President Virginia Majewski, Past President Mikal McKinnon and Secretary Karen Coppernoll

WSGS Board planning session
The WSGS Board of Directors recently held a planning retreat, coupled with their quarterly board meeting. After Past President Mikal McKinnon passed the gavel to Virginia Majewski, the board launched into an earnest discussion about short- and long-term goals and implementing ideas to increase our visibility and improve communication with local societies, individual members and genealogy/history partners.
Numerous ideas and projects were bandied around, many improving and crystallizing as members voiced their opinions. Some projects, such as the Pioneer and First Citizen Program, will benefit from increased emphasis and exposure. There was also much discussion about how to provide additional services and assistance to local societies. More ideas from societies and individuals are always welcome — just contact any board member.
The minutes of the meetings will be posted in the Members’ Only area of the WSGS website once they’re complete.
The board meetings are open to all WSGS members. The next meeting will be Friday, April 21 at the YVGS Library in Union Gap. For more information about WSGS and/or the board of directors, contact President Virginia Majewski.

Front: Donna Phillips, Diane Huckabay, Virginia Majewski, Karin Coppernoll. Middle: Kathy Sizer, Opal Myhres, Patrick Bundy, Patty Olsen, Roxanne Lowe. Back: Frank McLean, Sue Ericksen, Charles Hansen, Janet McKinnon, Mikal McKinnon, Melonie Liening