Columbia Gorge Genealogical Society 10 Must Haves for Genealogy Success

October is National Family History Month! Join us for a hour with Thomas MacEntee. Thomas is a internationally known family history speaker, author, tech guy and founder of Abundant Genealogy, GeneaBloggers,Genealogy Bargains,  High-Definition Genealogy. Thomas is a regular speaker at annual RootsTech in Salt Lake City and gives over 250 webinars a year for groups in the US and Canada. Our presentations are free and visitors are welcome.

Please register to attend. Registration here:

Columbia Gorge Genealogical Society Solutions to Researching in Today’s Economy

Morning Members and Friends!

Just a reminder of the upcoming program this Saturday, September 14th at 1:00pm. We will be be discussing ways to best fulfill our research quests in today’s rising costs for subscription and membership fees.

We all want reputable and reliable resources for our work but for some researchers that is becoming a unattainable goal. This program bring suggestions and recommendations on how to best navigate resources in genealogy and history research. Laurel Smith will be joining us from the Genealogical Forum of Oregon providing information on their online databases which you can access from home and their new database NewspaperArchive. 

Please join us! The program is free as always and guests are welcome.

Please register here: 

See you soon!

Columbia Gorge Genealogical Society Oregon in the Civil War

Randol B. Fletcher, the author of Hidden History of Civil War Oregon, will speak on the state of the U.S. military at the start of the Civil War, the formation of Oregon volunteer regiments that replaced the Federal troops withdrawn from Oregon. He will talk about Oregonians who served in the war including Sen. Edward D. Baker and a little known cavalry unit known as Olney’s 40 Thieves that patrolled the Columbia River Gorge. He will also be available for questions and answers.

Randol B. Fletcher, a lifelong student of history, is a fifth-generation Oregonian born and raised in Albany. He graduated from the University of Oregon with degrees in history and political science. Fletcher has been Civil War reenacting since 2003 and is often joined on his adventures by his wife, Karen, and their children, Andrew and Allison. As a member, and past camp commander, of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Fletcher began researching the lives of Oregon Civil War soldiers while leading cemetery restoration projects in Eugene, Corvallis and Portland. His research led him to write a series of Civil War-themed articles for Oregon Magazine. Other publications where Fletcher’s work has appeared include Columbia Magazine and The Banner.

This free program will be in the downstairs classroom. The Cafe is not open at this time. The program is open to the public and there is no museum entrance fee for this event. A $1.00 donation is suggested to off set room rental.

Columbia Gorge Genealogical Society January Meeting

The Columbia Gorge Genealogical Society will meet on January 11, 2020 in the downstairs classroom at the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center. This months program will be the ” Individual Research Assistance” project. The project consists of members collaborating with other members in solving their research dead ends or brick walls.The project will run both January and February. Members are encouraged to bring their laptops and their research data. A short business meeting will begin at 10:30 followed by the beginning of our research assistance project. There is no admission charge to the Discovery Center for attending our meetings. A $1.00 donation is appreciated to cover room rental.  

Columbia Gorge Genealogical Society June Meeting

June general meeting and program

The June meeting and program for the Columbia Gorge Genealogical Society will be June 9, 2018 at the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center starting at 10:30 am.
June’s program will be “Tips from Rootstech” presented by Linda Colton.
Linda is a long standing member of CGGS and attended RootsTech in February in Salt Lake City, Utah.
She will be giving a overview of what was presented and highlights of her trip.
Columbia Gorge Genealogical Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to discovering, preserving and sharing our heritage.
CGGS  meets the second Saturday of each month at the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center at 5000 Discovery Drive in The Dalles, Oregon.
CGGS membership comprises residents of  Wasco, Sherman, Hood River, Klickitat and Skamania Counties.
Public is always welcome – Bring a friend!

A suggested $1.00 donation to cover room rental costs.

CGGS does not meet in July or August – Summer Break!

Columbia Gorge Genealogical Society March Event


The Columbia Gorge Genealogical Society is co-sponsoring two genealogy events in March along with the White Salmon Library in white Salmon, Washington. . I have attached the poster they sent us.

Saturday, March 3 • 2 PM
77 NE Wauna Ave • 509-493-1132
Your Family Tree
Do you ever wonder where your curly hair and green eyes come from? Or why you are good at some things and not at others?
Perhaps the answers are hidden in your family tree. Discover your past at this fun and engaging hands-on program to learn how to climb your family tree. For ages 8 to 108!