Louellen Verellen Awarded 2016 Outstanding Volunteer Honor

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized almost 500 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the next few weeks, you will be introduced to each of last year’s award recipients and learn why they received the 2016 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Louellen Verellen

Today we’re introducing Louellen Verellen of Chelan, Washington, who was nominated by the Chelan Valley Genealogical Society (CVGS). She was recognized for her enthusiastic promotion of genealogy and the CVGS.

Lou, a descendant of an early Chelan family, has a passion for family history. Before the CVGS was formed, she was the librarian at the Chelan Community Library. She collected source books, instructed patrons how to order film from the American Genealogical Lending Library, and how to use the film readers. When a box of films arrived, Lou would call the person who placed the order, then present it like a precious gift.

When CVGS was formed in 1990, Lou became our stalwart advocate. Chelan City officials moved the library to a school district building where Lou designated a room for the newly formed group. When the move to the Bradley Street building was made, Lou insisted that CVGS books and materials be included, saving the society much effort, time and money.

Lou has been an inspiration, instructor and friend to the CVGS. Her dedication proves she richly deserves being a recipient of a 2016 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Roxanne Lowe, Recognition Chair, at Roxanne@thekeeffes.com.

Christine Courtright Named Outstanding Volunteer in 2015

Since 2003, the Washington State Genealogical Society has recognized more than 450 outstanding volunteers and teams, nominated by their local society or genealogical organization for their service and dedication. These volunteers are the backbone of their local society, giving their time and expertise, to the organization and the field of genealogy. In the coming months, you will be introduced to each of the 2015 award recipients and learn why they received the 2015 WSGS Outstanding Volunteer and Team Award.

Today we’re introducing Christine Janet Kenck Courtright of Manson, Washington, who was nominated by the Chelan Valley Genealogical Society (CVGS). She was recognized for her enthusiastic, dedicated volunteer efforts. Ms Courtright is currently the President and newsletter editor of CVGS.


Christine Courtright

A nine-year member of CVGS, Ms. Courtright recognized the importance of having a permanent place to interest, motivate, and help those interested in genealogy and family history. As CVGS’s representative to the local Friends of the Library Committee, Ms. Courtright established a good working relationship with the committee, and requested a space for CVGS when the new Chelan Community Library was built. She also encouraged her Society to donate $1,000 to the Library Building Fund. Once CVGS’s space in the new library was established, Ms. Courtright used her planning and decorating skills to make the new permanent home of the CVGS an appealing area to learn about genealogy and family history.

Ms. Courtright’s dedication and commitment illustrate that she richly deserved being a recipient of a WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award.

For more information on the WSGS Outstanding Volunteer Award program, visit the Recognition page of the WSGS website or contact Roxanne Lowe, Recognition Chair, at Roxanne@thekeeffes.com.

Chelan Valley Gen Society News & Awards

The Chelan Valley Genealogical Society marked their 25th anniversary on Saturday, September 19th, with an awards and program party. Donna Potter Phillips came from Spokane to give a presentation on how to use HeritageQuest Online, a benefit of the Chelan Public Library.

Maureen White and Bettie Kenck, charter members back in 1990 and the group (ones present that day) gathered in front of their birthday banner:

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President Chris Kenck Courtright was presented with the WSGS Certificate of Recognition….. her outstanding contributions to the group were the reason the CVGS members nominated her for this award.

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The Chelan Valley Genealogical Society has a website and a Facebook page. If you’ve ancestral interest in the Chelan-Manson area, do enlist the help of these good folks.

Innovative Grant Awards Announced

WSGS President Mikal McKinnon has announced the local society projects that received Innovative Grants at last month’s state conference. The Innovative Grant Program, awarding financial awards up to $100, was created to support the inventive and creative efforts of WSGS-member societies and organizations. The successfully funded projects, which include matching funds from the local society, are:

  • Chelan Valley Genealogical Society – Purchase of a computer, solely for genealogical research, at the Chelan Public Library. The computer will have access to Ancestry.com and FamilySearch.org.
  • Northeast Washington Genealogical Society – Removal of trees that are endangering the safety of people and protection of grave markers at the Evergreen Cemetery, a local cemetery near Colville. Until NWGS began caring for this long-neglected cemetery, vandalism and lack of care had left its mark on many of the headstones and gravesites. Today, the cemetery looks like an old, but loved, pioneer cemetery.
  • Skagit Valley Genealogical Society – Purchase of a new laptop computer to be used for society presentations and transcription of documents from the Northwest Regional Archives in Bellingham.
  • Tri-City Genealogical Society – Funds will support the society’s “Archived Records Contest” which encourages individuals to share records they have obtained by various means other than just downloading an image from the Internet. Click here for more about the Archived Records Contest.
  • Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society – Specialized computer software to enable more than one volunteer to enter data related to local obituaries, cemetery records, World War I records and more. The software purchase will enable WAGS members to add to their extensive genealogical holdings of more than 394,000 records and 90 databases.

Announcements for the 2016 grant cycle will be posted on the Blog in Spring 2016. For more information about the Innovative Grant Program, contact Roxanne Lowe, WSGS Recognition Chair.