Puget Sound Genealogical Society DNA Month

DNA MONTH with Diahan Southard

Series: You Can DO the DNA

(From RootsTech 2024)

Saturday, May 11, 2024

PSGS Class

ZOOM ONLY – 10:30am-12pm

#1 Get Started (or Restarted)

Whether you haven’t taken a DNA test or you did but got discouraged and abandoned the effort, it’s time to take another look.  In 2024, DNA can answer family history questions so much more powerfully than it could even five years ago.  More people have tested, and more tools and strategies have been developed to help you find answers.  More accurate and precise ethnicity results point more meaningfully to ancestral places and populations.  Come learn what’s possible and how to set a good DNA goal (like identifying an unknown ancestor, finding or verifying birth roots, connecting with distant relatives or figuring out where an ancestor was from).  Learn about picking the right test(s) for your goal and how to turn test results into meaningful family history answers.  The best news is that you don’t have to be a scientist to make DNA discoveries.  You can do the DNA – yes, ever YOU!

Join Zoom Meeting


Tacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society Monthly Meeting

Tacoma Pierce County Genealogical Society Monthly Educational Meeting

Tuesday, May 14, 2024, starting at 6:00 pm

Our speaker this month is Larae Liddle. Grave Concerns’ President Laurel Lemke says: Larae Liddle, our amazing volunteer genealogist, will present on behalf of Grave Concerns.  She will be able to describe our grave grooming process and bring a bucket with suggested tools. Also, she will let us know about an upcoming date when we will have the opportunity to help with grave grooming.

“Larae volunteers at the Family Search Center, has written a book documenting McNeil Island burials and she is writing a book about the patient cemetery burials. “

Our meetings are held monthly except for July and August starting at 6:00 PM, Zoom comes live about 6:15 PM.

Attend in person at:

Parkland/Spanaway Branch of Pierce County Library

13718 Pacific Ave S.

Tacoma, WA 98444

Attend virtually via Zoom:

Tacoma-Pierce County Genealogical Society is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZIqduGpqjgsHtBNs9zc8CGna6R-KHlcz5so/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGuqToiG9CWth2DRpwAB4j4WevwiHZdgrd_sgy8GSMLQST4N7Rwf5lXHNvK

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 867 1814 3644

Passcode: 630507

One tap mobile

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+12532158782,,86718143644#,,,,*630507# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location

        +1 253 205 0468 US

        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 867 1814 3644

Passcode: 630507

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcFbCNTY39

Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society Tips for Finding Your Name-Changing Ancestor

Do you know the names of all 8 of your great-grandparents? WAGS is here to help!
The Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society (WAGS)
invites you to a hybrid meeting:
Not Who He Once Was:
Tips For Finding
Your Name-Changing Ancestor
by Mary Kircher Roddy
Do you have someone in your tree who just disappeared? Or one who
seems to have no background at all? Perhaps their story involved a
complete change of name. With case studies of identity shifts, Mary will
give us strategies to discover who they became in later life, or who they
were before you thought you knew them!
Monday afternoon, May 13, 2024
2:00-3:30 p.m.
Via Zoom and in person at the FamilySearch Center,
667 10th Street NE, East Wenatchee
Watch our website (www.wags-web.org ) and
click on “Latest News and Events” for Zoom address.
—For more information call 509-782-4046—

Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society’s library is located at 127 South Mission, Museum Annex Building.
The library is open Tuesdays and Saturdays, 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Visit our website: www.wags-web.org
WAGS connects, collects and protects family historie

Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society Y-Chromosome Insights & Strategies

Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society

Y-Chromosome Insights & Strategies

Richard Hill

Friday, May 17, 2024 at 10:00am – Zoom Only

Learn how Y-DNA testing of suitable males can trace and
confirm paternal lines in your family tree. See how to
choose the right test and how to work with your genetic
matches. Examples cover STRs, SNPs, genetic distance,
match thresholds, Tip reports, the Y-DNA tree,
haplogroups, group projects, account settings, and more.

Richard Hill, the first adoptee to identify his birth family through
DNA testing and genetic genealogy, created the DNA Testing
Adviser website in 2008. Over the next 13 years, he educated
thousands of readers and answered a regular flood of individual
questions. Selling that website in 2021, he launched his “DNA
Favorites” website, self-published “Finding Family: My Search for
Roots” and the “Secrets in My DNA” and became an in-demand
genealogical speaker on all topics DNA.

Heritage Quest Research Library Newspaper Research

Newspaper Research or “That’s My Family.”   So, why do we need to research in newspapers?  Why look for them? How do we find them?
Judy will help us answer all these questions.  We will learn how to find vital statistics, death notices, obituaries, marriage notices, local news and more, all in the NEWSPAPER. 
And she won’t forget to help us find these valuable resources themselves.  Taught by our very own Judy Line
Judy has been doing genealogy for over 30 years.  She has completed formal education programs, and holds several certificates for genealogy from the NIGS and Boston University. Judy is our resident DNA specialist.  When: May 2, 2024
Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Where: ZOOM 
Limited space in-person
Cost: $20 member
          $25 non-member Sign up: www.hqrl.com
Go to the hqrl.com and click on the HQRL Store
Be sure to sign in as a member to receive the discount. Did You Know?
We are OPEN in our new location and would love to see you.  If you’re interested in taking a tour of the new location, just give us a call. If you are a Genealogy Society and would like to bring your group in, let us know and we’ll set a date and time. 
Copyright © 2024 Heritage Quest Research Library, All rights reserved.
You have told us that you want to receive our news and updates from our library.

Our mailing address is:
Heritage Quest Research Library
2102 East Main Suite 105
Puyallup, WA98372-3205

Eastern Washington Genealogical Society Trip to the Oregon Trail!

Please join us on this trip to the Oregon Trail!

(Be sure to read to the end of this message to discover what other treats will be offered at this event.) 

Saturday, May 4

Genealogy of the Oregon Trail  

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Hybrid Meeting at The Hive – 2904 E Sprague Ave, Spokane, WA 99202

Oregon Trail by Travis Boley, Manager of the Oregon and California Trails Association

“Join Travis Boley from the Oregon-California Trails Association (OCTA) as he presents on Paper Trail, OCTA’s online index to thousands of emigrant diaries from the 19th century. The diaries are indexed in a fashion to make it simple for researchers to find people, places, tribal interactions, and even numbers of wagons and animals in a train. Mr. Boley will walk us through Paper Trail and show us how to most efficiently use this valuable genealogy tool.”

  • 1:00-3pm, doors open at 12:30 Greeters will be there to open the door
  • If you will be “zooming in” the Zoom link will be available on the website EWGSi.org the day prior to the event. 
  • Please print your handouts prior to attending; handouts will be available on the website the day prior. 
  • If you are able, please arrive early to help set up/ or stay late to help clean up.

Free Table:

Bring research items that you no longer use;

take something home that may help you break down your brick wall. 


Eat cookies and drink coffee with friends. 

(If you haven’t brought cookies in a while, be sure to sign up.)


I got a sneak peek at this month’s raffles…

you will want to bring some cash to win something! 

Hint: It’s Spring, Birds Singing, Gardens Growing, Mother’s Day,

Oregon Trail…Wow!


Be sure to bring a couple bucks for the 50/50 jar!

Last month’s winner went home quite a bit richer! 


The yearly EWGS auction will take place in October. 

You can bring your donation to any meeting

or contact Brusan Wells.

Here’s an item recently donated:

See you soon on the Oregon Trail!