is hosting a free Spring Mini-Seminar
Bishop Place Independent Living Social Room, 811 SE Klemgard, Pullman, WA
Saturday, April 27, 2024, 9 AM – 12 Noon

Please register for this event by April 10. Send your name to whitmancgs@gmail.com The event is free, but we need to plan for set-up, refreshments & the number of handouts needed. Walk-in registration is possible, but pre-registration is preferred. Last minute attendance may not be able to receive handout material. Questions? Call Sue Kreikemeier at 509-595-3307.
Presenting Whitman Heritage Digital Collection “Okay, I Have My DNA Results: Now What?”
Above: Franklin School students, Pullman, 1912
From the Staley Museum Collection
Seminar Schedule
9:00 am: – The doors open. Gather, grab a beverage, pick up handouts.
9:30 am – 10:30 am: Presenting Whitman Heritage Digital Collection, Kathy Buchholtz & Alex Otero
10:30 am – 10:45 am: Break and Refreshments
10:45 am – 11:45 am: “Okay, I Have My DNA Results: Now What?”, Jill Nock
Kathy Buchholtz is the Whitman Heritage Digital Collections program manager for Whitman County Library. Alex Otero is the Archivist for Whitman County Historical Society. They will share information about Whitman County Library’s online digital collection; how it came about, how it is funded*, and how to use it. The collection consists of over 5,000 historical images from all over Whitman County. There will be a slide presentation with photographs from Whitman County and a demonstration on how to access and navigate the collection, followed by a time for questions.
*The collection is supported by a grant with funding provided by the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services administered by the Library Services Technology Act, through the Washington State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.
Jill Nock, a WCGS member since 2016, has attained the Accredited Genealogist (AG) credential in the U.S. Upper South region through the International Commission for the Accreditation of Professional Genealogists. Her business is Mountain State Genealogy (http://mtnstgen.com). Focus of Jill’s presentation: Are you stumped with what to do with your DNA test results? DNA has become the genealogy “go-to”. Some brick walls crumble in the face of DNA evidence, but just as often, DNA brings new discoveries to secrets that were long hidden. Jill walks through the steps and gives information for the tools to help you on your DNA journey, followed by a time for questions.
Directions to Seminar: Turn off Bishop Boulevard onto Klemgard St., follow Klemgard St. up the hill and turn left at the top. Do not go into the front entrance, but turn right, continuing up the hill and turn left at the white carports. After parking, enter the building through the main doors near the carports and go straight ahead to the Social Room.