Let’s Talk About: Sam’s Hill

Way up on a Washington bluff overlooking the Columbia River, a huge stone castle pokes in and out of view as you zoom along I-82 in Oregon. “What the Sam Hill?” You’ve heard that expression, haven’t you? 

There is no population center for miles and yet here’s this castle, Sam Hill’s mansion. Hill was an “inspired lunatic”  and the son-in-law of railroad baron, James J. Hill. Sam bought 7000 acres of scrubland on a high bluff overlooking the mighty Columbia River in 1907. He intended to erect a glorious home for his wife, Mary. 

“No way!” she must have said when told about her proposed new home. She never left Europe to come see “her” castle home. 

After 20 years, the mansion/castle was till unfinished. Over the years, the place remained unoccupied and unfinished. People wandering through the deserts of Washington and Oregon would look up to see this enormous abandoned building and say “What the Sam Hill?” 

Or so the story is told. 

Today the mansion is part of Maryhill State Park and there is lots to see and do at the park. Do stop on your next trip to Portland. While you’re there, on the Washington side, take a snap of time to visit Stonehenge just three miles east of Maryhill….

Also built by Sam Hill, this replica of England’s famous Stonehenge was begun in 1918 to honor the heroism of Klickitat County’s soldiers in that Great War. Finished in 1929, it’s both a monument to heroic dead but a monument dedicated to peace. 

Let’s Talk About: Summer Genealogy To-Dos

There is no need to put your genealogy on hold during the summer months! Mixed in with outdoors and family fun, here are some suggestions for summertime genealogy things to do:

  • Start writing those stories…. yours or those of your ancestors.
  • Zero in on a dead-end line using all the new tips and tricks you’ve learned.
  • View How-To videos: Ancestry Academy, YouTube, plus dozens mor.
  • Catch up on your genealogy book/magazine reading (take down that stack!)
  • Identify the folks in the photos in that old box of musty photos.
  • Take a grandchild to a cemetery.
  • Take a grandchild to lunch to “celebrate” an ancestor’s birthday.
  • Use Google to find places important in your ancestors’ lives: homes, church, work.
  • Work a bit harder to understand your DNA matches (there are plenty of helps!).
  • Clean up your email back log and email address list. 
  • Read a good historical fiction novel or genealogy mystery (like the Deserter’s Tale).
  • Take a whole day and spend 30″ studying the advantages to your research of what’s available from the Big Four: FamilySearch, Ancestry, MyHeritage, FindMyPast.
  • Take a second day to explore Fold3 and Cyndi’sList and any other genealogy websites that you’ve been wanting to explore.

Summer sometimes means lazy, slow, down days. Great. When you’ve finished your drink and watched the sun come up, plan a genealogy to-do day!!

Tacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society DNA SIG Meeting

Tacoma-Pierce County Genealogical Society DNA Special Interest Group Meeting

Tuesday, June 25, Starting at 7:00 pm via Zoom

We will be reading Your DNA Guide by Diahan Southard.

This month we will discuss pages 62 to 83.

This book is available from the author, the publishers, Amazon, or perhaps through your local public library or via Inter-Library Loan.

Check WorldCat to see what libraries may have copies.

Calendar reminder: TPCGS DNA Special Interest Group Meeting

Every month on the Fourth Tuesday beginning at 7:00 PM Pacific Time

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZYqdeyrrz0iEtx-c_J3gNfcI8mebT1zajLo/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGqqTkvGdWTuBGPRpwQB4joZ-nzmCFHj7dF0RzaKXNUTAX1H7pPN7BLQcLR

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 827 2531 6888

Passcode: 811780

One tap mobile:

+12532050468,,82725316888#,,,,*811780# US

+12532158782,,82725316888#,,,,*811780# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location:

        +1 253 205 0468 US

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 827 2531 6888

Passcode: 811780

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kIKCyZLQy

Let’s Talk About: Summer Reading!

Fans of Morton Farrier, the English forensic genealogist created by author Nathan Dylan Goodwin, rejoice! Goodwin’s newest book is here!! This is the tenth in the Morton Farrier genealogical crime mystery series and they just keep getting better and better.  In this book, Morton journeys to Salt Lake City to give presentations at RootsTech and while he’s “in the neighborhood,” does some research in Las Vegas on his wife’s great-grandfather…….. who deserted his English family after WWI and ended up leading quite a colorful life in Las Vegas. And of course, Morton’s RootsTech presentations figure into the plot. 

This is The Perfect summer read; the book is available from Amazon. I do 1000% recommend it to you……….. I could not put it down and read it in two days!!

Now for a truly funny tombstone story:

“While writing the history o his village some years ago, the Vicar of the Parish of Eye in England decided to include thumbnail sketches on the “pillars of society” over the centuries…. parishioners who had been “famous” in either the church or community. 

The Rev. Philip Randall was particularly impressed by a tombstone just inside St. Matthew’s Church which bore the initials, “HWP.” Because of its prominent position, he concluded that this  must be the grave of some extremely important local dignitary. 

He poured over old, dusty parish records for nine long years in the hope of finding a Henry Wimbourne Potter, or a Herbert Wattle Pittstock, or even a Happy Washwater O’Pudding. Almost a decade of research yielded not one prominent person with those initials. He was about ready to give up but had the idea of one last try by placing a final appeal for information in the parish newsletter.

Two days later, a parishioner telephones to say that he remembered the story of how his father had helped to lay the the stone that marked the Hot Water Pipe.”

