Clallam County Genealogical Society
Saturday, November 12 10:00 am-noon
Diane Henriks
Finding Descendants in your Family Tree
The featured speaker for the November Society meeting of the Clallam County Genealogical Society will be Diane Henriks. Her topic is Finding Descendants in your Family Tree. She will describe the process of ‘fanning out’ to find descendants in a family, both living and past, a means to help you break down some of your most difficult brick walls.
Diane is a Los Angeles based speaker, author and investigator. Her specialty is finding descendants in family trees and brick wall research. She is known as the “Descendant Detective”. She has given her presentations and workshops to many notable societies, written several genealogies, and has assisted in investigations of both civil and criminal cases.
To hear this intriguing speaker, contact CCGS. Phone: 360-417-5000
We will send you the Zoom meeting number and passcodes. You can always join us at our Research Facility meeting room: 403 E 8th St., Port Angeles.
There is no charge for this program and all are welcome to attend.
For more information: WWW.clallamcogs.org or drop in and see our beautiful research center. We are open Tuesday-Friday, 10am to 4pm and Saturdays, noon to 4pm