Heritage Quest Research Library Comparing RootsMagic and Family Tree Maker

Comparing Family Tree Maker
RootsMagic Learn strategies to build a robust, portable, sourced, cloud-synchronized digital tree.  Learn about privacy options and how to backup your tree to prevent losing everything.  Learn strategies to maximize your DNA information–messaging matches, sharing trees, and how to use surname message boards.  Several popular family tree software options will be discussed including Family Tree Maker and RootsMagic.  Kelli Bergheimer is a writer, teacher, editor, and international genealogical speaker. She works as the Director of Education for Your DNA Guide. Kelli runs a small business – Mess the Desk, a genealogical organization company with a YouTube channel. She is a facilitator for Genetics, Genealogy, and You, an online DNA interest group.  She is a member of APG and the Genealogical Speakers Guild.   When: Thursday, February 1, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Where: ZOOM
Cost: $20 members / $25 non-members Go to hqrl.com and click on the HQRL Store 
Be sure to sign-in as a member to receive the discount.
Copyright © 2024 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
2102 East MainSuite 105
Puyallup, WA 98372-3205

Yakima Valley Genealogical Society “Townships”

Yakima Valley Genealogical Society

General Meeting

Saturday, February 3, 2024

10:00 a.m. 

Y.V.G.S. Library

Speaker: Richard Kyle

Subject: Townships

Richard will be giving a presentation on “Townships”. Come and find out about the different types of townships and where to find them.

Yakima Valley Genealogical Society

1901 S. 12th Avenue

Union Gap, WA 98903

Phone: (509) 248-1328

Email: yvgs@yvgs.net

Clallam County Genealogical Society February & March 2024 Meetings

Saturday, February 10th at 9:45, the Clallam County Genealogical Society will host a program presented by Mary Roddy.  The Hub of the Wheel: How Tracing a Brother with no Children connected Ten Siblings—

A family from Ireland emigrated in a chain migration Scheme to Western Pennsylvania between 1825 and 1845.  See how using the standards for researching connected siblings and their descendants and led to their origins in County Tyrone!

Mary Roddy is an author, coach, and lecturer.  She has published many articles in known Genealogical Magazines, and has provided lectures to Societies and National Conferences.

All are invited to watch the presentation via Zoom or by attending at the Clallam County Genealogical Society’s Research Center located at 403 E. 8th Street, Port Angeles, WA.  To obtain the Zoom meeting number and passcode, contact the Society:  360-417-5000 or askus@clallamcogs.org.

There is no charge to Claire Smith announcement

On Saturday, March 9th, the Clallam County Genealogical Society will present Claire Smith.  Her topic will be Shaking Loose the Clues: Using Timelines to Organize Your Research.

Claire Smith is a certified professional genealogist.  She always provides a very well organized, and interesting presentation that includes a gift of humor and supporting examples.

In Shaking Loose the Clues: Using Timelines to Organize Your Research, she will demonstrate how to organize the information you already have, Identify Gaps and determine what records you need to advance your research projects.  She will offer examples of adding historical context, parallel timelines, tracking FANS, tracking migration and resolving conflicting information.

The Program will be available to the public via Zoom or at the Clallam County Genealogical Society’s Research Center located at 403 E. 8th Street, Port Angeles.  One can obtain the Zoom meeting number and passcode by either calling the center at 360-417-5000 or by email request: askus@clallamcogs.org.

More information may be available at our website: www/clallamcogs.org.

There is no charge to join us watching this outstanding presentation.

Fiske Genealogical Library January & February Online Classes

The following are upcoming classes at the Fiske Library. I’ll be sending you three more next week. Ken Peterson, Education Coordinator

Wednesday, January 17    

10:00 am to 11:15 am Pacific Time – Fiske Genealogical Library, Seattle (Virtual Class)

Notion for Genealogists

Presented by Lisa Alzo

For links to join the meeting and get class notes, select https://fiskelibrary.org

Part database, part notetaking/writing space, part Kanban board, Notion is a FREE all-in-one workspace perfect for managing genealogy research and writing projects. Whether you work on your own or collaborate with a team, learn how Notion can help you customize your workflow to write, plan, and get organized.

Wednesday, January 24    

10:00 am to 11:15 am Pacific Time – Fiske Genealogical Library, Seattle (Virtual Class)

Sources to use in replacing the 1890 Census

Presented by Winona Laird

For links to join the meeting and get class notes, select https://fiskelibrary.org

The 1890 Census was lost in a fire leaving a 20-year gap in our ancestors’ lives. Learn what records we can use to fill those 20 years of our ancestor’s life. Where they lived, who they were living with, what was their occupation and much more.

