Tacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society Legacy Family Tree SIG Group Meeting August 1st at 7:00 PM
After a break in June for vacation and another in July due to the 4th WE ARE BACK!
This month I want to start working our way through the screens and menus in Legacy 9 deluxe version. This will serve as reminders for those who have used Legacy for a long time and learning opportunities for those with lesser experience. As we go through the program, I encourage everyone to share how they have used or plan to use the various features as we expose them. If you have any questions, problems, tips or tricks about using Legacy I encourage you to share them with the group.
Your attendance and participation will be greatly appreciated!
Topic: TPCGS Legacy Family Tree Special Interest Group Meeting
Every month on the First Tuesday at 7:00 PM Pacific Time
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Meeting ID: 824 9566 1568
Passcode: 715731
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