True story? I have no idea. Provenance? I cannot remember how long ago I came upon this bit nor where I found it. Just read it, enjoy and laugh. 

Important Deadlines for Society Awards

Local societies, don’t forget the following deadlines for Outstanding Volunteer/Team awards, Supportive Grants and the President’s Award for Outstanding Achievement.

  • Outstanding Volunteer/Team awards: Due July 1. Every year, WSGS supports the nominations of local society members and teams that make societies better.
  • Supportive Grants: Due July 31. Two grants for $250 each may be awarded to projects that support the work and mission of local societies.
  • President’s Award for Outstanding Achievement: Due August 1. This award is given to single out that rare individual, society or organization who has demonstrated exemplary service above and beyond expectations.

Questions? Email Outreach@wasgs.org (Supportive Grants) or Info@wasgs.org (Outstanding Volunteer/Teams and President’s Award for Outstanding Achievement).

Let’s Talk About: Fire Destroys Archives

An arson-set fire in the summer of 2023 at the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple near the Chinatown International District in Seattle destroyed historical archives going back more than 120 years.

This is a disaster which should affect all genealogists  and not just Buddhists. 

The article in our Spokane paper was from Greg Kim of the Seattle Times. Kim wrote: “Just outside the room where the fire began were the temple’s physical archives dating back to 1901 when the temple was founded by first-generation Japanese Americans. The current location was built during World War II in 1943. The destroyed archives contained documents from when temple members were detained in incarceration camps.”

Alex Sakamoto, a temple board member, said “By losing this, we’re losing knowledge and history. Even if people in the community don’t belong to our church, or even if they’re not Buddhist, this has really been a gathering spot in the community…because it has stayed in the same place and remained unchanged for so long.” 

Could a similar disaster happen to “your” archives…… the place where historical records pertaining to your ancestors’ lives are housed? Yes, it surely could. 

Pioneer Pursuit Contest Winner: North Beach Genealogical Society

Congratulations to the North Beach Genealogical Society (NBGS) who had a whopping 1,000 percent participation in the Pioneer Pursuit Contest that ended on 31 Oct 2023. The 15-member society submitted 150 individuals who were in Washington Territory on or before 11 Nov 1889. Notably, one member of the society submitted a four-generation genealogy for Chief Tsi-al-la-kum “Noe” Si’ahl Sealth Seattle, aka Chief Seattle. He is listed in the index here.

NBGS of Ocean Shores has been in existence since 1994 and still has one founding member in their society. They meet once a month at the Ocean Shores Public Library. The small, but mighty, society recently hosted three days of Genealogy Cafes in support of the Sons of the American Revolution state convention held in Ocean Shores.

According the NBGS President Carrie Cartwright Bergquest:

We are very grateful to the WSGS and the contest they provided through Pioneer Pursuit. NBGS took the opportunity to learn and explore the early settlers including the Native Americans of the North Beach area. With the winnings, we purchased rack cards to promote NBGS. We are a small town Society – but a fun group – please join us!

Although the contest portion of the Pioneer Pursuit program has closed, we are still collecting genealogies for those living in Washington Territory on or before statehood. More information is available here.

Tacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society Chat

Tacoma-Pierce County Genealogical Society Genealogy Chat

Tuesday, June 21, 2024, starting at 7:00 PM via Zoom

Please join us and let’s chat!

This is a monthly opportunity to connect with others and talk about anything and everything genealogical. The value of this meeting increases with the participation of each person that attends and contributes to the conversations. This is your chance to celebrate the breaking down of a brick wall in your research or ask questions of others that can help you find records or relatives. Everyone, members, and guests are welcome and encouraged to attend and participate.

Date & Time: Every month on the Third Tue, from 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM Pacific Time

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZMldOCprTsqGtSoVglOBTElUaBRgTq5IEgI/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGvpjgjG9eVsBmHRpwEGojCXevztmJfjbdukyniDw9xVib6A-NgALVLAY35

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 878 3913 0000

Passcode: 836216

One tap mobile:

+12532050468,,87839130000#,,,,*836216# US

+12532158782,,87839130000#,,,,*836216# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location:

        +1 253 205 0468 US

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 878 3913 0000

Passcode: 836216

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdesX0el3t

Let’s Talk About: Broccoli

 Bruce Lee was a Hong Kong-American martial arts master and Hollywood actor. He had relatives that you’ve never heard of:

  • There was his vegetarian brother, Broco Lee
  • The one who couldn’t take a joke, Serious Lee
  • The one who is always there last minute, Sudden Lee
  • The one who doesn’t understand metaphors, Literal Lee
  • The one who is always throwing shade, Sarcastic Lee
  • The one who is always sure of himself, Definite Lee
  • The one you can always predict, Usual Lee
  • The one who is always smiling, Happy Lee
  • The one who likes perfection, Exact Lee
  • In short, Bruce Lee had a large Fama Lee.

Are you laughing or at least smiling???

(Thanks to Chuckleberries in the Huckleberry Press.)

Broccoli Facts:

  • Broccoli originated in the Mediterranean region.
  • Broccoli was once known as Italian Asparagus.
  • Broccoli is related to Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Kale and Kohlrabi.
  • The U.S. is the 3rd largest producer of broccoli in the world with California producing 90% of U.S. broccoli. 
  • Broccoli is definitely a love/hate vegetable to most folks.