Wednesday, February 7    

10:00 am to 11:15 am Pacific Time – Fiske Genealogical Library, Seattle (Virtual Class)

THE LIKELY ENGLISH ANCESTRY – Of Deacon John Doane of Plymouth & Eastham, Massachusetts

Presented by Steven W. Morrison

For links to join the meeting and get class notes, select https://fiskelibrary.org

Follow the trials and tribulations of a small group of dedicated family researchers who set out to identify the ancestor of Deacon John Doane. While his activities in the Plymouth Colony are well documented, the Deacon’s life in his mother country was a complete mystery. Over decades, plausible theories were researched and eventually discarded as dead ends. Then the release of online records resulted in a wave of new discoveries. Comparative analysis from both sides of the pond eventually proved that a candidate from London, England was likely the youthful Deacon. A case study for anyone with a lost New England ancestor.

Wednesday, February 14  

10:00 am to 11:15 am Pacific Time – Fiske Genealogical Library, Seattle (Virtual Class)

Immigration, Emigration, Naturalization, and Passports

Presented by Winona Laird

For links to join the meeting and get class notes, select https://fiskelibrary.org

Using the words Immigration and Emigration in the proper way. Learning to find your ancestors immigration and naturalization papers. Where do we find Emigration papers? Learn the naturalization process. What information is on the Passport Application.

Wednesday, February 21  

10:00 am to 11:15 am Pacific Time – Fiske Genealogical Library, Seattle (Virtual Class)

Cause of Death: Dissecting Coroner’s Records for Genealogical Research

Presented by Lisa Alzo

For links to join the meeting and get class notes, select https://fiskelibrary.org

Coroner’s records are often untapped resources that contain essential information for genealogists. In this session, learn how to determine if your ancestor appeared in a Coroner’s report, where to find Coroner’s records, what details they include to further your genealogy research, and much more!

Wednesday, February 28  

10:00 am to 11:15 am Pacific Time – Fiske Genealogical Library, Seattle (Virtual Class)

FamilyBrowse: Searching for Unindexed Records on FamilySearch.org

Presented by Mary Roddy

For links to join the meeting and get class notes, select https://fiskelibrary.org

FamilySearch.org has millions of images on its website, many of which are unindexed and not searchable.  But if you know how to get into the catalog and browse around, you can find images of birth and death certificates, naturalization papers, deeds, wills, estate inventories and more.  And FamilySearch is adding more and more such images every month.  To take advantage of this ever-increasing bounty, it’s important to know how to find these types of records. 

Heritage Quest Research Library January & February Classes

January 18, 2024

Danni Altman-Newell began her family history research at an early age, courtesy of spending summers watching her maternal-grandparents indexing at the local FHC.  She is a graduate of Pro-Gen and is a proud member of OES, DAR, APG & NGS.  She lectures on a variety of topics, but specializes in technology, the Great War, Fraternal Orgainzations, the Midwest and railroad research. Read more about Danni at https://talkingboxgenealogy.com
Organizing Your Genealogy: It’s Not as Difficult as You Think Have you tried different genealogy organization systems just to find yourself throwing your hands in the air in frustration because the systems just don’t seem to “click” with you?  The pressure of organizing the amount of “stuff” we acquire during our genealogy research can be completely overwhelming to all levels of genealogists.  Taking the time to get organized will save you time, reduce your frustration, and increase your efficiency when researching.  But how in the world can you organize all the information you have (or will have)?  In this presentation, we’ll talk about how to organize your “stuff” and how being organized can increase your efficiency and free up time for research.  When: Thursday, January 18, 2024
11:00 AM to 12 PM (Pacific Time)
Where: ZOOM
Cost: $20 members / $25 non-members
  Sign up and Payment:
Go to hqrl.com and click on the HQRL Store
(sign-in as a member to receive the discount)

February 1, 2024
Comparing Family Tree Maker & Roots Magic
Now that you’ve begun your research on Ancestry or Family Search, what do you do with it and where do you keep it?  
We will compare these two software programs made for genealogical research and compilation. 
Join us February 1, 2024 
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
$ 20 members / $25 non-members
Sign-up at hqrl.com
Be sure to sign-in as a member to receive the discount. 
Copyright © 2024 Heritage Quest Research LIbrary, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research LIbrary2102 East MainSuite 105Puyallup, WA98372-3205Add us to your address book

South King County Genealogical Society January Meetings

Be in the know! Receive notices for our virtual meetings, as well as the latest genealogy news and tips, by subscribing (free) to the online group at https://skcgs.groups.io

Skcgs.groups.io is the SKCGS online discussion and collaboration arena where:

  • we communicate and share information with each other
  • other than your email, you are not required to provide personal information
  • you can unsubscribe at any time


  • All meetings are online except the in-person Research Group and Genealogy Help at the Auburn Library
  • Live transcription (captioning) is available during our Zoom meetings by request
  • Online meeting participants need to register for SKCGS Zoom meetings. Register at our website skcgs.org or use links below. Upon registration, Zoom will send a confirmation email with instructions on joining the meeting.


