical Society
1901 S. 12th Avenue
Union Gap, WA 98903
Phone: (509) 248-1328
Email: yvgs@yvgs.net
Yakima Valley Genealogical Society
The 2nd Mini-Seminar will be held in the library
Date: Sunday, November 10
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Speaker – Richard Kyle will cover four alternatives about where and how to record your genealogy. Discussing the following methods:
1. Paper Records
2. Ancestry
3. Family Search
4. Legacy Family Tree
The advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods for recording your family history.
The cost for the event is $5.00 per person. Sign-up sheet on the librarian’s desk in the library. You can also sign up by emailing at rkyle98902@charter.net or Judy Schuster at upperwenas@fairpoint.net