Next Kittitas Co. Genealogical Society meeting May 2nd is
A Field Trip to the CWU library , which has an archives–different from the State Archives on the CWU campus. CWU library is the huge 4 story building on south side of 14th Ave in Ellensburg WA, a block East of D Street (Wildcat Way). Entrance on East side of that CWU library.
Meeting will be by 3rd floor desk, but we can meet at 6:45 PM in CWU library lobby.
Easiest parking if you can walk easily is SW corner of 14th and D St (Wildcat Way), or get dropped off, or take your chances getting parking at the CWU library lot.
Those archivists actually did attend our April meeting and should be ready for us.
Speaking of Family History Center, starting May 1, their new hours will be Wed 10-noon, and BY APPT ONLY at 7pm (if Thurs evening inconvenient). Thurs 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm and every week evening hours Thurs. 7 pm- 8:30 pm. For appointments and questions call Director Christine Fowler 509-306-9279. We will be open this summer. As of now, the only week for sure closed is 4th of July week. KCGS member Tuck Forsythe works Wed 10-12 shift, but rarely during the summer. You pump up your skills&spirit, just by coming in to experience Chris Fowler’s infectious enthusiasm!
Special announcements:
Wed Apr 27 our KCGS library will not be open only 10 AM – noon so that afternoon, Mary can attend county archive-librarians association CAMAH meeting.
June Meeting also a field trip Sat June 25th to KCGS member Angela Neller’s new interpretive museum at Priest Rapids Dam on Columbia River. Angie spent 5 years planning this great new museum. Car Pool at 9 AM in parking lot on Water Street behind our KCGS office. BRING A SACK LUNCH.
7 pm June 6th (would have been our meeting night) President Diane Huckabay will show movies of Priest Rapids (or other) dam construction, preparatory to our field trip there 9AMJune 25th, 2016.
Friday May 13th from 2 pm to 5 pm at the 420 Building (SE corner of Pearl and 5th in Ellensburg) President Diane Huckabay will show us how to learn digital indexing of 1890s newspapers currently stored in our KCGS library. She needs to train more of us to help make an index to genealogical events in 1897 Ellensburg newspapers.
August 14 at 4pm annual KCGS picnic at Mary and Lew Christensens’s home (also her childhood Mary Lou Rizer’s home) 60 Moe Road (directions coming later).
No Sept meeting because of Labor Day and County Fair
Oct program Judy Clayton
Nov program Erik Bakke on Special Censuses
5 Dec 6 PM Annual KCGS Dinner (if you pay your fee early) at Methodist Church
PLEA TO TELL Tuck Forsythe, Treas, who returned 2016 KCGS membership payment a month ago in a self-addressed-stamped envelope (it was just cash with no name) Whom should I credit with 2016 dues?
Tuck’s email : forsythe (at) fairpoint.net
Or KCGS, 413 N. Main St, Suite L, Ellensburg WA 98926-3083
or Tuck’s phone message 509 925 2356