Saturday, January 6, 2024, 10:00am – 12:00pm PT
Family Tree Maker Users Group (online)
Special guest Mark Olsen from Family Tree Maker
will be talking about Family Book Creator, a plugin for Family Tree Maker which turns your research into a detailed personalized book with just a few clicks.

Come and join us and get your questions answered on how to use Family Book Creator.  
Register in advance for this Zoom meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Subscribe to the free SKCGS FTM email list for meeting reminders and discussion:  https://skcgs.groups.io/g/FTMUG

Monday, January 8, 2024, 11:00am PT
Beginning Genealogy Class: County Histories (online)
More details at https://www.skcgs.org/meetings-events/classes/bgc

Monday, January 8, 2024
1:00pm – 3:00pm PT
Genetic Genealogy/DNA Interest Group (online)
Topic: Time for a Fresh Start? Taking Stock of Progress on Your Research Questions
What are your research questions, and how do you measure your progress?
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Subscribe to the free SKCGS Genetic-Genealogy email list for meeting reminders and discussion:  https://skcgs.groups.io/g/Genetic-Genealogy

Wednesday, January 10, 2024, 7:00pm PT
Beginning Genealogy Class: County Histories (online)
Repeat of the January 8th class
More details at https://www.skcgs.org/meetings-events/classes/bgc

Monday, January 15, 2024
1:00pm – 3:00pm PT
Technical User Group (online)
Topic: Where Am I? Creating a Plan
Do you want to travel this year?  Attend conferences? Focus on writing? Let’s bring our calendars, put our heads together and get to work.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Subscribe to the free SKCGS Technical User Group email list for meeting invitations and discussion: https://skcgs.groups.io/g/TUG

Friday, January 19, 2024, 1:00pm – 3:00pm PT
Research Workshop (in-person)
For SKCGS members
Kent FamilySearch Center
12817 SE 256th St., Kent, WA
Seating is limited
RSVP REQUIRED to Winona at w.laird@skcgs.orgSaturday, January 20, 2024, 9:30am PT social time; 10am – 11:30am PT program (online)
South King County Genealogical Society & Eastside Genealogical Society present
Angela Packer McGhie “Document Analysis: Digging into the Details”
Learn to analyze documents by studying the background and context. Assess the reliability of the source and the information it contains. Compare the information with details from other records. See these principles in action as we look at two different documents and analyze them using a set of questions provided. Use your knowledge and the questions provided to assess the documents you are researching. This session will walk step-by-step through analyzing two documents to:
• assess the characteristics affecting the reliability of documents
• demonstrate detailed background analysis
• seek the law that influenced the creation of the document
• look at the legal terminology used in the document
• compare to other documents of the same type
• investigate the provenance of a document
• determine who the informant was and if they provided primary information

Angela Packer McGhie, CG, FUGA has a passion for teaching genealogy. She is the Education Director of the National Genealogical Society and a trustee of the Board for Certification of Genealogists. Angela enjoys teaching at the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy and the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research, as well as other genealogy conferences and institutes. Angela serves as trustee for the BCG Education Fund and was the first administrator of the ProGen Study Program.
The program will be recorded for playback by SKCGS Members. Guests welcome! Register at https://www.skcgs.org

Monday, January 22, 2024
1:00pm – 3:00pm PT
Genealogy Chat (online)
Meet up and chat about genealogy subjects and topics. We have no agenda; we just like one another!
Register in advance for this Zoom meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Subscribe to the free SKCGS email list for meeting invitations and discussion: https://skcgs.groups.io/g/Society

Thursday, January 25, 2024 11:00am – 1:00pm PT
Genealogy Help with SKCGS at the Auburn Library (in-person)
Genealogy questions? SKCGS offers one-on-one help with a volunteer
1102 Auburn Way S
Auburn, WA 98002
Registration not required. In-person event. Safety guidelines and current protocols followed. More information at King County Library, email kcls-auburn@kcls.org

Friday, February 2, 2024
12:30-2:30pm PT
EGS German Interest Group (online)
Topic: Practical Advice for Family Research in Pomerania presented by Dr. Klaus-D. Kohrt
Learn how to find where your ancestors lived, which records have survived and where to find them both in archives and online.

This seminar will cover the tools provided via the website of the Pommerscher Greif and how they will lead you to sources in various archives and demonstrate what and where to find on the internet or how to contact organizations holding the original records. The focus of the presentation will be on (Protestant) church books and civil registers and explain the organizational structures of the Protestant church and the civil administration in Pomerania until 1945.
For meeting registration, visit https://egsgermangroup.wordpress.com/

Saturday, February 3, 2024, 10:00am – 12:00pm PT
Family Tree Maker Users Group (online)
Question & Answer. Each month, we will learn about using the features of FTM.
Register in advance for this Zoom meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Subscribe to the free SKCGS FTM email list for meeting reminders and discussion:  https://skcgs.groups.io/g/FTMUG


MEMBERSHIP:  We welcome guests to our meetings and special interest groups, which are free. Naturally we hope that visitors will want to become members. Support like yours helps us to educate and engage with our community to foster interest in family and local history. Regarding our programs, even if and when we can meet again in person, we will continue with some virtual programs. You can find more information about membership at our website at https://www.skcgs.org/support-skcgs/membership.

You are receiving this email because you have attended a SKCGS meeting and indicated you would like to receive periodic notice of events. If you would like to be removed from our list and stop receiving emails from us, send an email to skcgsfriends+unsubscribe@skcgs.org.

Like – Facebook :: Blog :: Follow – Twitter :: Website – SKCGS.org :: Member support – info@skcgs.org

PO BOX 143

Stillaguamish Valley Genealogical Society Basics of Y-DNA Testing

You are invited to the free presentation at the SVGS library.

Everyone is welcome! 

Presentation – Follow the Y: Basics of Y-DNA Testing

(This presentation and meetings will not be available via Zoom)

Tuesday, January 9th

1:00 pm

SVGS Library

6111 188 PL NE, Arlington, WA

Society member Sue McNeil will be our speaker. 

Sue’s topic: Follow the Y: Basics of Y-DNA Testing

The following will be covered:

  • Why is a Y-DNA test beneficial?
  • Who do you need to test?
  • Which level of testing is right?
  • What will the results look like?

There will be a short break with refreshments. The monthly general meeting and board meeting will follow.

Also, the DNA Interest Group-DIG meets at the SVGS library on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 1pm. (January 18th this month)

For more information visit www.stillygen.org

Tri-City Genealogical Society A New Strategy for Brick Walls

  Please join us for Tri-City Genealogical Society’s January General meeting at 7 p.m. on Wednesday January 10.  The presentation will be on Zoom so you can join in from the comfort of your own home or join us at the Richland FamilySearch Center located at 1314A Goethals Dr.  Entrance is down the ramp from the parking lot that is to the north of Dairy Queen.  See below for the Zoom link.

  The presentation will be by Kim Richardson https://www.apgen.org/profiles/kim-richardson who is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists among other affiliations.  Kim will be speaking on A New Strategy for Brick Walls.

  Ever feel like you are engulfed by a pile of research? Do you ever think to yourself, “If I could just get organized, I could solve this mystery?” If so, this presentation is for you!

  This session explains why complex genealogy problems feel overwhelming and how to overcome it through a new way of organizing. (Don’t worry, it’s not you, and you’re not alone!) You CAN master the “thought chaos” caused by all that data swirling around in your mind. All you have to do is interact with the research in a new way and engage in activities that transform you into a problem-solving dynamo. The presentation shows you how and demonstrates a technique that:

·         teaches you to handle information in a new way to see more links and relationships

·         allows you to see all your research at one glance

·         organizes your research for you (yes, really!)

·         simplifies all the data

·         shows you any gaps, errors, and conflicts

·         automatically creates a narrative outline (and eliminates writers’ block!)

·         helps you plan and brainstorm your way to success

  Biography as provided by the speaker:

  Kim Richardson accidentally became a genealogist when her grandmother and grandaunt asked for help researching a few ancestors. She loved learning about those ancestors and has been researching nearly daily since that time, including professionally. Kim’s favorite genealogy activity is empowering others to break through barriers to achieve their genealogy goals. She discovered why complex genealogy problems feel overwhelming and created a tool called Brick Wall Buster Cards to conquer confusion and solve tough problems.

  Kim graduated from Mississippi State University. She retired from service to the State of Mississippi after 25 years as an advocate for victims of violent crime and working in highway traffic safety programs. She continues to work in a professional capacity conducting genealogy research and teaching others that they can solve genealogical brick wall problems. She has researched for Who Do You Think You Are? and Finding Your Roots. She also wrote the “Mississippi Research Guide” for Family Tree Magazine.

Topic: TCGS General Meeting Wednesday January 10 at 7 p.m.

Time: Jan 10, 2024 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Passcode: 220303

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